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In a blink of an eye, a few more hours passed, and the 3rd wave was coming!

As before, the tenth-level cultivator first shot, then the nineth-level, eighth-level …

“7th grade repairer, please shoot!”

The moment the sound hit the ground, Chu Yan immediately acted, Gang Yuan hand seal shot, Divine Strength was like a tide.

Different from the last time, the power of this time 9 domain star chart is not turned into a black wall, but for a palm, shuttling through the void.

This time, it looks much more normal.

However, this normality is only relative, because when the black palm appeared, there were dozens of Profound Light marks on the sky in all directions in 4 directions, and they all rushed to kill them.

“Hmph! The last time you took advantage, this time I will do you first!”

The scaled-horned man’s face was angry, murderous aura was surging, blade glow was passing by, and the Profound Light gangs blocked all the way were all split into pieces.

His goal is extremely clear, the black palm seal that Chu Yan transformed.

For this scene, other practitioners also seem to have expected, after all, the last time Chu Yan’s black wall made everyone feel distressed for a long time.

Therefore, not only the scale-horned men, but also some 7th grade cultivators, immediately chose Chu Yan.


This time, the black palm, as if it is invisible and qualityless, doesn’t touch the 40-plus Profound Light marks at all.

Every time it is drawn, it will bring back a spiritual breath. Less than ten breaths, the large wave of spirits will be pulled away by 90%.

“Wh … what !?”

The scale-horned men, and the powerhouses, were all stunned and completely stupid.

What … fuck! ?

The coincidence just now appeared again! ?

Moreover, it is almost exactly the same as the last time, and it is almost 90% of the spirit wave, disappeared.

You know, the 7th grade cultivator itself is only less than 20% of the spirit tide, but it is just a little spiritual rest, and he was pulled away by 2% for 90 consecutive times.

It’s still letting people live! ?


Among the cultivators on the scene, including tier 9 and tier 1 cultivators, all looked stunned, looked up towards the sky, brows slightly wrinkle.

“This is definitely not a coincidence, nor is there any problem with the spirit wave, this is someone, there is a means to heaven!”

At this time, more people noticed the direction of the black palm seal, and they were all shocked.

Although they didn’t know what the black palm was, they knew that the direction of the black palm seal was Chu Yan.

“Good! Good, ignore the attack! This means good!”

Chu Yan was too lazy to take care of this, and when he saw the power of the 9-domain star map, he ignored the obstacles and suddenly looked happy.

In this case, you do n’t have to worry.

A pile of amethysts piled on the ground. Chu Yan waited for a while. Sure enough, the 9-area astral figure took another 1000 amethysts in one breath.

Chu Yan did not care about him, and began to refining the remaining more than 2000 amethysts.

Time passed slowly, in a blink of an eye, 3rd time, 4th time, and 5th spirit tide, continuous outbreak.

After the end of the 5th spiritual tide, all 7th grade cultivators, including scale-horned men, naked youths, and one of St. God ’s Inner Sect disciple, were all sitting in the stone room with a dumb face Among them, it is like petrochemical.

On the 3rd time, there were 100 Profound Light gangs on the block. The big black net, if there was nothing, it took 90% of the net.

The 4th and 5th times, it was almost the same means, 90% of the spirit wave was taken away with a net, without any discussion at all.

This time, the 7th grade cultivators in the audience could not stand it.

Three times in a row, they did not catch anything, good luck, strong, up to ten Spirit Crystal.

At this point, Spirit Crystal is not enough to stop the teeth!


The sensation of almost vomiting blood made them almost pumped out.

You know, this is a direct enemy, that’s all, you can only blame your skills are not as good as others.

But in those few times just now, the other party didn’t even give them the opportunity to get a head start.

Even if all of them use all one’s strength, but the black net of others ignores it directly, and they don’t give face at all when they want to wear it.

It seems that their Profound Light gang is all decorated.

Is there anything more popular than this! ?

Looking at the Spirit Crystals in my hand, a group of 7th grade powerhouses, all of Sea of ​​Consciousness is about to explode.

“What’s going on !? Never seen ah!”

“This is who are you, this means, too terrifying it !?”

“This is still a fart, Mao can’t get a!”


From the first level to the 7th grade, all the cultivators are all depressed and ignorant.

“Among these 7th grades, there is an interesting person!”

The powerhouses of 9th, 8th and 1th ranks are not affected by much, and all of them are of different colors.

They are all in the Shenhai Realm and have a prestigious presence. At this time, they are all interested in the owner of the big black net.

“Haha, didn’t expect someone has such a means, Chu Yan, Chu Yan, this time is your bad luck!”

Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng, not knowing what he was thinking, his mouth lightly raised, full of smiles.

In his view, there is such a supreme expert in the 7th grade, then all those who participated in this time of the day are all bad luck.

As a little king, he has countless resources and many tokens. It doesn’t matter at all. At worst, he will cultivate again.

However, he feels that Chu Yan is not as heavenly ascension to get a token, which is a waste, and it is cool to think about it.

“Oh, Chu Yan, your luck is not so good!”

Not only Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng, but even the Young Master Eclipse, also had a painful and happy face.

Although they also suffered a lot of loss, when he thought of the expression that Chu Yan could not find anything, he was not happy in his heart.

At this time, Tian City, an ancient palace.

“Report …”

a Anxiety sounded, and the silence of the palace was suddenly peeled.

A young disciple dressed in white robe hurried into the palace and shouted.

“hmph! ”

a Heavy hum blew up in the palace, while the indifferent sound rang out, while the endless divine might roll over.

“Tell you how many times, pay attention to identity, pay attention to place, you are not a Loose Cultivator, what kind of system!”

The master of the voice shouted at the white robed youth disciple that rushed into the temple.

“Li Chang … Elder, the spirit wave of Tiantian Muya, weird things happen, discipline … disciple, forget it, Elder Li, you can see for yourself!”

The white robe disciple waved a hand, took out a piece of Jade Talisman, and handed it to Elder Li on the high seat.

“Yi !? This …”

When Divine Consciousness was swept away, all the scenes in Jade Talisman were clearly seen, and Elder Li’s face froze there.

“This … how is this done !?”

Even if it was Elder, the master who guarded the Heavenly Muya, he was ashamed.

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