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It’s a good fat difference to guard the Tianmuya.

Therefore, for the past 1000 years, Elder Li has been very comfortable here.

But this matter today is completely beyond his cognition. At least in the past 1000 years, he has never encountered such a thing.

Of course, there are some great Divine Ability practitioners who are not without them.

It is also not unprecedented to cast a rare and powerful divine spell that takes away 3 to 40% of the spiritual rest at once.

“Elder Li, a 7th grade cultivator, has jointly protested to us, let us drive that person out!”

The white robe disciples twitched and sweated.

“Look at it!”

Elder Li dared not delay and got up quickly.

7th grade cultivators, different levels, many of whom are great influence and disciples, if only one or two is okay, all add up together, it is over 2 gangsters.

Although Tiantianya is not necessarily afraid of them, it is only a strange thing that this time it takes 90% of the spiritual breath away.

This is Chu Yan, what is the origin? ?

The most important thing is how he did it! ?

If his method is leaked out, in the future, don’t do it again! ?

Things, the more I think about terrifying, Elder Li’s face is also a little nervous.

Above the 7th grade stone chamber, Chu Yan constantly refining the amethyst.

Unlike the previous few times, after all his refining at this time, the taboo heart finally responded, and softly trembled, the taboo aura released was merged into his 4 limbs body.

Although there is no substantive change, it is also a sign that it will become a taboo body.

“Five shots, using only a hint of the power of the 5-domain star chart, next time, will it be more …”

Chu Yan thought about it, and when he discussed with the 9-domain star chart, he suddenly felt something, complexion changed, and he stood up.


Chu Yan waved his arm, clear Sky Sword in his hand directly out of the sheath, the whole body Divine Strength, running to Peak.

“Very good! Trifling Earth Peak, can even sense me!”

Elder Li waved his hand, the void trembling, and his figure slowly appeared in the stone chamber.

Dider King Diver King’s Elder, at least it should be respectable.

And to be able to defend such places as Tianmuya, the cultivation base must be at least Peak.

“who are you!?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness is tense, and the gleam in his eyes flashes.

Although this man respected the situation and did not have any killing intent, this ray of immortality, like a mountain, gave him great pressure.

“The gap between God and Venerable is really not that big!”

Of course Chu Yan knows that the other party’s cultivation base realm definitely exceeds the God realm.

“Sorry, first introduce myself, I am Elder under Divine King, my name is Li Tong!”

Li Tong Elder hangs his hands, as easy as possible, without hostility.

A pair of eyes is constantly looking at Chu Yan, it seems that he wants to see through Chu Yan’s means directly.

“Elder Li, I don’t know what to do if you come here !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, looking at each other, groaning slightly, then said

“According to the regulations of Duan Tianmuya, it seems that the identity of the cultivation person cannot be arbitrarily revealed. This stone room should not be allowed to break in casually !?”

A broken word directly made Li Tong Elder twitch the corner of his mouth twice.

This black robe kid has the same mouth as a knife.

“The rules are right, but the movements that Xiaoyou made just now are a bit big. As a Guardian, I have to come and see!”

Li Tong Elder’s heart was depressed, and his face still had to show a smile

“I’m just wondering what method Xiaoyou used to achieve this degree !?”

He naturally sees that Chu Yan has no desire to chat with him, so he expresses his intentions directly.

“Of course, if the little ones are willing to tell the truth, I will not treat the little ones myself.”

While speaking, Li Tong Elder waved his big hand, and a diamond-shaped Jade Talisman appeared in front of Chu Yan. The Spirit Qi fluctuated, making Chu Yan’s eyes tremble.

The spiritual strength contained in this Jade Talisman can be comparable to at least 100,000 Spirit Crystals.

“Many thanks Elder Li, but I am inconvenienced by this means!”

Chu Yan took a deep breath, glanced at the diamond-shaped Jade Talisman, and refused.

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, Li Tong’s smile suddenly froze, and the corner of his mouth twitched twice.

100,000 pieces of Spirit Crystal, the number can be quite a lot, but this Chu Yan is completely unmoved! ?

Although I guessed it before coming, the opponent impossible reported his hole cards and told the truth.

However, it was a bit uncomfortable to be refused face to face by a kid from Peak.

“In this case, I don’t force it, but you must know that your method has caused us trouble and has caused some trouble.”

“Do you think this is the case? I’ll take out another piece of this Jade Talisman, can you leave!”

Li Tong Elder stepped down to ask for second place

“In Shenhai Realm, even if you have some identity, it is not wise to offend so many people at once!”

It is temptation and coercion again, this means …

However, Chu Yan completely shook his head as if he had not heard it.

“Sorry, don’t want to leave for now!”

If we say that this Li Tong Elder does not say the latter sentence, maybe Chu Yan will also consider it, at least not so fast.

However, this intimidation made Chu Yan very unhappy.

Moreover, to offend the person, to Chu Yan, it doesn’t seem to be a major event.

After all, when I came to the door here, I met Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng and Eclipse Young Master, who were offended.

But what about that! ?

According to Divine King’s regulations, no one is allowed to do anything in this Heavenly City.

In this case, even this Elder, what is the respect for the human being! ?

This time, Li Tong Elder’s complexion struck instantly!

Originally, his second goal was calculated. The other party, a small earth god Peak, does not say that he is afraid to offend the person, at least he must give himself this face.

But now, he even refused! ?

In this way, this matter will be a bit troublesome to deal with.

As Chu Yan guessed, although he was guarding Elder, he had to act according to the rules, and he had no power to punish those who did not violate the rules.

“No, if you go on like this, the consequences …”

In Li Tong Elder’s mind, a path of bad consciousness flashed, and now he kept meditating on the way, suddenly eyes shined.

“Oh, since Xiaoyou doesn’t want to leave, I can’t help it, but according to my judgment, Xiaoyou’s methods are not suitable for staying in this 7th grade stone room!”

Li Tong Elder chuckled.

“En !? What do you mean !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Don’t know the little friend, would you like to go to the 9th-step stone room and replace it with half a year for 2 months !?”

“With the means of a friend, the 9nd stone room 2nd round shot, then you can get more!”

Li Tong Elder’s face is full of smiles, and all his words are radicals

“Just don’t know little friends, do you have the guts!”

He is a plan, a red fruit plan for Chu Yan.

9 Step Stone Room, is that what ordinary people can do! ?

Among the current 9-story stone chambers, either the Dao Lineage ’s 3 disciples, or the genius, there are also several powerhouses.

Such a lineup, even if this Chu Yan, means heaven defying, what wave can it turn up! ?

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