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There was a very strange scene in the evaluation of the copper altar.

Everyone present looked up and looked towards the big man, his face stunned.

You should know that this copper altar, although extremely mysterious, contains immortal strength, but it can only be used for testing without being urged by others. There is no other power at all.

But now, this situation is obviously wrong!

“En!? Is this …”

5 Elder’s eyes were instantly shining, his face filled with amazement, and he stood up suddenly.


Among the bronze altars, a powerful Immortal Intent suddenly rushed.

These Immortal Intents suddenly collapsed and evolved into a vast sky. The scenes on them included the Immortal Crane, the sun and moon wheels, and a large group of immortals, killing each other.

“Heaven … Heaven! This … this is the spirit vein of the Tianhe Order!”

The blonde man almost jumped up with a look of shock all over his face.

Because of the excitement, he contained the body Divine Strength with a violent shock and a loud voice, resounding throughout the Martial Arts Stage.

“What !? Spirit vein of the Celestial Order !?”

The monks present, all heard terrified look at the roar of blond man.

Astronomical spirit vein, that is the highest spirit vein, even if it is some peerless genius, it may not be available.

But this big man in front of him has such a terrifying spirit vein! ?

“This … this is mine !?”

The big man stood there dumbly, his mouth wide open, his face ignorant.

“Ha ha ha, very good! The spirit vein of the heavenly order, all the main cities, can’t match ah!”

The blonde man’s face is full of ecstasy, which is definitely a surprise for every cloud has a silver lining.

However, he didn’t wait for the surprise and excitement, and suddenly his face changed suddenly.

“No, ah! The big man’s hand was not pressed on the altar!”

A pair of eyes kept looking at the big man’s blond man, and when he found something wrong, he was surprised.

“Not him! It was the young man just now!”

5 Elder’s eyes flashed sharply, opened the mouth and said anxiously

“At the time of the youth test just now, the altar did not respond because the Immortal Intent was being mobilized and a natural phenomenon was brewing!”

Blonde man hearing this, suddenly turned his head towards the crowd, and began to look quickly.

“Go there !? I want to find him immediately and let him join our Sect …”

His response was extremely fast, and the most critical point immediately came to mind.

If such a strong genius is not recruited into Sect because of such negligence, then he shall not regret dying.

“I am going too!”

5 Elder knew that it mattered a lot, and dared not be negligent.

The silhouette of 2 people flashed at the same time, disappeared in the 9-Layer palace, and flew directly to the Martial Arts Stage.

At the same time, on the main street of Ning Tian City, Yunlai restaurant.

Huayang sent a message to Chu Yan that the meeting place was the box of Yunlai restaurant.

Chu Yan entered the box and saw a woman in purple clothes at a glance, followed by the very familiar face.

Unlike in the Yin-Yang world, Huayang now has an aura like the deep sea.

Chu Yan swept his eyes, and found that Huayang’s cultivation base reached the 1st Layer of God, and within the body had the meaning of a avenue.

Now, he should have surpassed 4 lines of effort and entered the threshold of the avenue.

Not waiting for Chu Yan to speak, but in the eyes of the woman in purple clothes, she found strong hostility.

Obviously, this is the first time I met this woman in purple clothes. How could there be such a strong Evil Thought! ?

“Brother Yan!”

Huayang froze for a few moments, suddenly reacted, and stood up suddenly. His eyes were all red. With a tom, he kneeled directly in front of Chu Yan.

“Don’t … don’t do that!”

Chu Yan quickly lifted Huayang up with one hand, said with a smile

“We convened, it is the real brother, it doesn’t have to be this way!”

The woman saw this scene, but she was disdainful.

Her hostility towards Chu Yan, of course, came from Huayang. Before, Chu Yan had scolded her because of her relationship.

Moreover, a soaring ascendant in the lower realm, how to deserve the Huayang big brother, attaches great importance to it.

“Brother !? hmph! You really can get involved!”

purple clothes woman secretly said in one’s heart.

“Yan Brother is right, it’s my face!”

Huayang scratched his head and smiled with a smile on his face, where it looked like a genius.

“Brother Yan, let’s talk about the business first. I don’t know what realm you’re cultivating base !?”

Huayang asked.

“Earth Peak!” Chu Yan will not hide anything from Huayang.

“Earth God Peak !?” Huayang hearing this, but a look of surprise.

Although he is very clear, his big brother has already stepped into the avenue, and his origins are extremely out of the ordinary, but he did not even think that such a short period of time, the cultivation base has risen so fast.

“It’s nothing more than Peak, what a surprise !?”

purple clothes woman coldly snorted, with a puzzled look on her face.

Although she didn’t ask, because she knew that Huayang big brother didn’t like to talk to others when someone interrupted.

“Brother Yan, this time …”

Hua Yang just prepared to explain the situation of this time task to Chu Yan, but at this time, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open.

A blond man and an old man stepped in quickly.

“En !? 5 Elder !?”

Purple clothes The girl’s small face was full of surprises. She was an Outer Sect disciple, dared not show any respect to Elder, and quickly got up and saluted.

“5 Elder, you guys …”

Huayang glanced at the two people, and his face instantly became cold.

“Hua … Huayang Junior Brother !?”

Blonde man and 5 Elder were shocked at the same time.

“It turns out that Huayang Junior Brother is here!”

5 Elder’s complexion soon returned to normal, with a smile on his face, and then said

“This time, there are mainly very important things to find him, so anxious!”

Chu Yan startled, Huayang is brows slightly wrinkle

“This is my big brother, what’s the matter?”

Blonde man and 5 Elder were stunned at the same time, their faces stunned.

They didn’t expect, this black robed youth, still has this kind of identity, turned out to be Huayang’s big brother.

“Ha ha ha, let me just say, there is something wrong with the spirit vein of Tianxiang, it turns out to be your big brother!”

5 Elder laughed loudly, looking extremely happy.

“What !? Sky Elephant spirit vein !?”

Purple clothes The woman’s face was suddenly full of consternation.

A soaring person in the lower realm would have such a powerful innate talent! ?

You know, Huayang big brother is only Innate high grade.

And Huayang seems to be not surprised at all. His big brother, if it is not the celestial spirit vein, is strange.

“Sky Elephant spirit vein !?”

Chu Yan was slightly nodded and there was no unexpected expression on his face.

This scene, falling in the eyes of blonde man and 5 Elder, twitched the corners of his mouth at the same time.

What a special situation! ?

“This … this Fellow Daoist, I am looking for you because you, an innate talent like you, should join us in Sect. As long as you want, I can break through and make you directly an Outer Sect …”

Speaking of which, 5 Elder started suddenly, seemed to think of something, and quickly changed his mouth

“Directly become Inner Sect disciple!”

The woman in the purple clothes next to me, heard this sentence, and suddenly opened a small mouth, which directly opened into an O shape.

This guy turned into Inner Sect disciple directly! ?

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