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This is not the Inner Sect disciple of the Overlord of the world, but the Inner Sect disciple of the 3 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, the head of the 9 Dao Lineage.

Once joined, it is definitely a symbol of Supreme’s identity in Shenhai Realm.

You know, even if it is a powerhouse that has mastered 3 lines of strength, has a spirit vein, and wants to become an Inner Sect disciple, it has to go through layers of assessment.

The woman in purple clothes has participated in the assessment three times, but did not succeed.

“Hmph! It must be because of Huayang’s big brother. Even if there is a celestial spirit vein, it is at most Outer Sect disciple.”

Her looked towards Chu Yan’s gaze became sharper. Not only did her look towards Chu Yan’s gaze not change, but the Evil Thought became deeper.

“Elder, sorry, I didn’t plan to join the forces!”

Chu Yan hearing this, but shook the head, refused directly.

“What !? You … will not join !?”

5 Elder, blond man, and women in purple clothes are all ignorant, and they ca n’t believe what they heard.

Such a great opportunity fell in front of him, he did not cherish it at all! ?

“Xiaoyou, you … did not hear clearly, I am talking about the Inner Sect disciple position of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect!”

5 Elder’s tone became astonishing.

As the woman in purple clothes said, he changed his mind temporarily from Outer Sect disciple quota to Inner Sect disciple. It is because of hearing that this black robed youth is Huayang ’s big brother.

In this way, not only the powerful genius was recruited, but also in front of Hua Yang, let him owe his affection.

But now, Chu Yan’s attitude makes his killing two birds with one stone all fall through.

Even refused! ?

If you are not looking at Huayang’s face, if you want to become an Inner Sect disciple, you must definitely pass the assessment.

Huayang heard the words of Chu Yan, it was also complexion slightly changed, but, he did not at all persuaded, but looked towards 5 Elder, opened the mouth and said

“5 Elder, my big brother will not join, even if you propose the true position of the disciplinary position, he will not consider it, because, he has already stepped into the path …”

Speaking of which, Huayang suddenly came and suddenly changed his mouth

“4 lines do your best!”

In the realm of earth god, you can master 4 lines of strength, which is absolutely stunning innate talent, and now it is as shocking to say.

“What !? 4 lines do your best !?”

5 Elder, blond man, and women in purple clothes are all shocked and can’t believe it.

4 Do your best, this is … the genius.

“Didn’t expect, the little friend actually hides so deep, but he also blames the old man for being clumsy.”

5 Elder’s uncomfortable moment, the smoke disappeared instantly, and his face was embarrassed.

Geshi genius, don’t say Inner Sect disciple, put it on other Dao Lineage, a true disciplinary discipline position, absolutely can’t run away.

“Elder is welcome!”

Chu Yan chuckled, shook the head, and bowed his hand.

After all, these 5 Elders are Huayang’s Sect Elder, and Chu Yan does not want to make Huayang too difficult.

“Then let’s leave first!”

5 Elder and blonde man twitched the corners of their mouths and turned away quickly.

“Yan … Hello Yan!”

Seeing 5 Elder and blond man leave, the woman in purple clothes was full of red, and quickly hurried to Chu Yan saluted.

She suddenly blushed when she thought of the thoughts in her heart just now.

Fortunately, she didn’t say all at all, just thinking about it in her heart, otherwise she would lose her face today.

Chu Yan just nodded to her, turned her head towards Huayang, and continued to ask.

“Huayang, the task you just said …”

Huayang heard it and quickly explained

“There are 3 tasks in this time. I will consider them now. You should also take a look.”

After all, Huayang raised his hand and waved a, directly into Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Under King God, Great Elder Mu Ling Taoist, 1000-year-old national banquet, go to congratulations, without losing my sect etiquette, reward 2 God Dan!”

“9 Hejiao Shengongxi, breakthrough the status of a deity, master 4 lines of strength, worship the Lord Overlord, hold a teacher banquet, go to congratulators, reward Tongxuan Order!

“The lower world, Little World, face-to-face battle, go to help, award …”

These three tasks are all received by Huayang by identity, and they are all good tasks of equal priority.

Not only is there no danger, but also to get to know the big brothers of various forces, and there are rewards, which are definitely the easiest welfare in the task.

“What a Shengong Stream …”

Chu Yan’s eyes have always stayed on the second task, with a killing intent flashing in his eyes.

He didn’t expect that this Shengong Creek, really so fast, broke through to the Earth Venerable Realm, and also mastered 4 lines of strength.

When he is promoted to Heavenly Venerable Realm, he can directly dominate to achieve the Overlord Position.

“The first mission!”

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, and finally opened the mouth and said.

In contrast, Chu Yan is more interested in that King God.

He wondered if this King of God is related to Saint Heavenly Pavilion of Ten Directions Star Domain.

As for dealing with Shengongxi, after all, his current cultivation base is still weaker.

Going to him now means that you are courting death.

“Brother Yan, this task will take another 3 days …”

Hua Yang finished speaking, opened the mouth and said in a low voice, “I joined 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect at this time, got a volume of questions and asked the law, I will wait for you!”

“This is the way to ask, if Brother Yan is interested, you can cultivate it!”

Without waiting for Chu Yan to answer, Huayang directly took out a Jade Talisman, stuffed it into Chu Yan’s hand, got up with a woman in purple clothes, and left directly.

“Ask the law !? This … Huayang is too brave !?”

Chu Yan looked at Jade Talisman in his hand, and he couldn’t help but stunned, but looking at the background when Huayang left, it was also a warm heart.

The law of asking, and the place of asking is definitely the core of Supreme Dao Lineage’s power.

It is precisely because of this that Supreme Dao Lineage forces have extremely strict control over these two cores, and no one should leak it, otherwise the punishment will be extremely heavy.

Huayang gave himself the method of asking, but he took great risks.

At the same time, this is also an absolute trust in Chu Yan, otherwise, it is equivalent to putting yourself in danger.

“Tell him next time, you can’t be so risky in the future!”

Chu Yan groaned in his heart, and waved his hand at the same time, laying a layer of prohibition in the room.

Immediately, his consciousness penetrated into Jade Talisman and began to view the contents.

This place is naturally not a place for cultivation, but, with curiosity in my heart, let’s take a look first.

If this questioning method really has a great effect on him, then it can be considered to join a Supreme Dao Lineage force and get it yourself.


Divine Consciousness has just entered the Jade Talisman, a sounds like Hong Yin from Great Ancient Era, and in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, it exploded.

His Divine Strength within the body, along with this flood sound, continues to surge, within the body Divine Spark seems to be received by summon, releasing 10000 golden glow, might of Grand Dao, and running at the same time.

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