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This is a cultivation technique that makes Chu Yan shocked!

Even if it was just a shock, Chu Yan’s mind trembles.

“Heaven and Earth mysterious yellow, for the rest of his life, can not peep …”

“10000 Cangling spirits, 10000 cultivation methods are all imaginary methods. Martial Dao’s trip is not Dao Realm, cultivation base is heaven, but it is not a mortal body, a mortal way, not a cultivation!”

“This law is called Xuanhuang Zhenrui, what is Xuan !? Heavenly Falun Gong …”

As Chu Yan looked down word by word, on his Sea of ​​Consciousness World sky, a tall silhouette suddenly appeared, as if the Lord of Heaven and Earth, sitting on the sky, looking down on the people below.

This method of asking questions is extremely mysterious!

Now, Huayang has given him only the first chapter in Xuan Huang’s True Decision.

This chapter is a preface to the conclusion, and most of them explain the roots of the method of questioning.

But even so, Chu Yan was completely immersed in it, entering a state of ecstasy, the entire Divine Soul, was completely attracted.

This state, which has not been experienced in a long time, is called … sudden enlightenment.

After all, for Chu Yan, whether he stepped into the might of Grand Dao, or later on Small Accomplishment, strictly speaking, he was guided by War God or whatever, not by his own understanding.

This kind of guidance moves forward on Martial Dao cultivation.

However, his understanding of the law of asking is completely blank.

So, suddenly came into contact with the law of asking, it seems that all the previous accumulation, in this brief moment, all broke out.

Chu Yan is totally immersed in these words.

Time passed slowly, and soon a day passed.

I saw that Chu Yan was covered with a layer of indifferently said light. The information was in the whole box. All the tables and chairs and other dead objects seemed to have spirituality and lived.

These dead objects, shrouded by Chu Yan’s Daoguang, even breathe and suck as the Daoguang fluctuates, as if they were real creatures.

This time sudden enlightenment, let him have a new understanding of Tao, is a huge breakthrough invisible.

However, he didn’t even realize that when the Daoguang covered him, the position of his eyebrows, a flaming mark, sucked away the Divine Strength of his within the body.

After a long time, the Spirit Seal released a trace of black tentacles, walking down the skin, moving towards Chu Yan’s limbs, chest and other places, constantly spawning.

A faint Vault of Heaven will begin to quietly conceive.

This mutation continued until the morning of the 2nd day, for exactly 2 days, Chu Yan’s body, the Great Desolate Vault of Heaven’s will, reached a very rich point.

This includes all the dead things around you, within ten steps, under the will of the Vault of Heaven, they have completely changed, as if from the inside to the outside, they have been completely corroded, but they can remain the same.

“It’s worthy of asking the law, this mystery is really determined, contains Heaven and Earth mysterious, it’s amazing!”

Chu Yan exhaled a long breath, slowly eyes opened, deep in his eyes, still shocked.

For 2 days and 2 nights, with his innate talent, he could not fully understand the first chapter of this mystery, but only had a preliminary understanding.

However, it was this recognition that gave him a new understanding of Tao.

The so-called Tao refers to the Tao of oneself.

This point coincides with Chu Yan’s Ten Directions Star Domain, the two avenues of cultivation, the way of self and Destruction Dao.

Therefore, when Chu Yan first came into contact with the method of asking questions, he had a feeling beyond imagination.

What is Tao? In simple terms, it can be called … law!

The law is the foundation of everything, even though Heaven and Earth is also based on the law.

If there is no law, the 10000 things between Heaven and Earth and 10000 things will be out of control, and they will be in chaos, or even collide with each other, destroying everything and annihilating 10000 things.

So now Chu Yan finally understands that Divine Spark illusory shadow told himself that there is a huge gap between Dao Realm Great Accomplishment and Dao Realm Perfection, which originally meant this.

Dao Realm Great Accomplishment is Daoguang within the body, to a certain extent.

Dao Realm Perfection can create its own avenue.

During the lifetime of Dadao, the law rotates, and the cultivator jumps out of the bondage of Heaven and Earth, which exists outside of Xuan Huang.

In other words, the cultivator has become an independent self, and there is no difference between this and Heaven and Earth. It is completely equal.

Xuanhuang really decided, cultivation to Perfection Realm, is Xuanhuang Avenue.

“However, these 8 Yuxuanhuang Real Decisions were created by the 8-bit Supreme Supreme of Xuan Desolate Sect. If you learn this true resolution …”

In Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, the thoughts flashed, and under constant contemplation, it seemed to feel something.

“Yi!? How did my body change …”

Chu Yan’s face started, and he looked down, and his face was suddenly stunned.

Does it mean that when you realize that Xuanhuang is really determined, your body will actually cultivate itself! ?

“Huayang, you didn’t even tell me at all !?”

Chu Yan smiled bitterly.

For the mystery of Xuanhuang, because of the comprehend just now, Chu Yan has the bottom of his mind and temporarily put down the idea of ​​cultivation.

“No way, it has already started, so we can only continue to cultivate!”

After a long time, Chu Yan calmed down slowly, hook the head.

Perhaps, you really have a great chance with this mystery, so you really have no problem in cultivating it.

breathes deeply, Chu Yan’s hands reprinted, forming a special hand seal.

This hand seal is called “Profound”, which is the most basic seal of mystery.

Buzz …!

Chu Yan’s true and determined will emanating from his body suddenly seemed to be summoned. Simultaneously shua shua merged into Chu Yan within the body and completely integrated with Divine Strength.

Successful fusion is the beginning of 1st Step.

Boom … rumbling!

At this moment, Chu Yan’s within the body, a terrified aura, exploded like a Nine Heavens Supreme, waking up from a deep sleep.

“this is….”

Chu Yan was stunned.

At the next breath, the mutation regenerates.

The box where he was suddenly turned into a vast green ocean.

In his body, the mysterious wasteland was really absorbed by what strength, forced out, and in the sky evolved a bright river of Dao Realm, slowly flowing.

In front of him, a very tall silhouette, standing tall, could not see the original appearance of this silhouette at all.

“Give me … get lost!”

The majestic silhouette of the eyes, like a path of divine light, directly hit the river of Dao Realm, shouted sharply.

The whole green world is trembling.


The river of Dao Realm that Xuanhuang really formed was trembling violently. Although it was obviously falling under the pressure of green world, it continued to collapse, but it was still struggling crazy.

“You don’t have to struggle, it’s not that you can’t do it, but you … not worthy!”

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