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Chu Yan’s figure flashed again, appearing behind Zuo Jiatian. Raising his hand was a vast Sword Qi.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Passed by Sword Qi, a path of skeleton law seal, Qi Qi shattered, by Sword Qi, fiercely cut on the back of Zuo Jiatian.

“Um hmph!”

Zuo Jiatian suffered a sword, the whole body shuddered suddenly, and took a 7-8 step back.

“Ha ha ha, good! Very good! Trifling Earth God Peak, can hurt me!”

Not only was Zuo Jiatian not angry, but instead he made a laughter, wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked up towards Chu Yan’s eyes, making it more fierce.

An extremely powerful aura, as he continued to rise within the body.

“Now, it may finally be a fight!”

Zuo Jiatian landed on the ground with a word, and raised his hand to be two big axes, suddenly thrown, moved towards Chu Yan and smashed it directly.

2 Fairy lights, struck like lightning, instantly reached the top of Chu Yan’s head.

“So fast!?”

Chu Yan’s eyes shrank, his hair stands on end, and he had no time to mobilize the battle skill.


He seemed to be hit by two mountains, the entire skeleton burst, his body tumbling madly, and his body flew backwards like a shooting star.


Chu Yan endured pain and shouted in his heart.

In an instant, an extremely powerful life, aura, rushed out of within the body and rushed to the skeleton meridian, and all injuries recovered instantly.

However, before he could react, a black shadow rushed in front of him.

Zuo Jiatian succeeded without any stagnation. He grabbed 2 tomahawks and rushed to Chu Yan.

A pair of cold, biting eyes looked down on Chu Yan.

“Axe moves mountains and rivers!”

In the next moment, the fairy light of all around empties, all surging, in the sky a path of fissures continue to spread towards all around.

“Chu Yan … to be defeated!”

Including the Mu Ling Taoist, Heavenly Venerate powerhouse and other cultivators all judged the Tao in their hearts.

Such a terrible axe power, even if Chu Yan’s injury can recover, it does not make any sense.

However, they believe that Chu Yan can support the current 7 ten breaths time, already considered very strong.

“Brother Yan!”

Huayang’s face was anxious, and even Yulinger, not far away, had beautiful eyes flashing.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, didn’t expect, this is what you are going to do!”

Xiao Tian Wang Yuepeng and Sun Yifeng all laughed and remembered in their hearts, but they felt very refreshing.

Li Mutian’s eyes looked towards Zuo Jiatian for the first time and felt a little more pleasing to the eye.

“Your Fleshy body is so powerful that you can recover instantly! But it’s useless!”

Zuo Jiatian’s double axe was lifted, 10000 shadows of axe emerged, as if the 10000 river returned to the sea, rushed into the double axe, and turned into infinite power.


A loud noise exploded, and in an instant, Zuo Jiatian’s expression solidified.

a Bloody big hand, fiercely grabbed it, grabbed the hand holding the axe in its entirety, even if the power of Zuo Jiatian was increased, it would not be able to get in.


a faint voice sounded, powerful imposing manner, burst into the sky.

The whole audience was shocked.

“How is this possible !? He … withstood it !?”

Whether it is a wood spirit Taoist or other Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, it is all a face that can’t believe it.

You have to know that the power of the axe just left is not a general method. The main is the powerhouse of the 3rd Layer of God, and it can’t be stopped at all.

Not to mention, Chu Yan is the god of Peak.

But now, not only is it blocked, but it looks like a very relaxed feeling.


Zuo Jiatian himself is all ignorant.

He played against Chu Yan. Naturally, he knows best. Just to what extent did Chu Yan ’s Fleshy body hurt, even top grade Divine Pill will not necessarily recover instantly.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

The answer is impossible, really want to answer, that is a sharp sword light, dropping from the sky, fiercely cut out.

At this time, Chu Yan, in an imposing manner, has undergone tremendous changes, just like the War God, coming to the world.

“Hmph! I don’t believe it!”

Zuo Jiatian snorted again, fiercely tossed a heavy axe in his hand, his hands broke free, and the shadow of the sky was split again.

Chu Yan’s Blade Qi, although incomparably large, but before the axe shadow, he still has a huge gap, just a collision, all turned into nothing.

Moreover, Chu Yan’s silhouette was instantly pushed back by the sky.

“Taboo Body!”

At the time of 1000 shots, Chu Yan snarled, his body imposing manner, and soared again.

If there was a realm difference between Zuojiatian and Zuojiatian before, then now, the gap endless is narrowed.

“Battle strength has doubled !?”

Wood Spirit Daoist, the major Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse, are all full of surprise, simply didn’t expect, there will be such a situation.

You know, in this cultivation base realm, when fighting, you can also double the battle strength. It is terrifying to think about it.

“Does he …”

Sun Yifeng and Li Mutian, complexion changed at the same time.

Xiao Tian Wang Yuepeng’s complexion instantly became extremely dark.

He knows that Chu Yan can double the cultivation base, but just didn’t expect that Chu Yan can recover his injury instantly.

Now that 7 ten breaths have passed, is it true that Chu Yan really blocked thehundred breaths! ?

“Chu Yan, didn’t expect, you still have the cards! This time, if you can block my hundred breaths time, I will not abandon your Qi Sea, that black blade, also give you!”

In Zuo Jiatian’s eyes, all of them were fine, and announced loudly.

At the same time, his blood within the body, like boiling, made a rumble rolling sound.

Although his spirit wisdom and Divine Soul were damaged, his battle intent has never been reduced.

The more powerful Chu Yan in front of him, the more excited he is.


Zuo Jiatian roared and counted 100 Avatar reappearances, and at the same time exhibited a mighty soldier, just like a large army, moved towards Chu Yan and rushed away.

“Destroy War Body!”

Chu Yan, a battle intent, also broke out to the extreme. The blood in his heart was boiling like fire, and a trick was launched, and the bottom card was exhausted.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The huge Martial Arts Stage space, tremors violently.

Chu Yan’s clash with Zuo Jiatian broke out again, more than a few times more powerful than before.

The cultivators on the scene, even at long distances, can feel a very powerful impact, so that their Divine Soul tremors.

Not only that, but even the faces of Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse also showed a touch of interest.

After some confrontation, the time soon reached 8 ten breaths.

At the 9th ten breaths, although Chu Yan was at a disadvantage, the battle intent was getting stronger.

And Zuo Jiatian, for a while, simply couldn’t get Chu Yan, simply impossible.

“Last ten breaths!”

Huayang’s body has been disabled to bear, his whole body is tense, and a heart is mentioned in his throat.

In Yu Ling’er beside him, a pair of beautiful big eyes, the same fruit is also flashing in different light, rippling.

“Zuo Jiatian, abolish him ah!”

Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng, Sun Yifeng, Li Mutian and the others, all with sorrowful faces, roared in their hearts.

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