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Surrounded by immortal light, Zuo Jiatian’s imposing manner was mad like waves, and he was born with the Fa seal.

“Furious roar, Heaven and Earth let me break!”

Along with Zuo Jiatian’s roar, all around counted 100 Avatar like the 10000 river returning to the sea, blending into his double axe.

Boom … rumbling!

The axe did not fall, the light was might, and it shook the void, the powerful air wave passed by, and the void around all began to twist and deform.


Drink it in one word, Heaven and Earth is blood red, and 10000 things solidify.

In an instant, as if in the sky a crack, suddenly opened, a tall silhouette rushed out, holding a heavy axe and slashing against Chu Yan.

This time’s killing trick is completely different from the previous one. It is invisible and immaterial, not only attacking Fleshy body, but also Divine Soul, it can also be broken.

If this move cannot be stopped by Chu Yan, then including his Fleshy body, together with Divine Soul, will all be destroyed. Under heavy damage, the battle strength will be lost and will naturally lose.


In a violent sky-splitting sound, the heavy axe fell, as if even the void earth would be broken.

The invisible air wave, the stubborn burden, swept across the great hall.

Fortunately, in the great hall, the highest cultivation base is the majority, running Divine Strength body protection, directly blocked.

However, there are still a few very weak cultivation base cultivators, but they are attacked by this gangster wind, and they only feel a moment of dizzy and eyes blurred, and the whole World is spinning in front of them.

The power of Divine Soul’s attack is so terrifying just with perseverance.

This axe chopped on Chu Yan, and the force of the explosion exploded the entire performance space.

“Are you dead !? That Chu Yan, are you dead !?”

Xiaotian Wang Yuepeng, Sun Yifeng, Li Mutian several people looked towards half-air, all running pupils, all looking forward.

The formidable power of this blow, even they are trembling, naturally know its formidable power.

However, the strength that Chu Yan has shown before has made them feel guilty and only hope to see the final result before they can confirm it.

Not only they, Huayang and Yulinger, but also the big men present, all stared into the air.

The result of this is to make everyone look forward to it.

“Cool! I haven’t played so cool in a long time! I have a medicine pill, I will give it to you, take a good cultivation, and wait for you to be at the same level as me, and fight again!

Zuo Jiatian was excited, and the whole person was excited.

Originally, he was a confident move. With this axe, Chu Yan could definitely be defeated.

However, he hadn’t finished his words yet, amidst the sky and waves, a silhouette lingered and stepped forward.

“I will win this battle!”

Chu Yan long hair flying upwards, a pair of eyes, staring straight at Zuo Jiatian, softly speaking.

The move just now looked terrifying. Among the genius on the scene, even if it is a genius, there are probably few people who can stop this move.

Although surprised by Zuo Jiatian’s battle strength, for Chu Yan, Fleshy body is strong, and Divine Soul is even stronger.

Don’t say this is a plus, even if it is Earth Venerable Realm powerhouse, if you want to let your Divine Soul suffer, it is simply impossible.

This is his biggest card!

“You … you have nothing at all !?”

Zuo Jiatian’s face twitched, as if eating a fly.

If Chu Yan was just injured, Zuo Jiatian could understand even if he suffered a little injury.

However, under his hole card, the opponent has nothing at all, this situation is completely different.

“This … this is Chu Yan’s victory !?”

All the respectful powerhouses present, all the practitioners, including Huayang and the others, were shocked.

You know, Zuo Jiatian ’s cultivation base is suppressed in the 3rd Layer of God.

Chu Yan’s cultivation base is nothing more than Peak, but in front of such a powerful opponent, he fully supported a breath of time.

what does this mean! ?

From the beginning to the end, Chu Yan was a bit weaker, but obviously had a power to fight, and received a unique skill from Zuo Jiatian, which was unharmed.

Judging the results cannot be easier.

This shows that if Chu Yan is also a 3rd layer in the God realm, I am afraid that it is no different from Zuo Jiatian’s battle strength, and may even overtake.

“This child, is it Dao Realm Small Accomplishment !?”

Each and everyone, cultivator, astonished expression, Sea of ​​Consciousness is a mess, thinking about various probabilities, but only speculated in the end.

All cultivators know that the cultivation base reaches Heavenly Venerate, mastering 4 lines of strength, it can be called the Overlord.

If you go further, the cultivation base is enough, master Dao Realm, you can be respected, and achieve Nine Heavens Supreme Position.

Dao Realm Small Accomplishment, this is the countless genius, including some new lord Overlord, dreaming things.

If Chu Yan praises success, and then masters Dao Realm, then it can be called … peerless genius.

Looking at the entire Divine Realm, it is the genius of the cream of the crop.

This kind of genius of equal order is either a descendant of Supreme, or Supreme Dao Lineage’s true biography, rank and status, what an extraordinary thing, there will be a chance to become Nine Heavens Supreme in the future.

“Chu Yan, you are good! Even today I will lose, but next time, I will fight you!”

Zuo Jiatian looked at Chu Yan, his face full of disappointment.

However, after finishing this remark, his original fierce pupil suddenly became scattered, and the whole person seemed to lose his soul, moved towards his position, and sat down directly.

Chu Yan nodded, his imposing manner also began to converge.

I have to say that this battle is the genius battle he really wants.

An opponent like Zuo Jiatian deserves respect regardless of victory or defeat.

At this moment, as Chu Yan stepped out of Yanwu space step by step, the whole great hall was dead.

Chu Yan ignored all around’s dull eyes and strode to the Mu Ling Taoist, bowing his hand in a courteous manner

“Senior, according to the agreement, can you give me that black blade !?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was suck in a breath of cold air, and it suddenly reacted, looking up together, looking towards Mu Ling Dao Ren.

“Ha ha ha…”

Mu Ling Taoist laughed loudly and said aloud

“Young hero ah! Not bad! You are very good!”

“This knife is yours!”

At this time, there was nothing uncomfortable in the minds of Mu Ling Tao.

The strength that Chu Yan showed is obvious to all.

If he knew that Chu Yan had such strength, then at first, he would send the black blade to Chu Yan without the slightest hesitation, and would never let Zuo Jiatian fight him.

Why! ?

Because Martial Dao World, strength is respected!

Regardless of now, the presence of geius genius or peerless genius is just a temporary identity. In the future, it still depends on strength.

And now the strength and potential that Chu Yan has shown is the genius! ? It is peerless genius! ?

With the cultivation base and vision of the Mu Ling Taoist, of course, he can see that Chu Yan’s future Martial Dao’s future is unlimited.

“Congratulations, Chu Yan!”

“Haha, little friend Chu Yan, that trick just now is very strong!”

“Friend Chu Yan, wonderful ah!”

“Little friend …”

In an instant, Chu Yan instantly became the focus of the audience, and all the big guys, all reacted, all rounded to Chu Yan.

A discerning one, but not only the Mu Ling Taoist!

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