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Such a treasure, even if you don’t harvest those Immortal Grass, just cultivation here, I am afraid the cultivation base will skyrocket.

“800 years! 800 years!”

Black Yaomo Zun’s face was full of excitement, his eyes looked at ten or two Immortal Grass, and his voice was a little choked.

“These Immortal Grass have finally matured! A total of ten or two plants. If they are all refining, they can not only be respected, but also get the origin of Immortal Intent, and even harvest immortal seeds.

next moment, a pair of extremely bitter eyes, fiercely looking forward to the black robe silhouette, the heart of Hei Yao Mozun is bleeding.

Thinking of him as an overlord in the world, getting such Immortal Grass is a big harvest, and this little God environment, actually …

Hate ah!

If it wasn’t for playing, or if the background wasn’t as strong as the opponent, Hei Yao Mozun would definitely pounce directly, and bite Chu Yan.

“Senior, do you have any ideas !?”

Chu Yan turned slowly, looked towards Hei Yao Mozun, and asked.

This sentence, suddenly let the ugly black demon Venerable suddenly wake up and quickly shake his head like a rattle.

“No … no! Absolutely no! Say all these are yours!”

“That’s the best!”

Chu Yan glanced at the Black Yao Mozun with a deep heart, then waved his hand directly, preparing to receive these liters Immortal Grass.

However, at this moment, mutation suddenly came into being!

It seemed that danger was sensed. Those densely lifted Immortal Grass spirit roots rolled up together, and even the leaves on Immortal Grass started to tremble.

The majestic Immortal Intent keeps surging, doubling the spirit of the inside cave instantly.


In the next moment, the spirits of ten or two Immortal Grasses will be brought together and transformed into a towering spirit pillar, going straight to the Vault of Heaven.

With the pillar of spirit exploding in the sky, a breath like raindrops shrouds 100 li of space.

“En !?”

Chu Yan suddenly started.

The previous 3 Inheritance Land caused a natural phenomenon, many cultivators have already rushed.

Now this Immortal Grass has even launched a natural phenomenon, and it is still an amazing sky wave. In this way, I am afraid that the cultivators of the entire soul-destroying land have all seen it.

Before long, those cultivators would gather like wolves smelling meat.

“Senior, you are ready … Murder a person with a borrowed knife !? Let those cultivators, get rid of me !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes were cold, looked towards Hei Yao Demon Venerable, Clear Sky Sword trembling in his hand.

“Fuck! Wrong, true body Wrong ah!”

Hei Yao Mozun didn’t know whether it was a guilty conscience, or was really wronged, and exclaimed again and again.

“Immortal Grass is suddenly in trouble, how can I know when it will produce a natural phenomenon !?”

At this point, he didn’t lie, because he knew Chu Yan’s background, and there was an Emperor Xuantian next to him.

At this time, if he tried to kill Chu Yan, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Therefore, his idea has always been that Chu Yan was exhausted and fled by himself.

In this way, even the Emperor Xuantian, or those who are too old sect, can’t blame him.

At most, it’s an episode in Chu Yan’s history.

Such old monsters as Hei Yao Mozun can still be clearly calculated.

“Forget it!”

Chu Yan looked at Hei Yao Mozun and pondered for a moment, without saying anything.

In the next moment, his Divine Strength within the body burst out at the same time, and turned into ten 2 gangster marks, moved towards Immortal Grass and grabbed.

Things went as planned, only before those cultivators arrived, I received Immortal Grass and refining it.

Buzz …!

At this time, ten or two strains of Immortal Grass were trembling together.

The grass roots were half of them, and they turned into spirit snakes. While moving towards Chu Yan, he rushed out while vomiting letters.

In an instant, the entire cave seemed to become a snake nest.

Moreover, even the waterfall behind him also undergoes a mutation, and the endless tide water seems to turn into a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, killing the sky and attacking Chu Yan.

These grass roots, the power of the waterfall tide, are extremely powerful enough to be comparable to the full strength attack of the genius.

“Chu Yan, after all, Immortal Grass is a treasure of heaven defying, of course, it is not easy to harvest!”

Black Yao Mo Zun hurried to the side, at the same time reminded.

“Roaming Dragon world, Vault of Heaven Mad Sword!”

Chu Yan’s figure is like a sword, shuttling through the void, and the afterimage is like electricity, constantly clashing between the large snake and magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

From time to time, he glanced at the black Yao Mozun shrunk in the corner. If it was not confirmed by the Emperor Xuantian, Chu Yan really did not believe that this guy was a Peak Overlord.

Even if it is compared to several major Divine Kings such as Divine King, etc., is it weak? ?

Not to mention, he ’s just the Peak Overlord who is worse than Empress Xuantian. This style is not right! ?

And at this moment, the soul-destroying land, everywhere …

“Look over there, really strong breath!”

“Natural phenomenon happens, there must be a chance of peerless birth there!”

“Can’t wait anymore, hurry up and snatch this opportunity!”

“There is Immortal Intent in this breath, which is different from the aura in the Soul Destroyer. It should look much safer and faster!”

“…… ..”

A cultivator who was competing for the treasure in the Destroyer of the Souls, all discovered Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon in the direction of Lingpu, and all of them looked uplifted.

Without any hesitation, everyone moved towards the Spirit Waterfall.

“Spiritualization column, there are 3 other inheritances, this time’s natural phenomenon seems to be not simple ah!”

In an ancient stone palace, all kinds of immortal light’s clan administrations were covered in the whole body, slowly eyes opened, gently said with a smile

“It seems that my chance is here!”

At the other peak of Spirit Peak, a robe on the mountain stone, breathing all over the body, looks like the fuse together with the mountain stone underneath.

“Infinite respect, it seems that they will all go. Since this is the case, let’s join in the fun!”

Turn your head slowly, looking towards the towering spirit column in the direction of Lingpu, Yuandu Qingdao

“I’d like to see, who dares to compete with the poor for this World’s First !?”

In addition to these two powerful geus geniuses, including Yu Linger and other mysterious geus genius, all moved towards the direction of the Lingpu.

It can be said that the three major inheritances plus the natural phenomenon of the spiritual pillar, basically the entire soul-destroying land, nearly 3% of the practitioners, are all attracted.

Time flows like tide and rushes by.

After half stick of incense time, inside cave Chu Yan’s figure, like Heaven and Earth lightning, exploded.

After the lightning Sword Intent, a single armored warrior was all chopped into powder, turned into spirit water, and disappeared.

In this battle, Chu Yan discovered that the armored warriors transformed by this spirit waterfall could actually complement each other with those spirit snakes.

After killing those spirit snakes, as long as there is a spirit waterfall, the spirit snake can be resurrected instantly.

At that scene, it was like pouring dead wood in water, and resurrected in the event of water.

Therefore, now Chu Yan, who kills those armored soldiers with all his strength, is the only way to have a chance.

“Chu Yan, no good!”

At this moment, the Black Yao Mozun, who was standing near the entrance of the cave, exclaimed.

“Many cultivators, come here, hurry up ah!”

The Pupil Light of the Black Demon Lord is like 2 black gemstones, with an insight of 10,000 li sky.

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