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The words of Hei Yao Mo Zun sounded, but Chu Yan didn’t seem to hear it, bursting out amazing battle strength, killing those armored warriors and spirit snakes one by one.

Time passes, and soon it is ten breaths again.

Although most of them were cleared, the remaining spirit snakes seemed to have spirit wisdom in general, and began to roam and attack Chu Yan, no longer rushing up frantically.

As a result, Chu Yan will waste a lot of time chasing these spirit snakes.

At the same time, in the majestic Spirit Peak Mountain, a young man wearing a jade robe with three eyes and standing on a rock stood against the mountain breeze, without moving, like a stone statue.

This three-eyed youth, named Lu Jinghai, is the 3th Yu Xuanhuang inside the sect gate discipline, ranking the 8th existence.

A cultivation base has reached God’s Peak, with 3 lines of strength, it is also a top genius with Innate spirit vein.

This place, he had just arrived, stood for nearly breaths time.

“Really strong, although it can’t be accurately detected through the Ling Waterfall, this person’s strength definitely reaches the level of the genius.”

Lu Jinghai’s face was slightly miserable, and her heart was deep in thought.

If it was before, maybe he would leave directly. After all, in his current situation, it is not suitable to find a head-on conflict with the genius.

But now, things are different.

Behind the Ling Waterfall, there are ten dazzling fairy lights, which are clearly Sect’s secret “Immortal Grass”.

Get Immortal Grass ah!

Even if it is just one plant, it can make him a realm cultivator and directly praise the emptiness.

What’s more, there are ten or two plants here!

That is to say, if all is harvested, maybe 12 venerable masters will be born.

If eleven of them are used in exchange for resources, then the cultivation resources after self-respect are all enough.

Therefore, Lu Jinghai stayed here and never left.

At this moment, he was in a confrontation between heaven and man, unable to decide whether to take a gamble and grab a plant from the genius.

Respect, the temptation to him is too big!

“En!? Someone is finally here !?”

Suddenly, Lu Jinghai turned his head, looked towards the sky, and there was a look of joy on his face.

Not far away from the sky, 5 black shadows appeared, and after 3 glances, it was clearly seen that it was 5 sword repairs, with strong strength.

The origin of these 5 people, through his 3rd eye, also instantly insight.

They are not cultivators of Shenhai Realm, but come to another small island, a discipline under the influence of a world-wide Overlord.

In the past, Lu Jing had seen the recipes of these forces when he traveled abroad, so I recognized it.

“5 digits, please wait!”

a Divine Consciousness sound transmission, Lu Jinghai looked towards 5 people.

“There are good things here. Behind the Ling Waterfall, you can see it by running the pupil technique.”

The five people suddenly received Lu Jinghai’s Divine Consciousness summons.

However, after hearing the content, he turned his head and looked towards the spiritual waterfall in the distance.

One of them stepped out a few steps, his eyes were bright, and a pupil light was emitted, and the remaining 4 people were stationed in 4 parties to guard.

“As long as we are guarding here and convening more cultivators, we can …”

Lu Jinghai continued to lobby.

His plan was simple. Before the genius, who had harvested all Immortal Grass, gathered a large number of cultivators and launched a sudden attack.

As long as there are enough people, even if the strength of the genius is even stronger, so many people will break out of the gap if they do not win.

At that time, fish in troubled waters, there is definitely a chance!

Five Dao Xiu glanced at Lu Jinghai, and after quietly discussing, Qi Qi fell not far from Lu Jinghai.

Time passes slowly …

There are more and more cultivators coming from the soul-destroying land.

Some of the cultivators felt that the three inheritances were born, and they all swarmed away.

But there are still many people who rush to Spirit Peak here.

Some of these people were strong and were stopped by Lu Jinghai. After lobbying, they all chose to join.

At this time, the number of Lu Jinghai all around cultivators reached 51.

Among them, God alone Peak, there are ten or five people, and the rest are all in the God realm 5th Layer or above, mighty.

“Lu Daoist brother, when will we start !?”

Asked a eager eager waiter.

“Yeah, wait a minute, those Immortal Grass might be gone!” Someone echoed.

“Don’t be afraid of death, you can go now, but that is the genius, and it is probably Peak genius. The card in your body is not what you can imagine.”

Lu Jinghai gathered so many people, they naturally had to be suppressed.

However, he then calmed down and persuaded

“We are all here to look for the opportunity to honor, not to die! Now Immortal Grass is in front of us. It would be a pity if it was damaged at this time. So, we still wait.

Hearing Lu Jinghai’s words, dozens of cultivators could only bear their temper and continued looking towards the Spirit Waterfall.

Many of these people have a pupil technique. Although it is a bit vague after penetrating the Spirit Waterfall, it can be seen to some extent.

The genius is still fighting the guardian power.

At this time, Chu Yan in the cave, holding a long sword, kept slashing, and cut off the spirit root that suddenly struck.

Uh …!

Retreat with a single blow, flash the spirit root from 2 side shots, pull out the residual image like Roaming Dragon, and exit 100 steps away.

At this time, the spirit roots of Immortal Grass, the power of the outburst, is extremely amazing. It seems to be consuming Immortal Grass’s original power, not to kill Chu Yan.

No longer use the phantom spirit snake attack, directly use the spirit root body attack, formidable power has more than doubled than before.

Now, the most critical time has come.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Chu Yan shook the sky, Clear Sky Sword in his hand and then cut out a Hong Mang.

And in the distance, Lu Jinghai, across the Lingpu, suddenly smirked, opened the mouth and said loudly

“The opportunity is here, the Fellow Daoist hands on it, and the success or failure is in one fell swoop. The opportunity to respect is right in front of me, rush to ah!”

In a word, Lu Jinghai burst into a powerful air wave, and the first moved towards the Spirit Waterfall rushed away.

His behavior suddenly attracted other practitioners all around, all bursting out, all rushing towards the Spirit Waterfall.


“My Immortal Grass!”

“Respect! Finally I can respect!”



More than 50 powerful cultivators broke out at the same time, imposing manner like a flood, Heaven and Earth shocked all around, all trembling.

The black shining demon guarding at the entrance of the cave, immediately discovered.

Suddenly, the whole body shook, but then he roared with rage.

“Hmph! A group of ants, in front of the true body, so impudent!”

The bullishness of the words is skyrocketing, but his feet have already begun to move backward.

Moreover, in his heart, it was already ecstatic to fly.

Finally, the opportunity has come!

Chu Yan boy, even if you do n’t die at this time, I ’m afraid it will end in half waste.

“It has been impossible to bear for so long, but it depends on whether you have such a skill !?”

Chu Yan turned his head and glanced at Black Yao Mozun. Qilin’s pupil looked out of the cave and opened the mouth and said softly.

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