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Lu Jinghai is also a generation of good people. When Chu Yan’s eyes looked through the Ling Waterfall, he suddenly heart trembled.

“Everyone be careful, the genius who has discovered us, he is sword repair, retreat!”

Lu Jinghai, who rushed to the front, retreated, and he also reminded everyone that his character was good.

So, the cultivators who rushed up, all startled, also spread out.

Spear hit the head bird!

They are all practitioners who have experienced countless lives and deaths. How could they not understand this truth.

Those who do not understand, I am afraid it has already turned into loess.

Geshi genius, casually shot, more than 20 people to deal with them here.

Therefore, the goal is to snatch Immortal Grass, not to die, be careful.

call out…!

A cold glow shot from behind the Ling Waterfall, and the sound of the clang was inserted on the rock beside the Ling Waterfall, shaking gently.

A powerful sword prestige, swept like a mountain breeze!

pēng pēng pēng Bang!

By Jianwei, a cultivator, as if was struck by lightning, his body was trembling and a few outbursts.

Then looked up towards the direction of Lingpu Cave, and all of them looked like shock.

This is too strong! ?

“Really strong Sword Intent !”

Lu Jinghai’s forehead was covered with sweat, and he was afraid.

Fortunately, he found out early and retreated in time, otherwise he was the first to rush into the cave, and he was not facing this kind of sword warning, but the murderous sword light.

“However, if you stand up for a sword demonstration, we will retreat, impossible!”

Lu Jinghai turned his head slightly, glanced around, and found that everyone’s eyes were all facing the cave behind the Lingpu, and their eyes were bright.

All hearts are available!

Because of the proximity to the Ling Waterfall, almost half of the people really saw the Immortal Intent soaring Immortal Grass in the cave behind the Ling Waterfall!

A total of ten or two strains, you can let the ten or two people here, directly respect!

Even if the genius is a genius, there are only 2 strains, there are 10!

Therefore, the opportunity to be respected is at hand.

Lu Jinghai’s mouth twitched, knowing what the cultivators thought, and howling directly.

“Everyone, it’s just a Divine Weapon. We rushed in from here. We have so many people that we can’t stop it!”

The exit of this sentence suddenly made everyone’s eyes shine again.

It’s just a sword!

We are not without it, even Peak Diva Weapon, what can we do! ?

The most important thing is that all the people present wanted to rush in and grab a Immortal Grass and ran away. They never thought of fighting a genius.

Therefore, this kind of thing seems to be gambling, or to say, it always runs slower than itself.

Even if the Divine Sword riot kills, it should kill one person at a time.

So many people, of course, will not happen to be themselves.

As soon as it rushes past, Immortal Grass is at your fingertips, and then you can perform the escape technique and leave directly.


In front of the huge temptation, all the practitioners calmed down and looked towards the cave’s gaze, which was hot again.


Lu Jinghai’s timing was good enough, and with a roar, he took the lead to fly to the other side of Ling Waterfall.

Behind him, a group of practitioners rushed to fly at the same time, follow closely from behind.

However, when he flew to the edge of the Lingpu Cave, 10000 steps from Chu Yan, suddenly, his face suddenly stiffened, and the entire pupil instantly shrank the Small Accomplishment needle, as if his body was frozen, he could not step out in one step.

“This … what is this !?”

Lu Jinghai’s voice began to tremble.

Just a moment, he suddenly felt a terrifying killing power, as if rushing into a Killing God space, all around are bloody and violent killing intent.

Moreover, among these killing intents, mixed with powerful Sword Intent, under the fusion of the two, stab Divine Soul directly!

His within the body, death and crisis soared at the same time, as if to warn him that the danger ahead was extremely dangerous.

Moreover, not only Lu Jinghai, but the dozen or so practitioners who followed him, all expressions changed, standing still.

“Lu Jinghai, what are you doing !?”

A group of cultivators in the rear also stopped, but all were anxious and roared with rage.

They wouldn’t rush straight up, just hoping to land in the sea and they would attract the attention of Geshi Genius in front.

Therefore, dozens of practitioners all urged behind.

“Quick ah! Otherwise, Immortal Grass will be pulled out!”

“Yeah, if you don’t rush anymore, then we will be in front of you, and you can’t grab Immortal Grass, don’t blame us!”

“Yeah, rush, rush!”


The voice was loud enough, and the imposing manner was also amazing, but there were still dozens of practitioners who didn’t move their feet.

However, no matter how they stimulated, the dozens of people in front did not respond at all.

After a few breaths, someone finally failed to bear and rushed forward.


Just flying into the void, I was suddenly rushed by a strong killing intent and Sword Intent, and Divine Soul almost collapsed.

All are pale, and there is fear in their eyes.

Like Lu Jinghai, they can clearly feel in their hearts that if they go one step further, they will die!

“What the hell !? That’s … done !?”

Deep inside the cave, Hei Yaozun opened his mouth wide, his face stunned.

As the Peak Overlord, of course, he can see that Chu Yan has released the realm and sword power, so that the long sword has a special area of ​​100,000 steps.

He used to do this kind of thing often.

It’s just imposing manner … just!

“Everyone, everyone, don’t be nervous, just a little aura, maybe it’s a hole card given by Old Ancestor to scare people!”

Lu Jinghai clenched the teeth, reminded him.

This sentence fell to the ground, and suddenly the cultivators all around changed their eyes.


Since it is the Overlord of the World, it naturally carries some powerful cards, even the Overlord will.

“Hmph! So mysterious!”

“Afraid of a fart, rushed up, a broken sword, and can block this Uncle!”



These cultivators, of course, are not stupid. Impossible is stupid by just one word from Lu Jinghai.

The point is, Immortal Grass is right in front of you.

And here they have more than 50 God realm powerhouse, everyone is brave.

Plus what Lu Jinghai said makes sense!

Overlord’s will is extremely precious, they don’t want it, the genius will really have Overlord’s will to deal with them.

In the next moment, several God realm Peak powerhouses, took out the magic charm, and began to perform powerful magic.

This is their life-saving method at the bottom of the box!

As the saying goes, if the genius, who really urges Overlord’s will, they also have a countermeasure.

Holding the magic charm in hand, they have the confidence to start to kill the might and advance towards the hole.

It’s just that they are all cautiously.

Sure enough, after a few breaths, they crossed the Ling Waterfall and reached the cave entrance.

However, when their feet just landed, suddenly, the mutation was born!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

3 extremely scary sword glows, like 3 heavenly peaks, have long been ready, moved towards their heads, fiercely cleaved.

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