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3 mountain peak-like sword glow fell, and several cultivators who stepped into the cave in one step were frightened.

“Not good… ..”

Among several people, a Profound Light rises into the sky and disappears instantly.

Except for a powerhouse which prepared the escape technique in advance, several other people had no time to respond, and even had no chance to urge the magic technique, they were directly bombarded into a pile of flesh and blood.


Lu Jinjing and the others outside the Ling Waterfall are all astonished expressions.

The few people who just rushed into the hole are the strongest among them.

However, 3 escapes only one sword!

This sword is awesome!

“Hmph! Might of a single sword, impossible forever, I don’t believe it, how much power do you have!”

A white robed youth came out of the crowd.


Hold a Jade Talisman in your hand, infuse Divine Strength, and wave your hand.

a majestic Space-Time power poured out on him, and when he went to see it again, the person had disappeared on the spot.

This is a Space-Time charm, you can directly send him anywhere within 100,000 steps.

“Space-Time Magic !?”

Lu Jinghai and the others’ eyes lit up together.

This Space-Time charm is not a high-end gadget.

At least in all Great City, there are sold, the price is 10000 crystals, many people are on their backs.

However, the distance of 100,000 steps is not significant for the God powerhouse.

After all, in their realm powerhouse battle, with a distance of 100,000 steps, they simply cannot get out of the fighting range.

But in the current situation, this Space-Time charm seems to have a great effect.

In the next moment, many people in the crowd took out the Space-Time charm, but no one cast it, all looked up behind the spirit waterfall.


Almost the silhouette of the white robe behind the Ling Waterfall, the moment when it just appeared, a shocking Sword Qi, fiercely cut off.

Even the screams did not come out, the white robe silhouette, directly turned into powder, bursting out a red mist, disappear without a trace.

In front of the entire Ling Waterfall, there is a silence!

All delusions, greed, impulses, under this sword, are all cut into nothingness.

“This … this … what means does this kid use, the sword is outside, how come there is such a strong sword power?”

“Too strong! A sword is stronger than a sword. Isn’t he consuming it?”

“That’s right, how can such a unique skill be displayed continuously?”

“Too terrifying, it’s a genius!”

“Now, what shall we do!”


A group of Gods were completely ignorant at this time, and no one dared to try again.

From the previous entry, to just now, it is almost an instant kill. This level of strength is simply not a match they can match.

The strength of this genius is far beyond their imagination.

Moreover, they also found that the terrain here is extremely unfavorable to them, only the cave entrance.

The strong, guarding the hole, there is really a guard, imposing manner of 10000 husband.

Deep in the hole, the black Yaomo respected his face with sigh, and looked towards Chu Yan’s gaze completely changed.

By now, he believes more and more that the background of Chu Yan is definitely not simple.

To kill the same level of cultivators, just kill trivial ant.

Time passes slowly …

Chu Yan and the spirit root in the cave are constantly fighting, and they are almost at the end. In the end, there are only more than 20 spirit roots left.

On the other side, the picture becomes very strange.

Beyond the Spirit Waterfall, there are more and more cultivators, a group of grandiose, with some tidewaters.

The number of God environmental practitioners headed by Lu Jinghai has reached several hundred.

However, these more than 100 God realm powerhouses, like guards, gathered at the entrance of the cave, and no one had just set foot in it.

A large group of powerhouses looked at the lively Chu Yan in the cave, slashing those spirit roots.

Some of the weaker earth god cultivators who passed these cultivation bases looked towards this group of people, and their eyes were all dazed.

In other words, are these God environments so idle! ?

Even if you are in a mood, look at the scenery here. Is that waterfall beautiful? ?

“The most … the last five!”

Suddenly there was a powerful cultivator of the pupil technique, cry out in surprise.

The next moment, a few 100 pairs of eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked towards the cave, but it was seen, Chu Yan broke a spirit root, right hand sword light at the same time to another.

Ka cha !

2 spirit roots suddenly broke, leaving only the last 3 roots.


Suddenly, above the sky, a thunderclap-like drink sounded suddenly.

“Trifling a little means, even blocked you count 100 people, are you all waste !?”

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared from the sky and stepped into the sky.

“Geshi genius, Zongzheng !?”

Lu Jinghai and a group of practitioners, Qi Liu and Yi Zhen, but then all his eyes shone.

Finally, the genius powerhouse is here, this hole can be broken!

As long as the breakthrough hole, they have a chance.

“This Fellow Daoist, borrow your Fleshy body!”

Zong Zheng, who had just fallen, grabbed a God powerhouse by his side and threw it directly to the hole.


The sword light broke out, slashing the man’s body into a pile of minced meat.

“It’s now!”

Zong Zheng was in a Divine Strength, bursting out, the aura of light at his feet, moved towards the Spirit Cave.


Void tremor, sky-splitting sound sounded, Clear Sky Sword flew into the air, beheaded with a sword.

“En!? There is a sword !?”

Zong Zheng slightly startedled, but raised his hand and waved violently, a spiritual light soared into the sky and crashed into a long sword.

In an instant, the entire void seemed to be completely solidified, turning into an extremely hard spar, rubbing a long sword, making a harsh sound, and the fire star flickering all the way.

Almost at the same time, Chu Yan fisted with two fists, blasting the last 2 spirit roots into sawdust.

Ten 2 Immortal Grasses, all defenses were broken and shivered.

“Limmortal Grass! You wait for the luck of the day, help others to honor, I take it today, and will never let you down!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were thunderous and his eyes passed, and a Profound Light spewed out directly.

The next moment, Profound Light swept through, ten or two Immortal Grass were still unyielding suits, urging Immortal Intent to fight Chu Yan’s will.

“If you don’t listen softly, then hard!”

Chu Yan’s face was dull, his big hand waved, ten pegs of the Gang Gang Yuan, all exploded.

Without waiting for his claw-print of Yuan Yuan, he caught these l Immortal Grass, and suddenly an invisible force poured out, enveloping ten 2 l Immortal Grass.

Ren Chu Yan continued to increase his power, but he could not meet these Immortal Grass.

“And guardian !?”

Chu Yan was stunned, didn’t expect, this Immortal Grass even had a means.

At this moment, a spirit symbol appeared, and ten or two xiansheng grasses emerged within the body.

The amazing mutation appeared again.

Boom … Rumble!

The whole mountain was trembling, a invisible paw print fell, and ten or two plants were lifted to Immortal Grass, and all were pulled up.

In the next moment, the Ling Waterfall flows backwards like a volcano erupting, soaring into the sky, absorbing a few hundred zhang high rays of light and shining the whole sky.

“En !?”

Not only Chu Yan and Hei Yao Mozun, but even the patriarchs who fought with Clear Sky Sword were all ignorant.

This liter of Immortal Grass flew away! ?

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