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Between Heaven and Earth, there is silence!

Only a silhouette stands forever.

No one knows that at this time, he, Fleshy body, Sea of ​​Consciousness, including the War God will in the 9-domain star map, all tremble at the same time, and undergo qualitative degeneration.

A very large lotus, on top of his head, like a jade-like lotus body, slowly blooming.

Respect natural phenomenon, appear!

Ordinary cultivators are respected, at most a fairy light column, straight to the sky.

However, the overlord’s respect in the world is able to spur Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon, and a substantial natural phenomenon appears.

Chu Yan’s integration of this rising tree demon caused a natural phenomenon of planting.

“Dao Jing!”

Chu Yan pondered.

In fact, he is really not a genius, Dao Realm has long been Great Accomplishment, but cultivation base breakthrough to human respect, it can be called peerless genius.

Therefore, his respect for the natural phenomenon is certainly not simple.

However, just as Dao Jing ignited, the Spirit Marks on the bone suddenly flashed.

“En !?”

Chu Yan startled, a bad hunch suddenly appeared in his heart.

Respect, it’s that simple! ?

Even if I met 2 or 1 Immortal Grasses, Chu Yan hadn’t thought about it.

Otherwise, the Emperor Xuantian deliberately seduce the ancient battlefields, which would have no meaning.

Expectation is expectation, but the reality is often cruel.

If it were n’t for Black Demon Venerable, that sentence, even ordinary person, could be respected in one step.

Chu Yan even a glimmer of hope, will not rise.

Ordinary person, one-step respect! ?

I am also a Peak of God. Is there a chance to be respected directly? ?

Buzz …!

It seems that to prove something, a sudden burst of fiery rays of light burst into the bones of Spirit Mark, turning into each and everyone black holes, and began to devour those Immortal Intent forces.

Every bone is in mutation.

“what’s the situation!?”

“Look, that natural phenomenon lotus, it seems to be recycling!”

“I rely on, yeah, it just opened smoothly, how can I recycle now?”

“No, respect for the natural phenomenon, can it still be like this !?”


The two mysterious powerhouse, Yuandu, Zongzheng and other cultivators were all stunned to see this sudden and extreme change.

I have seen wonderful flowers, but I have never seen such wonderful flowers.

Respect for this kind of heaven shaking earth shattering, can it still be relaxed! ?

“What’s the matter with this kid !? Isn’t Shengxianshubo a good one !? He is in the body, what demons and ghosts are there?”

Hei Yao Mozun was shocked, his eyes glared at Boss.

With his original intention, he really hoped that Chu Yan this time directly called success.

Others can’t see it, but he sees clearly. In the future Divine Realm, what kind of demon will appear.

“All … all gone !?”

Chu Yan was stunned, Divine Consciousness was restrained, looking at the black holes bone.

Although it was an accident, I was prepared for it, so Chu Yan was just an accident and did not panic.

He was just astonished that these black holes bone, after swallowing Immortal Intent of the Immortal Tree Demon, what the hell is going to do! ?


The swallowed power in a bone suddenly rushed out like a torrent of torrents, rushing towards the whole body.

The sudden impact made Chu Yan’s body fiercely tremble.


When the drama hurts, and suck in a breath of cold air, Chu Yan’s heart shakes.

At this time, all the flesh and blood in the whole body are changing color, turning into bright golden rays of light, which are brought together through the whole body blood vessels and moved towards the position of the heart.

As if in those blood, with aggressiveness, or infiltration.

As blood poured into the heart, the Spirit Mark pattern of a path of golden appeared continuously.

These Spirit Mark patterns are exactly the same as those originally appeared on bone.

However, with the beating of the heart, those Spirit Mark kept spraying out a faint Immortal Intent.

Next, not only the heart, but also the internal organs, are slowly forming.

However, it should be heart-based.

Therefore, after the Spirit Mark on the heart is completely displayed, even 10% of the internal organs are not completed, and they stop.

“Chu Yan, congratulations!”

At this moment, the voice of Emperor Xuantian in Sea of ​​Consciousness sounded.

“Uh … congratulations !?” Chu Yan startled.

This should be regarded as a failure of respecting yourself. Did Emperor Xuantian not figure out the situation! ?

or is, Emperor Xuantian’s studies are broken, deliberately angry with herself! ?

“War God’s method of asking questions began to merge with you!”

Without waiting for Chu Yan to speak, Emperor Xuantian directly explained.

“Ask the law !? Fusion !?”

Chu Yan was stunned for a moment.

In other words, the Spirit Mark on bone is derived from the heart and internal organs, which is War God’s way of asking.

“Yes! So no matter what peerless inheritance, don’t pay attention! Cultivate your War God Spirit Mark!”

“When the time comes, wait for your respect, War God asks the law, you can cultivate!”

The Emperor Xuantian said it was plain, but Chu Yan knew that the voice was as cold as usual.

This shows that Empress Xuantian was also very excited.

And Chu Yan, it is even more exciting!

Last time, after being forcibly evicted by War God, Chu Yan was still considering this issue.

But now, War God’s method of asking actually appeared!

This is definitely a big surprise.

“many thanks !”

Chu Yan bowed his hand in the void, no matter whether the Empress Xuantian was in the vicinity or not, thank you anyway.

A pair of eyes, all flashing with 5 colors of lightning, all excited.

Before, Chu Yan had been looking forward to War God’s method of asking questions.

After all, the Supreme Dao Lineage’s genius is really much better than the ordinary genius.

This time, with Yan Du, Zong Zheng, and the two mysterious cultivators, Chu Yan had a very deep experience.

If it is ordinary genius, I am afraid that Chu Yan has already solved it.

Like that little heavenly king Yuepeng, it couldn’t be easier, it didn’t cost anything.

However, now that cultivation base breakthrough has reached God’s Peak, fighting against Yuandu’s 4th place, it is only a tie.

The gap between them is extremely huge.

And the root of the gap is … The method of asking!

Now, the surprise is coming!

My own way of asking questions finally appeared.

The previous fusion stopped, and War God Spirit Mark has been part of the cultivation. Now, the trunk and roots of Shengxian Tree Demon are still there.

Compared to leaves and branches, those are the main points.

If all are fused, then War God Spirit Mark can be improved a lot, and it will be one step closer to honor.

“War Dragon Lock sky!”

next moment, a fearful roar exploded, the golden light appeared in the sky, and someone shot directly.

The Yuandu of all around, Zongzheng and other powerhouses are also shot together, and the outbreak is shocking.

Lu Jinghai and other ordinary cultivators also reacted and attacked again.

“You … come back !?”

Chu Yan thought of War God Spirit Mark wholeheartedly, seeing the 4th Void tremor, suddenly the light of the pupil reversed, looked towards all around, the countless killing moves.

Fight, just fight!


The Clear Sky Sword is long, and the sword light flashes.

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