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Running Divine Strength, both hands forming seals, Chu Yan faced the torrential attack of floods, the whole body of blood was boiling.

However, at this time his Divine Soul was calm as ice.

Eyes swept, and on all four sides of the horizon, a large number of black spots flew.

These people should have just seen his respect for the natural phenomenon, changed their minds, and all rushed over, wanting to take a slice of the soup.

Moreover, their choice is obviously right!

When more and more people saw the sky, a huge dead tree stood, covered with majestic fairy light, they knew that this is the honor of the spirit plant.

Moreover, such a large plant is probably enough for a few people to respect.

“The leaves are all refining, and the remaining trunks and roots are in trouble …”

The leaves are light and easy to swallow, and when Divine Strength is cited, they all come.

But the trunk is impossible.

If you go to war with these people when you devour yourself, let alone fight it, you will be exhausted just by consumption.

“And, this broken tree has been resisting me!”

Chu Yan glanced at the Immortal Tree Demon, the divine sense in the Sea of ​​Consciousness was flying.

Unconsciously, it seems to be dead again.

Now, there are only 2 choices in front of Chu Yan.

Or, refining the Immortal Tree Demon, trapped alive by 1000 nearby monks.

The other is to give up the fairy tree demon and retreat all over the body. Those cultivators will definitely not stare at Chu Yan again.

However, these two options are not what Chu Yan wants.

Between divine sense flashes, Chu Yan looked towards the cave of spirits, the cave of each and everyone.

In front of me, this soul-destroying place, really killing intent, actually has not yet appeared.

And among those 2 holes, there is the terrifying existence that can suppress the Black Demon Lord.

Perhaps, awaken it, the whole soul-destroying land is over …

If Chu Yan does this, the murderous intention in front of him will naturally resolve, and there is even hope to take the tree demon and get out safely.

However, the risk of damage also increases.

“Martial Artist, why fear life and death !?”

Chu Yan’s thoughts flashed through, and he immediately made up his mind.

Because, if you don’t do this, you have to choose to give in and give up the tree demon.

The heart of Martial Artist is the foundation of cultivation and is closely connected with the will of Martial Artist.

If Chu Yan chose to back down today, it will definitely have a huge impact on his future Martial Dao road.

At least, in Chu Yan’s previous cultivation, he basically did not flinch.

Perhaps this is also a small reason why he cultivates heaven defying all the way.

“This Fellow Daoist, give up!”

Zong Zheng stood there, looked towards Chu Yan, and persuaded loudly.

“The situation in front of you is very clear to you. If you go all out, you will definitely lose the spot!”

This battle has no meaning at all!

But the other party is a genius with super strength, and Zongzheng is not willing to fight hard with him unless necessary.

After all, only him, Yuandu and 2 mysterious cultivators, now stand in front of Chu Yan.

If Chu Yan is made urgent, and a person is determined to die, there is a risk of damage.

And this probability is now 1/4, which is by no means low.

Therefore, Zong Zheng wanted to persuade Chu Yan to give up.

“I will not give up!”

Chu Yan hearing this, I glanced at Zong Zheng, and then I swept my eyes, looking at the over 1000 practitioners who gathered from all around

“You retreat, I will not provoke the core horror of Soul Destroyer!”

The opening of this sentence suddenly stunned everyone.

“What !? Let’s back away !?”

Zongzheng, Yuandu, 2 mysterious cultivators, 1000 cultivators on the court, all look at the expression of a fool.

In this case, Chu Yan’s rising fairy tree demon could not be kept at all.

His enthusiasm made everyone back away! ?

As for the real horror core of that Soul Destroyer! ? That is probably the guise he made up.

What a horror core! ?

This is not the first time this soul-destroying land has been opened. If there is really a core of terror, the forces Elder will naturally remind before coming.

Therefore, Chu Yan did not believe it at all.

“Hmph! Just two words to let us go, what you think is too simple! Since you are stubborn, don’t blame us for being welcome!”

Zongzheng’s patience has reached its limit, and there are more and more people watching.

Although he is the Supreme Dao Lineage discipline, he is also worried about mutations.

Therefore, the best way is to solve this person as soon as possible and get the Rising Tree Demon.


The voice fell to the ground, a huge Lei Yin, rising from his within the body, exploding countless lightning, surging Heaven and Earth.

On the top of Yuandu, the Tai Chi dao chart appeared again.

2 mysterious cultivators, one black one white 2 dragon shadows appeared on the short blade, roaring constantly.

The other practitioners present at the scene saw their eyes flashing and sneered.

Even today, they can’t get the ascension tree, they can see the loss of a genius, it’s worth it.

“I depend, Chu … Chu Yan, you are crazy!”

In the distant sky, Hei Yaozun was the only one among all people who was scared to tremble.

“Wait … wait a minute, wait for me to withdraw first!”

The black Yao Mozun, whose voice was trembling, didn’t wait for him to turn around and saw Chu Yan’s pupil light, which became cold.

If so, come on!

In an instant, the clear sky sword in Chu Yan’s hand broke out directly, raising his hand was a sword of a Vault of Heaven, slashing towards the cave wall of the spirit cave.

xiu xiu xiu xiu!

One sword was cut out, follow closely from behind, and ten sword light, respectively cut into other walls, without any omission.

“My grass, your uncle!”

In the pupils of Hei Yao Mozun, those ten glowing sword glows are reflected in the pupils, and the whole person’s scalp is exploding.

Under angry roar, the rest of the magic breath broke out in an instant, and the whole person turned into a black meteor, moved towards the sky, and flew away.

“Hmph! That fellow, really love acting!”

Zong Zheng turned his head and glanced at the direction of Black Yao Mozun’s departure, his face disdainful.

“Trifling a few Sword Qi, there is a fart …”

Before a word was finished, all of a sudden, he followed the Divine Consciousness of the sword light and was instantly crushed, Zong Zheng’s face was directly stiff.

Not only him, including Yuandu around me, 2 mysterious cultivators, all are tightly knit, complexion greatly changed.

shua shua…!

There is hardly any hesitation. The four giant genius turn around and run quickly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sword light enters the cave, like an old nest where something has been blown up. A lot of blood light gushing out of the ten or two wall caves. Wherever it passed, the rocks shattered, and Heaven and Earth tremble.

The entire Lingpu Mountain began to collapse.

In the midst of it, there seems to be a horrible aura coming from the bottom of the abyss, raging between Heaven and Earth, sweeping the whole sky.

No matter who it was, it was swept by this aura, it was all a trembling body and a gray face.

“What … what happened?”

Even the cultivators of the three Inheritance Lands in the distance felt the trembling of their hearts and they were dead.

Ka cha !

a Shocking sword light broke out, splitting the entire Spirit Peak directly from it.

Moreover, this sword is not the end, just the beginning.

a followed by the red sword light of a, and Heaven and Earth centered on the Lingpu, 7 8 and 1 fell.

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