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“That altar, …?”

At this time, Chu Yan set his sights on an altar hung with flesh and blood, a flash of strange color flashed in his eyes.

The altar, a few ten zhang high, gray and black, densely packed cracks, all over the altar.

This altar is not an ordinary altar.

The moment it just appeared, Chu Yan sensed that there was a very weak Space-Time fluctuation in the body.

In other words, this altar is most likely a Space-Time altar.


At this moment, in the cave, a path of rumbling sound sounded, a huge gang wind suddenly appeared, like a flood of tide, sweeping Heaven and Earth.


Chu Yan clenched the teeth, glanced at the four giant genius, and flew to the altar.

No matter where the Space-Time fluctuations generated by this altar lead to.

At least, it is best to leave this place first.

“Chu Yan, don’t think …”

Zong Zheng growled loudly, his long blade flew out into a forest of swords, and moved towards Chu Yan.

Whatever Chu Yan said, true and false, today he will try his best to kill this person.

However, compared with Chu Yan, his speed is almost on par, and of course impossible is faster than Chu Yan.

Above the altar, as Chu Yan’s Divine Strength infused, the entire altar began to light up.

Those rays of light are getting stronger and stronger.

In a blink of an eye, Chu Yan’s body standing on the altar was completely devoured.

“This is … Space-Time array !?”

Zong Zheng, Yuan Du and the others, are all surprised.

“This altar can still work !? It’s so broken … it’s!”

3 At the entrance of the Great Inheritance Land, in the crowd of countless cultivators, the black Yao Mozun was hiding in the crowd, looking at the situation in the distance, his face was shocked.

There are no eyeballs in the black holes, all can make a shocked expression.

Is there anyone more familiar with this soul-destroying land than he is! ?

However, he never seems to find that there is a Space-Time altar hidden here.

“That Space-Time formation! Old facetious, 2 people, why not chase them together !?”

Zongzheng’s eyes flashed, using the pupil technique to peep at the altar, and said to the three people around him.


Yuandu 3 people were nodded at the same time, all leaned forward, rushed into the altar of rays of light.

“Fuck, those four … courting death !?”

Seeing this scene, Hei Yao Mozun shouted in shock.

Turned around towards the three Inheritance Land behind him, and the three towers stood in the Thunder Pillar, spreading out three towering silhouettes of the Safety Sector, the black blaze with a hesitant face.

As Peak Overlord, if you do n’t understand, crisis is a matter of chance.

Then he, Divine Realm Peak, the Overlord, is probably not even comparable to Yuandu and Zongzheng.

When he came to his realm, there was no one who relied on closed cultivation and smooth breakthrough.

Almost all in the blood sea corpse mountain, life and death Secret Realm, nine deaths and still alive looking for various opportunities, only today’s status.

On the other side, a strange area.

On the endless vast sea, a dark shadow suddenly flashed and fell to the sea.

“Here … is Shenhai Realm !?”

Aura sensed, Chu Yan’s mind suddenly fixed.

It has not been transferred to a special space, nor has it gone to the independent small World, or another small God World.

That altar, just let yourself move a place in the Shenhai Realm! ?

“En !? Here …”

Chu Yan’s eyes swept, and suddenly looked towards a sea reef, his eyes changed.

I saw that under the impact of the waves, many reef rocks collapsed into the air.

This scene surprised Chu Yan.

But what is even more surprising is that the reefs are huge together, constantly evolving to form a special pattern, which appears in front of Chu Yan.

Some gravel, the number is not much, the pattern formed is fuzzy.

Chu Yan only guessed a rough picture, as if it were about life and death and danger.


It turned out to be a reminder! ?

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, thinking deeply.

Here, someone even reminded himself! ?

Is who! ? Why remind yourself! ?

This sense of unknownness, or the feeling of being stared at, made Chu Yan extremely careful.

After all, this is where the core horror awakens after the horror.

Boom … rumbling!

The waves smashed, exploding a huge wave of spray, 4 splashes, those suspended gravel, swept away by the waves, disappeared without shadow.

Chu Yan, guessing that the hidden person, should not be malicious to himself.

After all, just a reminder!

“I don’t know, how are those Xiangu now !?”

Chu Yan’s thoughts turned around, took out the Divine Realm map, Divine Strength poured into it, a large number of words began to emerge.

In addition to the 5 previously opened, 2 Xiangu were subsequently opened.

These 7 immortal ancients, even more than 100 people, successfully honored!

Of course, with so many immortals opened, among the more than 100 respected powerhouses, only there is a person, and most of the others are God’s Peak Peaks of ordinary.

In addition, Supreme Dao Lineage’s Tianxuan Earth Palace is extremely active.

Some big bets continue to explode, and many cultivators rely on the bets to become rich in a day, and some people fall into disregard.

I don’t know what method Tianxuan Earth Palace used. 90% of the news in Divine Realm is about their markets.

“It seems that time is tight!”

Chu Yan scanned all the messages and pondered then said in his heart.

7 Xiangu, this number is by no means small, even more than the previous number of the ancient battlefield of the respected immortals, 2 more.

However, these already opened Xiangu, I am afraid the chances are almost robbed by others.

After all, more than 100 people respect success, that is more than 100 opportunities.

Moreover, even those who just opened Xiangu, I am afraid that there is now a crowd of people, vast crowd.

“Xuantian Senior, may I ask the next opened Xiangu, there !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness sound transmission asked.

“Land of Heaven! Tomb in 3 days!”

The voice of Emperor Xuantian suddenly sounded.

“Remember, the land of the heavenly tomb has only ten days! After ten days, you must leave and go to the next one!”

Speaking of which, Empress Xuan Tian paused for a moment, then said

“World’s First Venerable has been prepared for you!”

In addition to claiming success, the first battle also requires rare treasure among all kinds of immortals to join the battle!

If it was before, such a trivial matter, Xuan Tian himself would not care.

But now, she is a little curious, can this Chu Yan exceed her! ?

“many thanks !”

Chu Yan hearing this, thank you.

To be honest, this time respected herself, Emperor Xuantian took great pains.

First follow the protection, and later prepare for yourself, but also provide information, which should affect her cultivation.

next moment, not waiting for Chu Yan to leave.

Suddenly, on the nearby sea surface, 4 groups of empty waves fluctuate and rise simultaneously.

“There are four of them, they came after them !?”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept across, suddenly a cold flash in his eyes.

“I don’t have time to accompany you, I must honor you first, not to be missed!”

body flashed, Chu Yan suddenly disappeared on the spot.

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