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Not long after Chu Yan left, 4 void cracks opened above the sea.

Yuandu, Zongzheng, 2 mysterious powerhouse, dropped from the air, suspended before falling into the sea.

4 Both eyes, at the same time looked towards all around blankly.

Unlike Chu Yan before, no one seems to be reminded that the crushed stones that were blown up by the waves were thrown into the sea and did not mean to form a pattern.

“He, just left!”

Yuandu’s eyes, one black one white, the pupil technique flashed, and after sensing it for a while, he said.

“Can keep up! Can’t catch up !?”

Here, it is not a different space, nor a separate Secret Realm, which is obviously Shenhai Realm.

Therefore, the meaning of Yuandu is obvious.

Behind any genius, there is powerful existence.

In the Shenhai Realm, chasing a genius, the consequences can be imagined.

“Hmph! You can’t let him go, you must snatch back the fairy fairy.”

“However, it can’t be so chased!”

Zong Zheng was nodded first, then shook his head, looked towards the other 3 people, and the pupil light flashed.

“This Chu Yan, the battle strength is extremely strong, we 4 people join forces to suppress him, and consume a lot!”

“I see, I still need someone to help!”

A genius like them, who came to participate in Xiangu, of course someone protected.

“it is good!”

Yuandu 3 looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and all were nodded.

Next, the 4 world genius Qi Qi took out Jade Talisman and began to subpoena the powerhouse.

Time passed, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Chu Yan was flying while watching 4 times, looking for a good cultivation place.

Now, he took the Immortal Tree Demon, desperately needed a place to refining it all.

However, before he left the seaside there, he saw the 4 o’clock fluctuations in the sky, that is to say, Zongzheng they chased over.

“It’s really … persistent ah!”

Chu Yan is speechless and looks at the head.

If the other party is really chasing this way, then you don’t have to be polite with them.

You can’t do anything without solving them.


Just at this moment, above the sky, a raucous sound sounded.

In an instant, a was like a claw composed of thunder and lightning, moved towards Chu Yan fiercely.

The appearance of a thunderbolt gangster makes Chu Yan suddenly feel that the void of all directions in 4 directions seems to be transformed into a thunder and lightning cage, and he will be imprisoned directly.


Chu Yan’s eyes flickered.

Not only a respectable state, but at least an Earth Venerable Realm powerhouse.

In other words, Zongzheng’s 4 guys called their powerhouse in Sect to shoot.

To snatch your chance in Ancient Battlefield, although such a thing has happened before, it is rare.

After all, there are certain rules among forces.

Powerful forces, of course, to break the rules are no problem, but at the same time, reputation will be damaged.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there will be no such direct snatch.

“Chu Yan, you only have ten breaths time, hand over the tree demon and spare your life!”

The silhouettes of 4 people, Yuandu and Zongzheng, flew in a hurry and shouted loudly.

Not only that, the distant horizon, a path of powerful vast sea fairy light, shaking Heaven and Earth, fairy light is like a cloud.

For a time, they stopped Chu Yan.

The vast sea of ​​fairy lights on the sky, at an amazing speed, the clouds are coming, and the places they have passed, such as Heavenly Thunder rolling, the void is broken, and the sky is mighty.

6 full powerhouses!

Such a lineup is extremely terrifying in Shenhai Realm!

“Innumerable life, Chu Yan, let the tree demon come out! Other delusions kill evil!”

Yuandu spoke softly, and the Yin-Yang Symbol fluttered overhead.

If you change a person, they are too lazy to talk nonsense, come up and do it directly, kill and snatch.

But now, in the face of Chu Yan, they feel a little bit unclear.

After all, the power behind such a powerful genius is not small.

“Some kind, come grab!”

Chu Yan looked cold, looking at the four geniuses.

“Hmph! Up to now, I still don’t give up. Today’s old man will see, what do you have!”

An Earth Venerable Realm 5th Layer powerhouse, looked at Chu Yan, his eyes were like electricity, his face was violent, and his hand was shot with a palm.

Boom … Rumble!

Passed by the palm seal, Heaven and Earth Might all around, burst into pieces.

Above Chu Yan’s head, it seems that an independent World has appeared, with extremely terrifying killing power, suppressed.

Zong Zheng and the others Seeing this scene, they all shook their heads.

This Chu Yan is too don’t give face.

As the four of them, they now invite Zunjing Powerhouse, and they dare to fight against them.

Could it be that Chu Yan did n’t know that they did n’t snatch it directly, that is, they had already left feelings.

fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness!

Zun Jing shot, I am afraid that he not only could not save the tree demon, but even lost his life here.

“You … what do you think of Shenhai Realm !?”

in a flash, a icy voice, resounding through the clouds.

The silhouette of Divine King, who walked away, came from the cloud, stepping on one step at a time, and the laws of Heaven and Earth became apparent.

Like a faint wind, sweeping 10,000 li, enveloped all directions.

The whole sky, the earth, tremble together.

“Geshi … Overlord !?”

Zong Zheng, Yuan Du and the others, all dumbfounded, stared at Divine King with a stiff face.

What’s wrong with them didn’t expect, Chu Yan’s side turned out to be a Divine King guard.

You know, even in their Supreme Dao Lineage, the Number One Genius of the cream of the crop is also impossible and protected by Divine King.

“Supreme Dao Lineage, isn’t it ?? How brave !? This king has been with you for a long time!”

However, next moment, a voice sounded again.

Above the sky, above the other 2 clouds, red clothes Divine King, Divine King 10000, appeared at the same time.

In an instant, it was like 3 endless mountain ranges, suppressing this side of the World, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth, all solidified completely, ka ka sounded.

As if it would collapse at any time, within a radius of 10,000 li, Divine King’s prestige rushed like a tide.

Why is there such a terrible might! ?

Because, this time comes, it is not a will Avatar, it is a true body!

3 Deity King true body, come in person!

In an instant, Zong Zheng, Yuan Du, 2 mysterious cultivators, and 5 respectable gangsters, all stunned and twitched.

A trifling God powerhouse, with three Divine Kings standing behind, this … too terrifying! ?

What identity is this Chu Yan! ?

“Get lost!”

Duansheng Divine King’s eyes swept, and he drank again.

Just like the thunder of law, a huge wave of fairy waves broke out between Heaven and Earth, hitting everyone on the opposite side like a surge.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of muffled sound came, everyone’s figure, as if hit by a mountain, flew back like a meteor in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, the silhouette of these people disappeared like a black dot on the horizon.

Divine King shot, I am afraid that these people are seriously injured!

“Many thanks 3 Seniors!”

Chu Yan quickly thanked.

Really didn’t expect!

When I decided before, Chu Yan sent a message that didn’t expect 3 Deity King came so soon, and it was still true body.

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