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This scene drew everyone directly crazy.

“All give up! The roadblocker is dead!”

“Come on, follow me into the 3rd Immortal Palace and occupy the gate!”

“The 5th Immortal Palace is ours!”


Over 1000 cultivators, like crazy demons, rushed up like a tide, moved towards that piece of Immortal Palace.

A battle, a direct outbreak, heaven shaking earth shattering.

However, everyone knows that this is just the beginning.

This is the ancestral inheritance. With such amazing inheritance open, there must be countless practitioners who will move towards here.

The fewest practitioners present will deliver the news as quickly as possible.

“This … should be the 9 immortal inheritances, which appeared in this session !?”

Looking at the ten tall heroes, Yue Peng was so surprised that his eyes were almost flying out.

As a child of Tian Tian, ​​Divine King’s parent and child, Divine Realm’s famous genius, he was flushed with excitement.

“It should not be, but such inheritance is already very good!”

Chu Yan didn’t move, turned Qilin’s pupil, glanced at the audience, and looked towards the Immortal Palace in the distance.

“Just now, the 2 great spirits and their cultivators who rushed into the raging wind are not here!”

“They should be near here, or that place!”

As far as Chu Yan’s eyes are concerned, the seven heroes behind him suddenly moved freely, and moved towards where Chu Yan saw him.

“I depend, that’s Purple Gold!”

The crowd of people in the frenzy, watching Yue Peng’s huge bird body passing across the sky, all exclaimed.

“Really, what a big bird!”

More and more cultivators, looked towards Yue Peng, are all surprised.

“What are you looking at !? Look again, Ben Bird, yuck, Ben Divine Bird wiped you out!”

Yue Peng was extremely upset and shouted.

The voice fell to the ground, a pair of Peng claws, directly swung down

This little heavenly king usually arrogantly traverses, plus if these people keep looking like this, maybe they can recognize their identity.

He was carrying Chu Yan, and he was ashamed when he was embarrassed.

Therefore, he is prepared to start strong and deter these people.

“Broken bird, so arrogant!”

A God’s Peak, suddenly furious, raised his hand is a powerful magic, strikes.

“Hmph! My mount, you dare to move !?”

a cold sound.

Chu Yan long sword is like electricity, the red glow of the whole body shines, like the tide of killing power, rushing out.


The God Power Peakhouse was suddenly taken aback, and his scalp exploded all over his body.

Including other practitioners all around, looked towards Chu Yan’s gaze, as soon as he saw the ghost’s expression.

The cowman that came, 100 steps red glow, this is how many geniuses have been killed! ?

“Hehe, Ben Divine Bird doesn’t care about you!”

When Yue Peng saw all around, everyone was shocked, and suddenly his face was proud, and he spoke coldly.

This feeling seems very cool!

The cultivators all around, twitching all over their faces, looked at Chu Yan on Yue Peng’s back, and all chose to bypass.

They rushed into the Immortal Palace and began to search frantically.

a path of rays of light, rushing out of the major Immortal Palace, like a beam of light, rushing towards the sky.

It should be some people who have touched the strong prohibition and will not be easy.

Of course, since there is such a strong prohibition, there must be a strong out of the ordinary inheritance.

Chu Yan just glanced and didn’t care.

“En !?”

At the next breath, Chu Yan’s eyes were brows slightly wrinkle.

His 7 heroes actually solidified in the sky, and the entire Soul Body was trembling violently.

Even if Chu Yan communicated with them on Divine Consciousness and wanted to understand the situation, there was no news to be sent back.

“Chu Yan, there should be a limit to the rank of the heroes in that place. Your heroes are of too low rank to get close!”

“The cultivator himself is closer to the impossible, and the whole heavenly tomb, all places must lead the way.”

Yue Peng explained to him because Chu Yan helped himself just now.

More importantly, if Chu Yan can’t get in, he can’t get in.

It’s a pity that you can’t get any benefits.

Now, he has some expectations for Chu Yan, and even thinks that Chu Yan has a way.

“That is to say, if there were the 2 major cultivators just now, the spirits of that level can be close !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

The heroic spirit was initiated at the entrance of the land of the heavenly tomb, and now there is time to go back! ?

“That’s all, let’s get closer first.”

Chu Yan flew forward, and just flew 100 steps, behind which a thunderbolt-like sky-splitting sound sounded.

Looking around, it was a group of heroes flying by.

Obviously, some powerful cultivators also found the place where Chu Yan wanted to go, and urged his heroes to lead the way.

Most of these heroes are incorporeal, but there are also copper ranks and silver prices.

After all, without strong strength, no one dared to get close to the core place, it is better to go to that piece of Immortal Palace and have luck.

The most important thing is that Chu Yan found a golden order spirit among the group of heroes.

“Yue Peng, your heroic rank is not enough, you can find a way yourself! I am advanced, if you can enter, then take you!”

In a word, Chu Yan rose to the sky, and the long sword in his hand cut directly to the golden hero.

“Fellow Daoist, this Golden Order Spirit is borrowed!”


After the sword light, Jin Jieying Ling contacted Divine Consciousness of the original cultivator, and was directly cut off.

Among the crowd in the distance, a genius genius opened his mouth with a big mouthful of blood and his face was angry.

“Cannot afford to offend! Cannot afford to offend! Hundred zhang red glow, but also cut my Divine Consciousness! This is too strong!”

The genius, who had a dark face, stared at Chu Yan with blinking eyes, and finally was unable to bear.

“Give you back soon!”

Chu Yan turned his head and bowed to the genius.

Immediately afterwards, he urged the Golden Order heroes to move towards the core palace.

Along the way, Chu Yan suddenly brows tightly knit.

Sure enough, in the void, close to the core palace, there is an invisible barrier, no wonder that his 7 heroes just now cannot pass.

After rushing across the barrier, Chu Yan raised his hand and waved, Divine Consciousness of the Golden Order hero broke, flew back, and returned to its original owner.

“I’m relying on it! Just grab it !?”

Standing in the original place, Yue Peng watched Chu Yan enter the core palace, and his face was suddenly stunned.

In the next moment, including Yue Peng, dozens of eyes are simultaneously shua shua, and looked towards just spitting blood that blood genius.

“You … what are you doing !?”

There is a bloody genius in the corner of his mouth, and his face is green.

Leading myself to a gold-ranked hero, it was originally shown off for a long time, but now, it has become a bane! ?

“9 Immortals !?”

Chu Yan looked up and looked at ten horrible heroes above the core palace.

“You can’t mess up, or see what’s in this palace first !?”

These ten silhouettes are too horrible. Chu Yan pondered for a moment and decided to look for the advanced core palace.

This core palace is significantly larger than the one in the Immortal Palace outside.

A glance at 35 great halls.

On the square in front of the temple, there are already dozens of powerful cultivators, all with golden order spirits, rushing to all around the immortal palace.

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