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Chu Yan glanced around, and finally cast his eyes on a relatively tall palace made of green crystal.

On the pillar in front of the hall of this great hall is an Antiquity Rare Beast, named Evil Soul Blood Lion.

Compared with other Monster Beasts, this beast might release aura on the column, which is obviously much stronger.

Chu Yan body flashed straight into the hall.

I saw that in the tall hall, there were bones everywhere, and the wall paintings of a battle were painted on the walls of all around.

In the great hall, natural phenomena are still happening, wandering and evolving.

One of them seems to be some kind of Space-Time channel. If the practitioner enters it by mistake, it will disappear immediately and enter another place.

In addition to natural phenomena, there are of course prohibitions and Killing Formation.

At this time, 2 practitioners have fallen into it, and it is difficult to get out.

One of the Peak practitioners in God’s environment was very happy when he saw Chu Yan coming in.

Just looking at Chu Yan, the red glow, he knew that Chu Yan is definitely a super powerful genius.

As long as he can get his help, he can immediately resolve his own crisis.

“Fellow Daoist, Fellow Daoist, how do we join forces !? Wait a minute to get the inheritance, I only need 20%!”

A God Power Peak house opened the mouth and said first.

Uh …!

Without waiting for him to finish his sentence in a sentence, Chu Yan was like an electric figure, holding a long sword, and rushed into the murderous intention of the sky.

“What !? He … just rushed …”

The 3 God Power Peakhouses are all complexion stiffened.

These formidable power of Killing Formation, they could not understand more, especially after falling for so long, even if they exhausted all their strength, they could not escape.

Even if the genius is caught in it, it is difficult to escape.

But this black robed youth, one man one sword, just rushed in! ?

This is too arrogant, simply seeks bitterness!

But at the next breath, the faces of the three were shocked.

I saw that Chu Yan was holding a long sword, flashing in the murderous intention of the sky, like a ghost, where he passed, a path of lasing came from killing intent, all he avoided.

10 breaths later, the silhouette of Chu Yan has disappeared in their sight.

Chu Yan at this time has reached the depths of the great hall.

“this is鈥?”

Chu Yan looked up and saw that in front of him, it turned out to be a ghost qi scene.

A huge human head high mound, piled in the middle of the great hall, each head is dripping blood, flowing down the pyramid-shaped high mound, the river of blood becomes a river, and the sky is full of blood.

in the sky, an eerie killing intent, as if countless evil spirits are wandering, making one have one’s hair stand on end.

“This is troublesome, this is a 10000 soul-death formation!”

Chu Yan complexion changed, without any hesitation, turned back.

However, even if Chu Yan responded quickly, it was still slower.

At the moment when he just turned around, on the high mound of the head, all the eyes of the heads were opened together, and the red light of the shooting was shot out, all looked towards the silhouette of Chu Yan.

The void around all began to collapse, and the great hall disappeared and was replaced by a bloody river and black cracked earth.

each and everyone blood and skeleton, zombie, crawling out of the river of blood, moved towards the front, shaking forward.

At a glance, it was like hell in a nose.

Countless killing intents, 4 spread out, all locked in Chu Yan.

Every flesh and blood creature here is as powerful as God.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

All scenes in front of Chu Yan disappeared, and there was no retreat.

Clear Sky Sword was cut in hand, sword light passed by, a skeleton zombie, bursted by the cut, and the bones and carrion flew away.

However, almost at the moment they landed, they melted on the ground and quickly re-drilled out.

Moreover, the skeleton and zombie from the resurrection are stronger than before.

“What a shameful Killing Formation! It actually tortured and killed to death the blood and soul of 5000 cultivators, and then tempered to such an extent.”

Chu Yan’s eyes were icy, and within the body Dao Jing roared.

After an hour, the silhouette of Chu Yan returned to the first great hall.

At this time, he has a bloody aura all over his body, and his body strength is more intense.

“Restore Divine Strength first!”

It took a high hour to kill an hour. Even Chu Yan felt some consumption.

After the time of hundred breaths, Chu Yan exhaled long, with the body Divine Strength, and returned to God state Peak state again.

As soon as he turned around, Chu Yan continued to move towards the great hall.

The whole great hall is silent, very silent.

Frescoes continue to appear on the walls on the 2nd side of the corridor. Some of them can be understood, but most of them are extremely abstract, and they do not know what to express at all.

As it went deeper, statues began to appear on both sides.

These statues include Orcs and humans, including the 3 Supreme Monster Race.

But the most conspicuous are the 3 tall humanoid statues.

The statue looks vivid on the surface, and the carvings are exquisite, and it is a fine product.

However, under the double exploration of the pupils of Chu Yan Qilin and Divine Consciousness, they found that there are various auras above these statues, especially the three tall humanoid statues, which are the strongest.

In other words, these statues may be refined by living life.

“What is the origin of this evil spirit blood lion !? Taikoo Devil !?”

Chu Yan guessed.

You know, the Orcs are normal to the Human Race and the cruel slaughter, but they are so vicious to their own race, it is rare.

Therefore, I am afraid that only those cultivation magic skills can do this.

Chu Yan went all the way, and after a short walk, his figure stopped.

In front, a huge Eight Divinatory Array figure appears.

In the all around of the Great Array, there are 3 altars erected. On top of each altar, a spar is placed, wrapped with 3 rare treasures.

They are a flame flower, a wooden stick, and a golden scale.

“These three are …”

Chu Yan was surprised, not because of these three rare treasures, but because there were dozens of giant coffins behind the three altars.

On the coffin, there is also a Jade Talisman and a crystal plate.

Jade Talisman does not have any aura, but above the crystal plate, Immortal Intent is dense and foggy.

Even if it were the three statues that Chu Yan had obtained before, it could not be compared.

“It seems that this is the treasure and inheritance left by the evil spirit blood lion!”

Chu Yan’s eyes lit up and rushed into the Great Array.

In an instant, the Eight Divinatory Array figure was running, 8 fairy lights rose up into the sky, and the endless magic breath poured out like a tide.

One ghost after another appeared in the Great Array and moved towards Chu Yan.


Chu Yan shouted all over his body and his aura skyrocketed.

At first, the taboo body is used completely because Chu Yan sensed that this Great Array is stronger than all the Great Array he has encountered before.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Sword light broke out, 10000 dragons bombed, and fighting broke out directly.

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