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Five Elements Xiangu is not the first time to open, even if it is not long after the World’s First Battle, it is not the first time.

Of course, this is not the first time Tianxuan Earth Palace’s game has been opened.

However, everyone remembers that the 3 Star fix has not appeared in a long time.

“The reference list of handicap odds is out!”

“As long as they are ready to enter the Five Elements Xiangu geniuses, this time will be included in the list, listing the odds!”

“The closing time is set tonight!”

Speaking of which, the Great Elder of Tianxuan Earth Palace raised a wave, and a large divine light rushed to the whole great hall.

The surge of divine light directly went out of the great hall and spread to the whole Five Elements ancient city.

All cultivators in the city could clearly feel that Five Elements ancient city shivered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, over the Five Elements ancient city, countless bright spots of starlight appeared, just like the white sea Star Sea, twinkling into the sky.

xiu! xiu xiu xiu!

In the next moment, these starlights shoot straight down from the sky and moved towards every cultivator.

In the blink of an eye, each cultivator has an extra piece of Jade Talisman!

Divine Consciousness went into it, turned out to be Tianxuan Earth Palace, and gave all the information of the final offer, including the odds list of Geshi genius.

This handwriting is really heaven shaking earth shattering!

What’s special, really rich and imposing….

If it is just those people in the great hall, it is only a few thousand pieces of Jade Talisman, but this is the entire Five Elements ancient city, with nearly 1000 practitioners.

This is just the number of Jade Talisman, it is a huge asset.

“Gai Shi Tian Ying Biao!”

“1st place, Duan 9 Jiang! Zixiaoge true disciplinary, one of the Vault of Heaven 9, son of cultivation base God, Peak, odds are one to one!”

“2nd place, flowers are impermanent! The chief disciple of Lun Tianzong, the son of Heavenly Venerate, the same as the son of Vault of Heaven 9 …”

“3rd place, Langyi, Immortal Transformation Sect strongest …”

“4th place, Zuo Jiatian, St. God …”

“No. 5, Blood Asura …”

Looking at each and everyone, people’s eyes are bright.

These names are in Divine Realm, the existence of extremely famous.

Various detailed introductions list everyone’s strength, including the odds, and all depend on it.

Even if it is an ordinary person, glance at this list, who is strong and weak is obvious at a glance.

However, these are not the reasons for everyone’s eyes.

Because of these news, as everyone knows, it is just Tianxuan Earth Palace, which lists them together.

What really surprised everyone is that there are 70 people on this list!

70 people ah!

It is equal to 70 geius genius!

No one has thought that Five Elements Xiangu at this time will gather so many geniuses!

You know, Divine Realm has 2 and 2 Xiangu opened, and all the genius together will probably add up to 300.

But now, the Five Elements Xiangu alone has gathered 70, close to one in 30%.

“Garbage! Garbage list! Why do those 2 garbages rank in front of me!”

Just when great hall was shocked and silent, a sudden sound suddenly exploded.

Everyone turned their heads to see, but they saw that it was … Langyi!

This guy with a cannon full of maps started again!

“This time, I also think that the guy is right!” Blood Asura quickly made up the knife.

Not only the two of them, there are some genius faces, they are all black.

Geisha genius is who! ?

That’s Heaven’s Chosen Child, a gangster who exists rampantly.

Why Divine Realm, there are various Divine King list, powerhouse list, Venerable list, but there is no genius list.

Because, not convinced!

Regardless of strength and cultivation base, anyway, it is disapproval, all kinds of dissatisfaction!

The genius list is out, to offend the person ah!

Compared to those Divine King, buddy, the cultivation base is higher and the horizon is higher. I also talk about a list and so on.

However, these geniuses are different.

Most of them, in addition to the waves every day, are all kinds of looking for things, and their face is bigger than the sky.

After all, among the entire Divine Realm, as they have resources and backers, will they still seriously cultivate! ?

Since they can raise the cultivation base while lying down, they can fall apart.

Like Yue Peng, because of the special rules of bloodline and ethnic groups, the genius of life and death is absolutely a minority.

So, look at your name and ranking, you must be against everyone in the front, yes, it is everyone, directly dissatisfied!

Above the great hall, there is an aura surging in a dark tide, which continues to spread.

Chu Yan was standing in the crowd, ignoring all this, and still looking at Jade Talisman seriously.

“Ranked 6th eleven !?”

After watching for a long time, Chu Yan finally found his ranked.

“You … are you waiting … late?”

Yue Peng, Huayang, and Yu Ling’er all looked up together, looking blankly towards Chu Yan.

Isn’t that nonsense? ?

This item is ranked 6th eleven! ?

“This time, and I agree with the words of Lang Yi! Sure enough, it’s a trash list. My Brother Chu, only ranked at 6 eleven !?”

Huayang was directly angry, and when he lifted his feet, he rushed up to find the Tianxuan Earth Palace too Elder theory.

However, just after raising his foot, Chu Yan grabbed him.

As soon as Huayang looked up, he saw Chu Yan’s face full of faint smiles, and his mouth lightened.

Yue Peng, Yu Ling’er saw Chu Yan’s expression, he was stunned for a moment, and then his mouth twitched in unison.

This Chu Yan seems to be very happy with this ranked … ?

At this moment, Yue Peng and Yu Linger, from Chu Yan’s smile, seemed to understand something.

However, not everyone is like them, such as Huayang.

“No! I have to speak, I am ranked by Brother Chu, can’t …”

Although Hua Yang was held by Chu Yan, he still had a look on his face and roared loudly.

“Hmph! It’s just a natural disaster. If it’s not because his battle strength is just right, it’s reasonable to rank the last one!”

a The sound of cold crumbs sounded, causing 4 people in Huayang to be shocked at the same time.

At the next moment, a young man wearing long silk long robe with long hair falling off his shoulder and staring eyebrows appeared at the entrance of the great hall.

There was no trace of aura overflowing in this young man, and it glanced over at a glance, which might even make people think that he was an ordinary person.

However, it is so amazing!

His appearance made everyone in the whole hall look at the past.

Because everyone felt it, the void in the great hall seemed to find some changes.

And this change was brought by this young man in gold silk robe.

“Young Palace Lord !?”

Above the main position, including the previously mentioned Tianxuan Earth Palace too Elder, there are 6 Elders, all started together, and exclaimed.

“Pay respects to Young Palace Lord!”

“Pay respects to….”

This time, everyone in the audience was stunned.

The young man in the golden silk robe turned out to be Tianxuan Earth Palace … Young Palace Lord! ?

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