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You know, Tianxuan Earth Palace is one of Divine Realm 2 1 Dao Lineage. Its Young Palace Lord, rank and status are so noble, even if it is some Overlord, it ca n’t be compared with it.

How can people with this status appear here! ?

One heir of Dao Lineage forces, that one is not well-protected and will not easily show up at all.

“Heaven Sealing Xuan !?”

The Dao Lineage giants present at the scene, including Duan 9 Jiang and other mass geniuses, looked towards the young man in gold silk robe, all with a blank face.

“Tianxuan Earth Palace Young Palace Lord!”

Yu Ling’er’s eyes also showed a trace of shock.

However, she responded extremely quickly and quickly turned her head towards towards Chu Yan Huayang, Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“This Tianxuan Earth Palace has 2 continuation people, one named Feng Long, whose innate talent is amazing, dedicated to Martial Cultivation, and is one of Divine Realm ’s famous peerless genius. Although this Heaven Sealing Xuan is only a genius, it is said Innate talent physique, it ’s terrifying! “

Speaking of which, Yu Ling’er looked towards Chu Yan, he seemed hesitant, but finally opened the mouth and said quietly.

“I heard that his innate talent physique is called … Fluo body!”

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yan and Huayang were shocked.

Phlox body! ?

There is such a physique! ?

“You should have heard that there are rumors about Martial Dao Great Destiny, and there are some traces that are also proof of the existence of Great Destiny. The body of Phlox like him is one of the proofs!”

“It is said that, as long as he is in a place of luck, he can transport Heaven and Earth within a certain range, and the enforcement is already in place!”

“Is it a permanent enforcement or a temporary one?”

Chu Yan unable to bear asked.

“It seems to be short-term enforcement!” Yu Linger replied.

Short enforcement!

In this case, it is acceptable.

If this Heaven Sealing mystery can really attract Heaven and Earth luck and completely melt into the body, then too terrifying.

“This place of Phlox is terrifying! According to rumors, when Heaven Sealing Xuan was honored, he was besieged by 100 powerhouses. As a result, Heaven Sealing Xuan stood there and said something, all 100 powerhouses died on the spot. ! “

“Afterwards, some people said that they were poisoned by God, and some people said that it was witchcraft. Anyway, in the end, Heaven Sealing Xuan didn’t move his finger, and the enemy was all dead!”

“Moreover, the Xiangu where he found, just as soon as his feet landed, the opportunity outbreak was directly honored!”

After saying this, Chu Yan, Huayang and Yue Peng, Qi Qi suck in a breath of cold air.

So listen, why is it so mysterious! ?

It doesn’t feel like talking about people, but Divine Immortal! ?

“This World mysterious, 10000 creatures and 1000 spirits, all have singularities!”

Chu Yan shook the head with a wry smile.

To tell the truth, Yu Ling’er said this, he just listened to it, really wanted to say that if Heaven Sealing had such means, it wouldn’t be a long time ago Divine Realm.

Move your mouth, you can kill 100 powerhouse! ?

If you go to the city or Sect, it is not going to die all the way! ?

Think about it all impossible!

And it ’s even more untrustworthy to say good things about chance. If you really have such good luck, then you can get the money directly. In that case, Tianxuan Earth Palace does n’t need to make money everywhere.

Therefore, these rumors, Chu Yan is just listening.

Speaking of Great Destiny, Chu Yan believes this, after all, he also has experience.

But it was precisely because of his experience that Chu Yan was sure that the so-called Great Destiny is not a radish cabbage.

That’s very complicated, and it’s definitely not something that a cultivator can control.

If it can really control it, then it is not called Great Destiny, it should be called … Plan!

Tianxuan Earth Palace, as 3 Dao Lineage, has some cards and special means, Chu Yan believes.

As for the rumors, forget it!

Moreover, there is Yin-Yang, the sky is cloudy, and any powerful cultivation technique must have its weaknesses.

“Everyone, this time’s genius odds list is published by my Earth Palace. Anyone who has an opinion will suffocate me!”

Heaven Sealing Xuan walked to the main position, turned around, and looked around the audience.

have opinions! ?


At this moment, he felt as if he was in the palace, standing like the emperor of the world, proclaiming the decree.

“Since Brother Feng presided over this list, I naturally have no problem waiting!”

Blood Asura’s brain turned very fast, and immediately spoke.

Not only him, but even the map cannon of Langyi was also nodded at this time, expressing his approval.

After all, Tianxuan Earth Palace as 2 Dao Lineage, now a Young Palace Lord, a Supreme Elder here, even if it is wrong.

Martial Dao World, strength is respected, it’s that simple!


For the head of the audience, Heaven Sealing Xuan seemed not surprised at all. He slowly turned his head, looked towards where Chu Yan was, and raised his hand directly.

“Natural disaster Chu Yan, right?”

This sentence asked, all the eyes of the audience suddenly looked towards Chu Yan.

“En !? Chu Yan !?”

Zuo Jiatian waited for some genius, but it was complexion changed, they didn’t expect, Chu Yan was even in this temple.

After all, there are too many people in the temple, and it was not found before densely packed.

But Chu Yan seems to be low-key, as soon as he entered the great hall, he found a corner, not at all walking around.

Naturally, it won’t attract too much attention!

But now, Heaven Sealing Xuan directly named, and suddenly everyone in the audience saw him.

However, to everyone’s surprise, this more than 60 rank Yan Chu Yan, how to make Heaven Sealing Xuan deliberately point! ?

“What a natural disaster body, do you know that I am the body of Fulu !?”

This problem is obviously not a problem, Feng 9 Xuan smiled gently, and then said

“This time, I just want to see, how bad is your natural disaster body?”

This sentence suddenly let everyone in the audience, Qi Qi suddenly.

Although the Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon now exhibited by Five Elements Xiangu is extremely powerful, it is not enough for a Young Palace Lord to personally come to host the Tianxuan Earth Palace game.

Therefore, the main reason is still because of this “natural disaster” that is equal to him! ?

“Natural disaster! Fu Lu! These two people, is it …”

Some people looked at Chu Yan and Feng Nine Heavens, and they seemed to think of something, and their eyes kept blinking.

As everyone knows, there is Yin-Yang, and any power has a law of pros and cons.

And now, if 2 special innate talent physique collide with each other, does it mean that the 2 of them may be the enemy of Innate! ?

Like the trend of fire and water, there is no hatred, but Innate is opposite! ?

At this moment, more and more people gradually understand what.

And Yue Peng is also full of fuck your mother at this time …

It turned out that the reason why Tianxuan Earth Palace paid so much attention to Chu Yan before, and turned a blind eye to it was because of this …

The key issue now is that Heaven Sealing Xuan is the Young Palace Lord of Tianxuan Earth Palace!

This person’s identity is special, and the things and thoughts to be done are naturally special.

If this is used, then …

The presence of Blood Asura, Lang Yi, and even the 9th section of the river, looked towards Chu Yan’s gaze, and instantly changed.

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