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“This Chu Yan seems to be staring at Heaven Sealing Xuan!”

Even Huayang, Yue Peng, and Yu Ling’er understood it now.

If this is true, then Chu Yan may be in trouble.

“Everyone, do not need to speculate. My Heaven Sealing is the Young Palace Lord of the Earth Palace of Tianxuan. It is indisputable and indifferent to fame and fortune. For the strong of Martial Dao, they also compete for the heart. Only! “

Speaking of which, Heaven Sealing Xuan looked towards Chu Yan again, his mouth lightly raised, and then said

“It turns out that with the strength of this Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, even if it is ranked in the top 5 of the list, it is not excessive!”


2 words landed on the floor, all the people present, all started together.

“My Tianxuan Earth Palace, since opening the game, naturally all factors and influences must be calculated into the game. The odds given in this way can be worthy of everyone who bets!”

“So, this natural disaster Chu Yan, the original ranked was reduced to more than 60, because of sudden and special factors!”

“This factor is … me!”

This sentence fell to the ground, stunned the audience.

This Heaven Sealing mystery, has n’t it already been respected! ?

Now that he is respected, he cannot enter Xiangu, nor can he suppress Chu Yan.

In this case, what impact did he have on Chu Yan’s ranked! ?

Just when everyone was stunned, Heaven Sealing Xuan opened the mouth and said again

“Since I am here, this body of natural disasters will inevitably be suppressed by my body of Fulu, and naturally it cannot be like other Xiangu, so this is a special factor!”

In an instant, a powerful aura swept through the hall like a gang wind.

Everyone can feel that a peculiar feeling of blessing to the soul floods the whole body.

That feeling is somewhat similar to the blessings after the Transcending Tribulation.

Putting it that way, the rumor of this Fulu body is true!

Even, it seems to be much stronger than rumors.

After all, the 1000 people in this temple are all powerful, allowing them to have the same feeling at the same time. The difficulty can be imagined.

At this time, the Heaven Sealing mystery above the throne, the whole body glowed like a tide, just like Immortal God.

“Tsk tsk tsk, this one, that Chu Yan … is going to be scrapped!”

“Yeah, it’s really good to see the spirit of Fulu! It’s so refreshing!”

“A lot stronger than the spiritual rest. Although the cultivation base cannot be improved, the effect is still very obvious!”

“The body of natural disaster! The body of Fulu! The origin of this law is really mysterious!”

“Five Elements Xiangu, it’s hilarious now!”


All kinds of arguments are constantly ringing.

At least, from the words of Heaven Sealing Xuan just now, they can hear a meaning.

The natural disaster body of Chu Yan was not worth mentioning in front of Heaven Sealing’s body of Fulu.

This time, Huayang, Yue Peng and the others’ faces changed instantly.

Now, they finally understand why Heaven Sealing Xuan said that Chu Yan was not put in the last place, which is good.

At this time, Chu Yan looked indifferent and looked at it so quietly, without saying a word from beginning to end.

“Natural Scourge !? I almost believed it …”

Chu Yan’s heart was full of helplessness, and he didn’t know when he began to have such a name.

It seems that it was because of the death of Divine King. When he first came out to save himself from King God, he said something casually.

Of course, it is not that absolutely does not have basis.

It’s all because Chu Yan can provoke some Secret Realm and Blessed Land, and give away Divine King’s guess.

As for the facts, I am afraid that only Chu Yan knows that everything is because of his within the body, that green lotus.

As for the ability of Green Lotus, Chu Yan shook the head, I don’t want to say much.

“You said so much!”

Finally, Chu Yan spoke, facing Heaven Sealing mystery.

“I will ask!”

“If, what do I call success !?”

This sentence fell to the ground, the whole great hall, a silence.

Everyone’s eyes are simultaneously shua shua looked towards Heaven Sealing Xuan, all with a look of interest.

It’s not that they think that Chu Yan really has a chance to be respected, but he wants to know if Heaven Sealing Xuan has any plans to take this Chu Yan.

If Heaven Sealing Xuan just said a few words here, then they just listened to that’s all as an anecdote.

But if Heaven Sealing Xuan Zhen wants to speak out and make Chu Yan unable to be respected, then naturally it will not just be nothing serious.

It’s about Tianxuan Earth Palace. Will it be against Five Elements Xiangu? This is the major event!

“Ha ha ha….”

Heaven Sealing Xuan above the throne, stunned, then laughed out loud.

“If you honor! My Tianxuan Earth Palace, all Heavenly Paradise, give you all!”


“Young Palace Lord! No, ah!”

“This is absolutely impossible!”


In a word, the Supreme Elder and several Elders in Tianxuan Earth Palace had their scared faces green. They stood up and stopped quickly.

What a joke! ?

Heavenly Paradise owned by Tianxuan Earth Palace is one of the foundations.

Although Heaven Sealing Xuan is the Young Palace Lord, at this time, even if the palace master comes in person, they will stop even if they say this.

This is not a gambling affair, it is about Tianxuan Earth Palace’s face.

“Then, 3 Heavenly Paradise, you choose!”

As the heir to Tianxuan Earth Palace, Heaven Sealing Xuan also reacted instantaneously.

“3 Heavenly Paradise! This …”

Supreme Elder was also hesitant, brows tightly knit, and looked at several other Elders, then looked at Chu Yan again, and finally stopped talking.

To be honest, the three Heavenly Paradise are also terrifying!

Among these equivalent to Divine Realm, a resource of ordinary small forces.

However, Tianxuan Earth Palace took the gambling to set up the case, and I don’t know how many such bets.

Therefore, they accept more about betting than other Sect forces.

However, they accepted, but all the big brothers and geniuses in the audience were completely mad.

“3 Heavenly Paradise !?”

You know, this is not Heavenly Paradise in ordinary, but Heavenly Paradise in Tianxuan Earth Palace.

That could be Heavenly Paradise in ordinary! ?

And Heavenly Paradise in ordinary, Tianxuan Earth Palace can be seen.

More importantly, Heavenly Paradise itself is also ranked, and some even Divine King is extremely jealous.

Just like the 3 Deity King squatting outside the Five Elements ancient city at this time, they all waited for Chu Yan to honor and go to the Supreme Blessed Land.

It can make 3 Divine Kings, Heavenly Paradise with such a heart, naturally not comparable to the average Heavenly Paradise.

And now, the condition of Heaven Sealing Xuan is … Just pick it!

That is to say, if Chu Yan wins and really honors in Five Elements Xiangu, then he can select 3 Heavenly Paradise of the cream of the crop in Tianxuan Earth Palace.

That is not a resource of a small force, it is almost equivalent to a resource of Great Influence.

“Three places !?”

The most hateful thing is that Chu Yan is still pondering there, as if still hesitating, whether to agree.

“Okay! Then it’s done!”

After thinking of respecting himself, I stepped into the cultivation of respect, and I am afraid that it needs a lot of cultivation resources. Chu Yan agreed.

After all, Chu Yan’s goal is to break through as soon as possible ….. Overlord!

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