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Originally because of waiting too long, there are still some complaints in all people’s hearts, all disappeared.

At this moment, they looked at Chu Yan in midair and all thought that every sentence Sect Master said would be realized.

“Heavenly Star Sect, the battle!”

With a cry of order, the sky was surging, and the crowd was moving like a sea.

At the same time, the Holy Land Center.

Boom … bang bang bang …

Countless air blasts continue to blow, the thunderbolt between Heaven and Earth falls, and the world is trembling.

Above the Scarlet Earth, there are silhouettes everywhere, fighting and killing.

These silhouettes collided together, Divine Strength was stirred, blood was flying, and various powerful Immortal Techniques were constantly striking out.

The whole center Holy Land, a melee.

However, Duan 9 Jiang, Langyi, Blood Asura, Zuo Jiatian, including silhouettes of the world-famous genius including Yue Peng, are still as eye-catching as dazzling stars on this chaotic battlefield.

They are all Sect Masters of each Sect. After leading their people into the center Holy Land battlefield, as Sect Master, they can also get some Holy Land enforcement.

And on their foreheads, a Sect Master Spirit Seal will be condensed to represent their identity.

This war, simple and savage …

Any Sect Master, as long as he collects 100 Sect Master Spirit Seal, and sticks to one hour, he becomes the World’s First Sect of the world, and he is asked to heaven.

xiu! xiu xiu xiu!

Suddenly, a path of rapid sky-splitting sound sounded, and numerous silhouettes of cultivators fell, and various Spirit Armament flashing divine light hacked down.

This large divine light Spirit Armament is an opportunity for the outbreak of Holy Land in the center.

“Look, those Spirit Armaments have Immortal Intent!”

Yue Peng’s pair of bird eyes are extremely sharp, and at a glance, they discover the differences between these divine light Spirit Armaments.

“100 handles !?”

A full 100 Divine Weapon with spirit words, also contains Immortal Intent, which may have great opportunities.

Each and everyone, cultivators, all eyes burst into red, all rushing out.

This great opportunity is extremely rare.

The surprise on Yue Peng’s face was completely solidified with just a flash, brows tightly knit.

Because, these 100 handles Divine Weapon, not at all scattered, but fell in a place far away from him.

Without waiting for him to rush past, the few close geniuses have already started to snatch them away.


Yue Pengqi’s Face is red, and growled loudly.

By this time, he was missing someone all the time … Chu Yan.

If Chu Yan is here, by his means, it is definitely impossible to make people easily snatch away.

Yue Peng was speechless and sighed in his heart, looking up towards all around, his eyes full of expectation.

I do n’t know why, but Chu Yan has n’t come yet! ?


Just as he thought about it, a vast fairy light on the sky exploded, stormed down, and landed directly on the ground of the nearby zhang.

This time is aura which is ten times more powerful than the 100 Spirit Armaments just now.

This is a jade tree!

The whole tree body was completely carved by the extreme jade spirit jade. The imprint on the jade tree turned out to be the illusory shadow of Nine Heavens Supreme.

And, around the jade tree, there is also 3 Dragon-Tiger Jade Talisman.

This is a combination of Immortal Grade!

Even if it is one of them, the value is far more than the 100-arm Spirit Armament just now.

“Jade Fairy Talisman!”

“God ah! This is the top Immortal Grade, hurry up ah!”

“As long as you grab the same, you can be respected!”


A cultivator who was still in combat, all looked at it at this time, all his pupils shrank, and Divine Strength went wild.

“Ha ha ha, heaven helps me!”

Yue Peng laughed endlessly, the divine light in his eyes was like electricity, he roared loudly

“Mine, it’s all mine!”

The wings fluttered, and the wind swept, and all the rushers who rushed all around flew.

The puffy eyes in the center of the storm devoured the Jade Fairy Talisman and rolled it towards himself.

“Rotten Bird! You can swallow this Immortal Treasure !?”

With a stern drink, it exploded behind Yue Peng, two 2-members, Immortal Transformation Sect ’s genius, rushed in and raised his hand to kill.

The other cultivators also reacted one after another and shot together.

“You actually said I … rotten bird !?”

Yue Peng’s face turned black instantly, but he was dignified Golden Wings Great Peng.

Swire 3’s Supreme Monster Race bloodline, even more noble than Dragon Race bloodline.

But now, people are called … rotten birds! ?

For Monster Race, which sees bloodline glory greater than heaven, it is really piercing the heavens.

“All orders, kill these 2 people!”

Yue Peng’s angry roar, an outbreak of purple light in the whole body, all purple feathers turned into a tide of arrows, and shot towards the two geniuses flying.

Behind him, a large group of cultivators, abide by the Sect Master order, also moved towards the two geniuses and rushed away.

“En!? This rotten bird still has some strength !?”

Two geniuses, their faces all changed, didn’t expect the bird’s battle strength, so strong.

The point is, it seems that there is no ranked bird on the world list, but with the battle strength seen now, I am afraid it will be ranked in the top 30.

“2 garbage, try another one!”

Yue Peng’s face was murderous aura, and he spoke coldly.

“Rotten bird! Rotten bird! Rotten bird!”

Two people spoke in unison, not only called one, but directly called three.


Yue Peng was completely angry, and the golden light in his whole body was going to burst into the night, and he would directly burst into a body of Golden Wings Great Peng.

Even before that, Yu Ling’er didn’t know him, just called a big bird, Yue Peng almost spit blood.

And now, these two guys, still in front of the bird, added a “rotten” word.

If you don’t kill these two guys, how can you be worthy of your bloodline respect! ?

However, just as Yue Peng was preparing to return to true body, slaughter all sides, his body suddenly shuddered and his pupils instantly solidified.

“Why are you excited !? Are you not a bird !?”

At this moment, Lang Yi was puzzled, and brought a group of powerful cultivators around, and asked.

“Broken bird! Hand over the jade tree, submit to me, and protect you from death!”

On the other side, Blood Asura dragged a cloud of blood and rushed towards Yue Peng from the other direction.

“Not good !”

Chu Yan’s hair exploded all over his body. Without any hesitation, he turned and ran.

His goal is the chaotic battlefield ahead, as long as he escapes, he can avoid these people.

Although he didn’t want to run away, he knew very well that these two guys are not ordinary genius, all of them are ranked top 2.

Now he is not their opponent.

“Want to escape!?”

2 powerful Divine Consciousness, locked Yue Peng at the same time, stormed Chu Yan at the same time.

After sensing 2 Divine Consciousness locks, Yue Peng’s face suddenly changed, and he immediately performed divine magic, and the whole body Divine Strength poured out, turning into a Gang Yuan shield.

bang! rumble!

In an instant, the powerful Immortal Technique, like a thunderbolt, bombarded him, and the Gang Yuan shield shattered instantly, unable to support at all.

In Yue Peng’s eyes, a golden glow flashed, but it quickly went out.

“Big bird, last chance, acknowledge allegiance or die!”

Blood Asura’s eyes are full of light.

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