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Blood Asura took a fancy to this demon bird, which was very powerful and extremely fast.

This kind of monster cultivator, if put into a mount, can make him more powerful.

Therefore, Blood Asura gave him a chance.

But if the other party dares to say nothing, he will kill the other party without the slightest hesitation.

After all, this is the center battlefield of the life world, where you can compete for honorable opportunities and ask the heavenly furnace.

If it were n’t for the monster, Blood Asura would n’t take this risk and waste precious time.

At this time, Langyi, without saying a word, kept playing Immortal Technique.

The three geniuses who came after him and chased them all at the same time, obviously wanting to kill Yue Peng.

Once you kill Yue Peng, you not only have to grab the jade tree Supreme Treasure, but also get a Sect Master Spirit Seal.

And of course he wouldn’t be like Blood Asura, at this time, he still has to think about what to mount.

“Do you all want to deal with me !?”

Yue Peng was slammed with feathers by a path of Immortal Technique, with the body qi and blood rushing, full of suffocation.

At this time, he missed the man more than he did just now.

“You wait, wait for my master, Chu Yan is coming, you can’t escape any of them!”

Chu Yan is very strong, as everyone knows.

How could the Young Palace Lord of Tianxuan Earth Palace come by himself, how could it be weak! ?

Moreover, everyone knows that this bird was with Chu Yan before.

the host! ?

The owner of this bird is Chu Yan! ?

If Chu Yan didn’t come, let this bird be here, what’s the use! ?

“Chu Yan !?”

Lang Yi’s eyes were shining, and then the corner of his mouth said with a malicious smile

“Since your master is Chu Yan, then I must kill you first!”

“In addition, you are not right, even if Chu Yan comes, it will be the same …. To die!”

As he said, 2 Spirit Seals began to congeal in his hand, and countless Dao Realm powers poured out.

He is ready to shoot directly and kill the bird!

“Oh, really!?”

However, at this moment, above the sky, a emptiness and indifferent voice sounded!

Even if you are on the battlefield, there are explosions of air waves everywhere, and this weak voice sounded very clearly.

The border of the central battlefield, a black robe silhouette, holding a long sword, came step by step.

“Yi !? Natural disaster Chu Yan !?”

All of a sudden, a path of Li Eye, looked at the past together.

Duan 9 Jiang, Blood Asura, Lang Yi, Zuo Jiatian, etc., and light flashed at the same time.

“Cultivation base aura is so much stronger !?”

Especially Duan 9 River, Zuo Jiatian and 2 people, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, completely different.

“Chu Yan, you finally dare to come !?”

Blood Asura wants a big bird to be a mount, and now sees Chu Yan appearing, and suddenly his eyes flashed.


There was no trace of hesitation at all, the blood light in his hand condensed into a peerless blood blade, moved towards Yue Peng below, fiercely cut off.

Kill Yue Peng first, then Chu Yan!


Yue Peng’s complexion changed instantly.

In this case, why didn’t he kill Chu Yan, but sample himself first! ?

Did you dig a hole? Say this Chu Yan is his master, he wants to conquer himself as a mount, shouldn’t he kill Chu Yan first! ?

Yue Peng was so disorganized that he was completely ashamed.

And in front of this blade blood blade, extremely powerful, just bombed several times, now with the body qi and blood still rolling.

How can this stand up! ?

Is it possible to use the bottom card! ?


The blood knife is like a awn, falling down across the sky, a dazzling sword light in the distance suddenly lights up, and hits Blood Asura directly.

Boom …!

The loud noise exploded, and the sword glow was chopped on Blood Asura, directly knocking him back 100 steps.

And the blood blade that cut towards Yue Peng collapsed instantly.

With just a sword, the Blood Asura is repelled! ?

“Really strong sword power! You …”

The blood Asura Eyes was full of surprises. Before he finished a sentence, he suddenly felt a horrible danger aura.

The body dodges in a hurry, moved towards the right to spread the void, and will escape.

However, even so, it is still one step late.

a black shadow, suddenly appeared in the top 10 steps of his body, the long sword in his hand has been stabbed.

‘pu’ sound, pointed by the sword, body protection Gang Yuan and Immortal Intent broke together, and a blood hole was punctured directly in the chest.


With a scream, Blood Asura was so angry that his eyes were full of horror.

The eyes of the man holding the long sword in front of him were as dead as Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice, rising violently within him within the body.

At this time, even Divine Soul was frozen.


too strong!

Blood Asura even thought that standing in front of his eyes and stabbing himself with a long sword is not the natural disaster Chu Yan, but is a Taikoo Ominous Beast, who is choking people.

“Quick! Set up …”

Blood Asura’s roar sounded like an electric figure, soaring into the sky.

At the same time, his right hand produced a hand seal….

Boom …!

A large amount of blood poured out of his body, turning into a cloud of blood in the sky, and rumble rattled.

This blood cloud is like hiding countless evil spirits. Wherever it passes, a large bloody mark appears on the sky, as if to destroy this Heaven and Earth directly.

“10000 Dragon Power!”

Chu Yan’s figure rushed straight up without any hesitation, as if completely blind to the blood cloud enough to destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

Raising your hand is a fist, and it pops out directly.

A powerful force like a thunder tide, a burst of flame, burns all the void around into nothingness.

The energy is as strong as a dragon, and the four sides are rushing, hitting Blood Asura directly, causing him to fly upside down.

This was just an instant match. Blood Asura tried his best to stabilize the injury while the Spirit Seal in his hand still did not stand still.

He is the first true disciplinary disciple. Even if he is at a disadvantage, it is not easy to kill him.

However, he is very clear that Chu Yan just did not seem to use his full strength.


next moment, a brilliant sword light, rushing in, like a rainbow-like sword light, all around Heaven and Earth into the sword.

“Blood Avenue!”

Blood Asura hand seal completely condensed, raised his hand and burst out, the light of Tao from all over the body swept out like a tide.

“Blood is the source, the sky is the evil, the source is impermanent, the bloody heaven is the gang, the permanent wheel is constant, and there is no …”

The method of asking the question has been completed. With the surging of the Dadao Jingjing, Heaven and Earth are filled with an extremely terrifying might.

At the same time, Blood Asura same sect disciple arrived, and at the same time urged the method of asking the Dao, and integrated the truth of the Blood Heaven Avenue into Blood Asura’s method of asking the Dao.

Boom … rumbling!

In an instant, a long zhang, like a bloody earth, appeared above the sky.

a path of blood-colored markings, moved towards all around, spreading out as if to wrap this piece of sky directly.

These bloodlines, each dashing a distance, will form a Spirit Seal light group, densely packed, Great Array quickly.

Pieces of blood waves, surging above this spiritual array, soon picked up the torrential wave of blood waves.

When the wind rises and surges, with the agitation, the power of blood waves becomes stronger and stronger, and it seems that it will evolve into a frenzy that destroys Heaven and Earth.

Holding a long sword, Chu Yan stood in the air and looked at it quietly.

And in his hands, on Clear Sky Sword, there was a trace of indifferently said light, constantly circulating …

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