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War God Spirit Seal is constantly flowing in his bone, flesh and meridian, and there is no meaning to stop.

This is completely different from the previous one.

It was not that after being stopped, it went directly to silence, but became more turbulent.

Buzz …!

Just when Chu Yan was stunned, all War God Spirit Seals were separated from Chu Yan’s Fleshy body, moved towards his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Every War God Spirit Seal, flying in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World of Chu Yan …

Like the elite of the sky, and like the soul of countless wars, traveling through Heaven and Earth.

In less than ten breaths, a Spirit Seal came to nothing, drifted in midair, and turned into a row of big letters of glowing light.

“Code of Battlegrounds!”

On the four gold characters, 4 rays of light and Chu Yan’s pupils shrank instantly.

“This … is War God’s way of asking !?”

Immediately afterwards, more War God Spirit Seals in the sky fluttered and fell into the gold letters of each and everyone, which appeared in front of Chu Yan.

One after another imposing imposing manner, rushing away.

“The method of Martial Dao, Ever-changing, all the a-codes are created by people, and damaged by people. If you want to become a avenue, you must cultivate yourself, and you must learn 10000 ways.

After a paragraph of text, Chu Yan’s Divine Soul shuddered.

This paragraph is obviously different from other words, obviously what War God will say to himself.

“Evolution … self-proclaimed !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, after pondering for a moment, finally understood.

The meaning of War God is to prevent yourself from clinging to other people’s ways, no matter how good it is, but it is not your own way.

And to achieve the avenue, we must take our own way as the foundation.

Code of War!

Looking up at the text that is constantly emerging on the sky, Chu Yan studied carefully word by word.

After collecting so many geniuses, comprehend so many ways of asking questions, Chu Yan clearly remembered that there was no such method of asking questions, and he dared to take the name of “Code”.

why! ?

Because Heaven and Earth is awe-inspiring.

Only a real powerhouse can create rules with its own way.

This kind of rule can be called … law!

Not any law that asks can be called a law, but it is even more impossible to want to call a code!

But now, a battle law code has just appeared in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

If you have to talk about its value, then all of Dao Lineage ’s methods of asking together add up to not enough.

This is like 2 Dao Lineage. All the powerhouses add up, which is not enough for the power of Nine Heavens Supreme a finger. The same reason.

The battle path, it goes without saying, the way of war!

This is the root of 10000 roads, one of the 9 basic avenues, and it is still at the forefront of ranking.

“Battleline Code !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes shone and his heart shook.

As for the law of Taoism, what ordinary means is to guide the application of Heaven and Earth energy, while the Code of War is a kind of will.

The rule is nothingness, intangible and intangible, and mysterious as dust.

This kind of existence, how to cultivate! ?

“It turned out that I thought you would show up after my respect, didn’t expect now …”

Chu Yan smiled lightly, looked at the golden characters of Mantianxiaxia, looked up at the sky, and seemed to see the tall silhouette of the blue armor giant, looking at himself quietly.

Although I got a battle code, this kind of Nine Heavens Supreme’s law of asking, but Chu Yan’s respect also stopped at a critical time.

The last step, after all, did not step out, only one line away from the realm of human respect.

Without any doubt, Chu Yan knew that War God’s will was intentional.

And this intention is not to weaken yourself, but to make yourself stronger …!

Even Chu Yan himself knew very well that his enemies were never the ones in front of him, anxiously respected ordinary cultivators, geniuses.

Even in the future, my own enemies may be stronger.

Even more than those Divine King, more than Supreme …

For this, War God will not let him take the usual path, nor will Chu Yan himself.

Only by opening up your own way and achieving the power beyond Nine Heavens Supreme is it possible to reach the ultimate goal in this Divine Realm.

Immortal Ancient Battlefield, only this last one!

Everything is the most at this time, it’s over.

Originally, he had been anticipating and reviving Yue Linglong after his respect.

But now, it seems to be delayed again.

“No! My Divine Soul and Fleshy body …”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness stabilized, swept the whole body, and suddenly found something strange.

After Heavenly Tribulation passed through, Divine Strength did not completely change, making Chu Yan think he was stuck in the last step.

But in fact, his Divine Soul and Fleshy body have become perfect immortal soul and immortal physique.

“Putting it that way, I should be respected!”

Martial Dao World is based on Divine Soul. Fleshy body and Divine Strength are only attached to Divine Soul.

Because, Divine Soul is Martial Artist itself.

Like powerhouse is lost, fleshy body is lost, Divine Strength is dissipated, but Divine Soul may be preserved or even reborn.

Yue Linglong’s current state is that Divine Soul is complete, otherwise there is no chance of rebirth.

“Now, I need a chance to be respected !?”

In Chu Yan’s heart, the flame instantly ignited.

Among Divine Realm, God Realm Peak powerhouse, want to be respected, not only to enter the ancient Battlefield this way.

However, this is the most convenient and smooth way.

There are also some geniuses, or Sect giants, who let God’s Peak directly out of the ancient Battlefield and complete the respect.

It’s just that the price is enormous.

“The Fleshy body and Divine Soul have been completed, and Divine Strength is only a small part. In this case, no one can see the progress of my respect, so the next most important thing is … World’s First Battle!

Eyes slightly narrowed, a faint battle intent, like the resurgence of fire candles, flashed in his eyes.

World’s First Venerable War is definitely the best chance for him to complete a thorough respect.

All Geishi genius, powerhouse, and even Geishi Overlord, Earth Venerable Realm, including Heavenly Venerable Realm, will come in person.

As long as you can win, you can rush into respect.

Ka cha !

Just as Chu Yan pondered, on the sky of the living world, a god spear-like thunderbolt exploded, dividing the sky dome from a huge crack.

A lot of Heavenly Might gang winds flooded like tide.

“After an hour, the realm is closed! Any detainees, obliterate!”

Constant Antiquity’s coercive voice resounded through Heaven and Earth.

“Linglong, waiting for me, soon …”

Chu Yan looked up, looked at the crack in the sky, and murmured.


His body was like electricity, and he fell on Yue Peng in a flash.

At this moment, Yue Peng has just completed the respect consolidation, and the cultivation base has reached the 3rd layer of human respect.

This is almost a demon-like existence compared to the ordinary’s respected cultivator.

Ordinary cultivators, the respects are 1st Layer, very few genius, there are enough chances to rush to the 2nd Layer.

But Yue Peng, because of the huge amount of benefits given by Chu Yan, rushed directly to the 3rd Layer!

Yue Peng, who was about to break down, suddenly felt sinking and suddenly angered.

“Who! Bold, dare to ride … uh, sit well!”

call out…!

Purple light, like electricity, travels through the sky and goes straight to the sky.

Countless cultivators below, without hesitation, jumped into the sky and moved towards the fissures of the sky.

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