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On the other side, Purple Moon Immortal Ancient Battlefield.

Like Five Elements Xiangu, Purple Moon Xiangu is also the last Xiangu.

The two are turned on almost simultaneously.

But a few days ago, before Five Elements Xiangu ended, it was closed.

It stands to reason that Five Elements Xiangu should be closed with it, but some accidents caused Five Elements Xiangu to be delayed for several days.

It is the difference in these few days that has caused the eyes of everyone in the world to be gathered in Five Elements Xiangu.

Tianxuan Earth Palace, which is located in the market of various fairy cities, has long been closed.

Also waiting for the final result of Five Elements Xiangu to complete the final payment.

“Hundred Sects Great War, isn’t it over !?”

“Yeah, why hasn’t it come back yet?”

“I heard the latest news that Hundred Sects Great War has only 2 respectable genius!”

“It’s impossible, dozens of geniuses, only 2 honors !?”

“Yeah, Duan 9 Jiang He Hua Chang is very strong, but Lang Yi and Blood Asura are not bad, they should be respected!

“That is, at least ten other geniuses are honored in other immortals! Five Elements immortals are so few!”

“Also, what major event happened, such as the peerless chance came out, and all the geniuses are honored together !? But it is not over yet !?”

“It’s also possible, otherwise, how come a few days later !?”


Various speculations and discussions are as turbulent as the tide, and all practitioners are waiting for the final result.

It might have been simple, and the result was the same as other Xiangu. Because of the emergence of special circumstances, it became more expectant and attracted more attention.

The sources of some scattered news are those who praise the failure of the cult, as well as the ordinary cultivators who esteem the success, and come after leaving the realm.

Five Elements ancient city, great hall in the center.

Heaven Sealing Xuanhe and the big brothers are all waiting patiently.

The atmosphere in the great hall is extremely strange and depressing.

Because this time Young Palace Lord is close to Five Elements Xiangu, Tianxuan Earth Palace naturally put the center of gravity on the market, and also placed it in Five Elements Xian Ancient Battlefield.

The handicap has been sent, and a large number of cultivators and powerhouse have also bet.

But now, only dozens of geniuses have heard the news of two respects.

If this result is true, then the consequences …

Huayang and Yuling’er were also sitting in the hall, waiting for the result.

If it were n’t for Tianxuan Dizong ’s side, the fastest source of news, they would n’t even sit here.

The Supreme Elder of Tianxuan Earth Palace, Elders, are a little worried, all of them have a dull complexion.

From beginning to end, only Heaven Sealing Xuan always maintained a faint smile.

As the Young Palace Lord of Tianxuan Earth Palace, the only reason to be able to come to this small place and condescend to depravity is to see if your own Innate opponent, that natural disaster Chu Yan, will end up with a miserable end.

Because for him, this kind of Innate’s opponent, only the worse the other party, the better it shows that he will be better.

After all, he is the body of Fulu, set Heaven and Earth Dayun in one body, how could it be worse than the body of natural disaster! ?

There is still some confidence!

“Look, the Five Elements world gate appears!”

“It’s finally over, 100 battles are over, and the realm is on!”

“Who! Have a quick look, then this person is respected, are there 30 people !?”

“Ha ha ha, my bet, according to the previous news, I have made a steady profit!”


In the great hall, a path of streamer shines, and all the big brothers come to the main hall together to confirm the final result.

The exit of Five Elements Xiangu, naturally with the entrance, is above the Five Elements ancient city.

All the practitioners in the audience gathered at the Central Square, looking up at the sky, all looking excited and expectant.

Because of the existence of Tianxuan Earth Palace, most of the city is betting, and the cultivators only account for the majority.

In the main hall, Heaven Sealing Xuan, Huayang and the others also reached the gate of the hall and looked up at the sky.

In the huge crack, the Five Elements Xiangu exit slowly opened.


The beast roar of heaven shaking earth shattering resounded through the sky.

A purple bird with a width of hundred zhang rushed out of the crack portal.

The mighty might rushes down from the sky like a gust of wind, sweeping the city below.


All practitioners in the audience can feel that the powerful aura is the aura of respect.

In other words, this is a monster cultivator that honors success.

“God, look, there is a person on its back!”

Someone’s eyesight was amazing, and when he looked up, the purple bird monster cultivator was standing on his back, exclaiming suddenly.

At this sound, everyone looked towards the back of the purple bird monster cultivator, and their pupils shrank.

“Chu … Chu Yan !?”

Heaven Sealing Xuan, Huayang and the others, including the big influencers of the Great Influence, are all in shock.

The purple lightning, shot like an arrow, has fallen over the ancient city in the blink of an eye.

On the body of the purple bird, Chu Yan’s strong Immortal Intent, like a layer of shock waves, swept the audience.

“Everyone, it’s been a long time since we last met!”

Chu Yan looked towards everyone, with a slight smile, after looking around the audience, fell on Heaven Sealing Xuan.

“God … can natural disasters be respected too !?”

Not only Heaven Sealing Xuan’s face twitched, all Supreme Elder, Elder of the Tianxuan Earth Palace, as well as the big influence’s big brothers, all were shocked and couldn’t believe it.

This Chu Yan is a natural disaster!

Honoring this breakthrough, which requires great opportunity and Great Destiny, he can succeed! ?

Moreover, the Heaven Sealing Xuan of Fulu’s body came from Tianxuan Earth Palace specifically to suppress Chu Yan of this natural disaster body.

At such a short distance, sitting in Five Elements ancient city, there will be such a result! ?

Could it be that Heaven Sealing’s mysterious body of Fu Lu has no effect! ?

It was Chu Yan ’s own natural disaster body, which did n’t work! ?

To take a step back, are those cultivators who have entered Five Elements Xiangu, are all geniuses dead? Even Chu Yan, a natural disaster body, can’t compete! ?

What’s happening here! ?

Not in line with common sense ah! ?

If it were n’t for my own eyes, who would believe that Chu Yan was really respected! ?

“Is it …”

Some of the top power tycoons present suddenly thought of something and suddenly turned their heads, looking towards Heaven Sealing Xuan.

Innate physique, which is mutually reinforcing, if only one side succeeds, it can only explain …

The other party was restrained and suppressed!

In this way, is it the natural disaster Chu Yan that suppresses Heaven Sealing’s mysterious Fulu body! ?

According to this thinking, the relationship between the two people must be completely reversed.

From start to finish, it is not Heaven Sealing that suppresses Chu Yan, but Chu Yan is suppressing Heaven Sealing! ?

a path of similar amazing consciousness, constantly appearing in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Soon, some powerhouses also thought about this, more and more eyes, before looking towards the main hall, a dull Heaven Sealing mystery.

Even beside him, Supreme Elder and Elder of Tianxuan Earth Palace will look horrified, looking towards Heaven Sealing Xuan.

If so, then the consequences …

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