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This situation is not so good!

In addition to Yue Peng’s erratic mind, Huayang and Yu Ling’er, they are all nervous for Chu Yan, his heart mentioned his voice.

“Chu Yan, my heart was like death in the last battle. I have soared my strength in this respectful battle. I hope you can surprise me now!”

Fan Wuye’s eyes, staring at Chu Yan from beginning to end, are constantly flashing with a fine light.

The expression makes people think of wolves and the robust man staring at the beauty.

The word fell to the ground, and the aura on Fan Wuye’s body exploded directly, just like a peerless war knife came out of the sheath, and the might that suddenly erupted, even Heaven and Earth would tremble.

It can be seen that after Fan Wuye was honored among the ancient tombs of the heavenly tombs, the cultivation base really went up a lot.

“That Chu Yan, in fact, I don’t want to fight you, but, you know, we guys can’t help but, after all, there are many young ladies in Sect waiting for me …”

100 li Hao soul’s smile, with a murderous aura, the original wavy expression disappeared instantly, and replaced by a pair of domineering domineering.

The big guys on the scene saw the imposing manner of 100 li ho soul, nodded together.

Worthy of being the son of Vault of Heaven 9, the strength of cultivation base is indeed out of the ordinary.


each and everyone Ge Shigenius, roaring together, flipping his hands is Spirit Armament flashing, like a wave, all rushed to Chu Yan.

Simmon looked cold and didn’t say a word. He started directly with the knife. He came up with a heavenly blade. The shadow was like snow, and he cut it off.

“Kill Chu Yan!”

More cultivators rushed up like a sea wave, picked up boundless wind and waves, and all followed the genius to shoot Chu Yan.

This is a huge killing game, the whole white jade square seems to be a trap.

Chu Yan is like a small island in the sea, all around is a monstrous tsunami, all surging.

“There is no way this way!”

All the cultivators and gangsters who watched the ceremony were all in shock and trembling.

Faced with such a dead end, don’t say that it just broke through the human respect, I am afraid that it is Peak, and all survive.

Vault of Heaven 9 sons, plus dozens of geius genius, and a large number of powerful respectable practitioners.

How to deal with this! ?

“Fight against Dao Lineage, courting death!”

10000 Axe Heavenly Venerate and a group of gangsters, all with smiles on their faces, looked at Chu Yan who was about to die, and he was very happy.

Even if Chu Yan battle strength is strong, he has been asked the heavenly furnace in the realm, and now he must die, even if he does not die, serious injury is inevitable.

“it is good!”

Standing in the center of the 10000 heavy waves, Chu Yan’s eyes were bright, the aura burst out of his body, a fairy fire burst into flames, and divine light traveled to the sky.

“I rely!”

“Human respecting the 9th Layer !?”

“How … how is it possible !? He … he just respected !?”

“My God, this is just a few days away !?”

“This … this … this is the honor, it has raised the cultivation base again !?”

“How did he do it !?”


Suddenly, on the entire viewing platform, shuaa ~ stood up a large piece, all scared.

And on the main stage, a group of gangsters were all petrified and completely stupid.

It’s not that this group of bigwigs have no knowledge, even if Mount Tai collapses, they have to change color, completely because of the outbreak of Chu Yan, and the stimulation to them is too great.

Under World’s First, no one knows how many sessions have been held.

However, when you come up, you will directly respect the 9th Layer, which is definitely the phoenix scales.

After all, all those who participated in the battle of World’s First Venerable are the cultivators who have just been honored.

Any cultivator who has just reached the state of breakthrough, just like a quagmire, is absolutely impossible to move. Every Small Realm promotion is extremely difficult.

After all, between the realm of dignity and the divine realm, this is a dividing line.

“People .. people respect the 9th Layer !? What a Chu Yan, there are surprises!”

That Fan Wuye was the only one with a bright expression on his face and eyes glowing.

It seems that the beauty that was originally staring at suddenly changed from a beauty to a capable of causing the downfall of a nation. This stimulation will only make him more excited and excited.


In the next moment, Fan Wuye gave up the idea of ​​temptation directly, and the immortal strength of the whole body exploded suddenly, condensed into an absolute sword and slashed.

He played against Chu Yan, and of course he knew Chu Yan battle strength was amazing.

And now, Chu Yan’s cultivation base has improved far beyond him, so this move shot is completely strongest lore, without any remaining hands.

That imposing manner, heaven shaking earth shattering!

The knife was like a wave, pushing the other practitioners in front of him straight away, just like the water surface dividing line, and the press forward rushed away.

The place where the sword passed, a person turned over.

“Fuck! Pig teammate !? Kill Chu Yan, what are we doing !?”

Some practitioners complained and scolded loudly.

“Shut up, do you really think you only kill Chu Yan, this is a white jade field, a scuffle! Be careful he turns his head to kill you!”

Someone loudly reminded the previous man that the other person shuddered.

After the war, everyone rushed to Chu Yan, and even made some people forget that this is the battlefield of World’s First Venerable.

“Roaming Dragon World!”

The blade is coming through the waves, Chu Yan body flashed, Wan Yan giant dragon, wandering the sky.

Along with Fan Wuye’s attack, and the previous heavenly blade net, all evaded.

call out…!

At the last moment when he rushed out of the killing game, Chu Yan suddenly burst into a group of different-colored rays of light, and the speed of the whole person suddenly increased tenfold.

It’s like a meteor, rushing across the sky, scary and fast.

This time, even Chu Yan was stunned.

what’s the situation! ?

Fan Wuye, Ximenpu, 100 li Hao Soul, fittings and the others were all stunned.

Just that moment, the Chu Yan dragon shadow they had originally locked, but like a light, flashed through and instantly disappeared in their Divine Consciousness lock.

The speed is so fast that even Divine Consciousness can’t keep up, so too terrifying it! ?

“Good … so fast!”

All the practitioners, holding Spirit Armament, looked at Chu Yan in midair, all with their mouths wide open.

Even the big guys all around are stunned.

This speed is completely beyond human respect, simply is the speed of Earth Venerable Realm powerhouse.

“It’s impossible! At the time of honoring, the qualitative change that occurred within the body of me did not break through to the Earth Venerable Realm. Could it be … The group asked the light !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed for a moment.

The group of light that combines the eleven questions of the way of asking questions can theoretically allow him to greatly improve his strength in all aspects.

If it was theory before, then now it is practice! ?

“Try it out!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were bright, and he turned his head towards the field, and there were a hundred dumbfounded geniuses and monks.

In both eyes, the pupil of Qilin flashes, revealing more than 300 practitioners.

But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly found that everyone’s movements were slowing down, and between raising their hands, their weak spots all appeared in front of themselves.

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