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“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Chu Yan’s body flashed, instantly fell on top of the heads of two Gegen genius, and Clear Sky Sword in his hand, as if he had gathered the world toss, to sweep everything in this Mortal World, fiercely fell.


The faces of the two geniuses were instantly pale, without any hesitation, waving a powerful piece of Spirit and Spirit Treasure and crashing into the falling sword edge.

too fast!

Without any preparation, Chu Yan appeared on top of their heads, and in an imposing manner like a raging wave of the sea of ​​anger, they could be slashed with a sword. In this case, they could not respond at all.

The most important thing is that the angle he cut off is not only a weak point of their defense, but also gives them a sense of death.

This kind of feeling is like an expert fighting, when someone suddenly finds his life gate, that kind of feeling makes people feel cold.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sword edge fell straight, a path of divine talisman Spirit Treasure, constantly breaking.

Two genius genius issued a groan, his body retreated, corner of the mouth flow blood, his face white.


Even some of the cultivators affected by him were all sprayed with blood in their mouths, and all were seriously injured.

As long as it is within the range covered by the sword, everyone’s aura suddenly fell, and there was no battle intent.

At this moment, Chu Yan who held the long sword in midair was surprised.


Jianwei has more than doubled in strength, speed, and all have qualitative leaps.

This comprehensive improvement, coupled with respectable breakthrough, Chu Yan at this time is much stronger than before in Five Elements Xiangu.

In this case, his sword’s formidable power is more than doubled.

“Tian Yan is not old!”

in a flash, 100 li Hao Soul, Fan Wuye, Simeon rushed together, 3 li Hao Soul waved with one hand, it was the endless tide, rushing Heaven and Earth.

“Rage of the Dragon God!”

Chu Yan had already been prepared to abandon the large group of cultivators in front of him and turned into a giant dragon, striding across the sky, and smashing that piece of air waves directly.

“The Battle of Killing Power!”


“Fairy moves the world!”

Fan Wuye went round to Chu Yan’s side, his entire body immortal strength concentrated in his hands, and his sling strokes, like a giant snake, wrapped around Chu Yan’s body.

100 li In the hands of Hao Soul, the a jade pen rose up into the sky, soaring instantaneously, like a fairy bamboo, growing into a bamboo forest in an instant, and moved towards Chu Yan.

Simon’s killing trick is nothing but a spear. The two of them one after the other, the trapping technique issued by them, is the unique skill that really deals with Chu Yan.

After all, Chu Yan has only one person, and the battle strength is so strong. As long as he traps him for a while, everyone can shoot together and definitely can explodes it into waste.

At this time, Chu Yan didn’t hesitate, and in his eyes, Qilin’s pupil flashed out.

The powerful aura poured out, and the outburst of War God directly blocked Fan Wuye’s attack like a wall, making him unable to take the first half of the step.

The sword trembles in his hand, the beam-like sword rainbow cuts off, and the big snake evolved from the fairy pen is directly cut into two pieces.

Chu Yan held a long sword and rose into the sky, bursting into an imposing manner, exploding like a shock wave, blasting all the remaining waves into nothing.

Chu Yan at this moment is like a god!

“Good…really strong!”

“This speed, movement art, strength, will and sword power are all terrifying!”

“Didn’t expect, Fan Wuye, 100 li Hao Soul, so many Simgen genius teamed up, can’t trap him!”

All the practitioners in the field looked at Chu Yan in the sky, all with a look of shock.

Although everyone is mentally prepared, Chu Yan is very strong, plus the 9th Layer cultivation base he shows, it is even stronger.

However, no one would think that all the white genius on the court, the monks, could not trap them.

Not even this can be done, let alone the rest.

“One Sword Absolute Heaven!”

Chu Yan stood in the air without looking at the silly geus genius and cultivators below. He looked up at the sky, and his sword slashed out.


a Sword Intent’s dragon, soaring into the sky, howling sky!

Rushing to the top of the zenith, it collided with the highest point of the white jade field spirit array, exploded countless air swords, and fell to the audience like a rainstorm.

The genius and cultivators who are still watching below, see this scene, all the complexion greatly changed, all immortal techniques are performed, and the Spirit Armament is used to resist.

bang bang Bang!

This sword combines all the power of Chu Yan. Although it is a large-scale attack, it is by no means an ordinary cultivator.

Sword Qi After the rainstorm, each and everyone ordinary cultivator, as if suppressed by the mountain, the spitting mouth spit blood, 4 scattered flying.

Most of these cultivators are the 1st Layer or 2nd Layer of human respect, which has just been called respect, and the cultivation base impossible is too high.

The opposite person respects the 9th Layer, Chu Yan who gathers all the power, even if it is only an ordinary move, it is not that they can resist it.

Large waves of air scattered, sweeping the entire white jade field, like an eschatological storm, swept through.

After 10 breaths later, after Strength Qi waves were dispelled by the Spirit Array, the white jade below the field, the monks on the ground wailed.

Did not kill someone!

All seriously injured, this is already Chu Yan show mercy.

Otherwise, with the strength of these ordinary cultivators, Chu Yan can’t live anymore as long as he uses St. Rakshasa.

“He … he’s going to call it, respect World’s First!”

Finally, there was a big man at the main desk, who exclaimed.

The battle of World’s First Venerable, with its own strength, defeats more than 50% of the melee opponents, and becomes the only one standing in the end, can we call World’s First Venerable!

Therefore, anyone who thinks of “World’s First Respect” must strike everyone.

Not far away, the fittings were also sweeping the large group of cultivators, obviously more than half.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, you and I can compare today to see who can beat half!”

For the first time, Jin Gu laughed, and seemed to be very satisfied with Chu Yan’s shot.

In the middle of the board!

The game is made by people, and people also enter the game, but people have their own ideas, and the situation will change.

The Loose Cultivator, the tool of control, is estimated to be the strongest among all people.

And the earliest, the white skirt woman with 3 spear on her back, was also one of them.

Her goal is also World’s First respect!

“Chu Yan!”

Fan Wuye, 100 li Hao soul, 3 Simmen, killed again, just like 3 great mountains, blocking in front of Chu Yan.

Their goal is Chu Yan only!

The hardware and the white skirt woman, seeing this scene, immediately turned around and came behind their three people.

Whenever there is a chance, they will cooperate.

After all, Chu Yan is the first hidden danger for everyone from start to finish.

Under such circumstances, other Gegen geniuses naturally gathered together, forming a tendency to surround Chu Yan again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A large number of Immortal Technique attacks came out again, rushing towards Chu Yan like a flood.

Chu Yan, a giant dragon, wandered between Heaven and Earth and started a war with a group of geniuses.

Ordinary cultivators, there is almost no battle strength. The remaining geniuses are the second goal of Chu Yan.

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