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Between Heaven and Earth, the thunder cloud is vast, the sun and moon change color, and the momentum is 10,000 li.

In this scene, the entire 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect practitioners are all complexion greatly changed, full of surprise.

Because everyone knows, this is … Thunder Tribulation!

The entire 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect has been issued a strict order for a long time. During this time, inside the sect affairs focused on hosting “World’s First Respect”.

This is the principle of ignorance. At this time Transcending Tribulation, I don’t know where to go.

If it is in the medium and small forces in ordinary, this situation may be understandable.

However, here is 2 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, one of the ten 8 Dao Lineage!

There is fundamentally a discipline that violates such a flagrant violation. Sect just passed the strict order.

Therefore, there is no doubt at all. The people of Transcending Tribulation are not 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, but foreign practitioners.

World’s First Zun War, sponsored by nearly 100,000 foreign practitioners.

Who is it, dare to provoke Zongwei of 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect! ?

This is too much to take the host Sect into consideration! ?

Boom … rumbling!

The next moment, Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation trembles and emits 10000 roars. The thunder cloud moved towards the peak of the Vault of Heaven and quickly gathered away.

“This is the direction of the white jade of World’s First!”

The elders of the whole sect, all shocked, all flew towards the direction of the Vault of Heaven Ridge.

This time, the major event ah!

“What happened !? What happened !?”

“God, someone … respect !?”

“This is Thunder Tribulation! Just above the Vault of Heaven!”

“How is this possible! There is World’s First Venerable Lord field, all are powerhouse above the realm!”

“Go and see!”


8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect ordinary Elder, law enforcement Elder, Supreme Elder, closed Heavenly Venerables, each and everyone were all alarmed.

You know, respecting is not a trivial matter.

Especially when the World’s First Respect is held, there is a situation of reverence, which is even more heaven defying.

“Doesn’t World’s First Battle have to be respected to participate?”

“Then the powerhouse of the realm !?”

At this time, all the white genius, big brothers, and giants on the whole white jade are all looking of shock.

Even if it ’s the Young Palace Lord Heaven Sealing Xuan of the Earth Palace, the emperor of Longevity, the emperor of Hehuan, and the emperor of Yanglong, the three Sirs are all free. They stood up and looked full of incredible. towards white jade on the field.

Thundercloud above the sky, the air machine is locked to the white jade field, can’t be wrong.

In other words, the people of Transcending Tribulation turned out to be the cultivators of World’s First Venerable!

“Look, it’s Chu Yan!”

Finally, someone discovered Chu Yan’s body, a powerful aura, rushing into the sky.

what! ?

That natural disaster Chu Yan! ?

Isn’t he respectable! ? How to attract Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation! ?

At this time, everyone in the audience was stupid!

Some people even think that this is Chu Yan’s super card, used to deal with these geus genius!

“3 Envoys!”

On the main stage, Divine King raised his mouth lightly, stood up, and arched his hand

“Before this Chu Yan entered the battle, there was still a trace of Divine Strength in the body without complete final transformation. Therefore, in order to spur Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation, only in the white jade field, with the power of the world’s heroes, to complete the final Respect! “

When Divine King said this, his face was full of joy.

“Little Brother Chu Yan did not intentionally hide everyone, it was really important and had to do it!”

The remarks landed on the floor, and all the practitioners, gangsters, and giants turned their heads and looked shocked.

No one thought that such a thing would happen at this World’s First Battle.

“Good Chu Yan, I said 3 top Heavenly Paradise, why not worry at all!”

Heaven Sealing Xuan woke up instantly and his face was green.

Damn Chu Yan, lie to himself!

“He … he didn’t respect … Are you sure !?”

On the main stage, a big guy stared at Divine King, twitching his face.

At the exit of this sentence, everyone heard what was meant, and the corners of his eyes twitched twice.

What a joke! ?

There is no respect, but it suppresses the world’s genius, and alone a few 100 people respect the powerhouse! ?

This is what he said was completed, then …




A sound of air-conditioning sounded, everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, buzzing at the same time.

9th Layer of Human Realm!

Not respected yet! ?

If this is done, you wo n’t be rushing to Peak! ?


Sheng God Wang Teng stood up at once, shouting angrily.

“World’s First respect battle, what is it !? How could he allow a little lower ascendant to mess up, this is simply not to put 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect in his eyes, not Divine King in his eyes, The entire Divine Realm is not in the eyes! “

In this remark, all the cultivators, bigwigs, started together.

Not bad!

This Chu Yan clearly violated the rules of World’s First Zun and concealed the truth.

Without respect, it is not allowed to participate in the World’s First Battle, how many years have been like this.

“St. God’s words are reasonable!”

Shen Gongxi also stood up with a smile on his face, looked towards 3 Great Envoy, opened the mouth and said

“If this matter spreads, you are watching here, but let a person who violates the rules participate in the battle of World’s First Venerable, the faces of all of you are placed everywhere!”

Although this was said with a smile, it is much larger than Divine King, the whole Divine Realm and so on, and the formable power.

The faces of the giants on the main stage changed at the same time.

“This child, don’t stay!”

“According to the rules, obliterate it!”

“Good! Otherwise, I’ll be a laughing stock for everyone!”

“No need to hesitate, let’s do it!”


One of the overlords, including the 10000 Heavenly Venerate and the others, spoke in unison and said to the three envoys.

World’s First respect war, said success is a necessary condition.

Therefore, 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect will issue the qualification token first.

And like Chu Yan, within the body and a trace of Divine Strength has not completed the transformation, it is a little special.

Strictly speaking, such a thing, say big but big, say small but small …

The key is that before Chu Yan, all of the 2 Dao Lineage people were offended. Naturally, no one would help him to speak, nor would he miss this opportunity.

However, the rules are the rules. There are still some giants on the main stage who did not speak.

cracking a joke! ?

If this situation is discovered before this war, maybe they will also open the slightest hesitation.

But now, the strength that Chu Yan has shown is terrifying.

The point is, he has not fully respected!

This innate talent, this aptitude, and the future Martial Dao achievements, including now, if he is just an ordinary nether soarer, a little brain will not think so.

They are different from the 2 1 Dao Lineage, they have no hatred and hatred before Chu Yan, and they will never take the initiative to provoke them.

Of course, King God and Shen Gongxi only saw this ring before they jumped out immediately, arousing public anger.

The reason is to quickly kill Chu Yan before he grows up!

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