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Three of Divine King who died, hearing the words of King God and the others, found that the atmosphere was wrong and his face changed instantly.

Just preparing to speak, Hehuan Zun stood up directly.

“Bold Chu Yan, even daring to rebel against World’s First Venerable War, breaking the rules, die without regret!”

“True body, make a verdict on behalf of the Venerable Lord today and kill it!”

“Fellow Daoist, a fair and just world!”

After the words were spoken, the sound of thunder exploded between Heaven and Earth, and the magnificent murderous aura suddenly rushed away.

The entire Vault of Heaven was buzzing and trembling.

The prestige of the emperor is really extraordinary!

This longevity ambassador has a close relationship with Shen Gongxi.

Before, 2 people secretly discussed with Divine Consciousness, just to take this opportunity to kill Chu Yan.

In addition, this Chu Yan offended the 2 1 Dao Lineage, and is being favored.

The remarks made by the longevity ambassador suddenly made Divine King 3 people, the complexion greatly changed.

They didn’t expect, a Chu Yan only, and even asked the envoy to speak in person, saying that they want to adjudicate, this is a big trouble.

Not only the three Divine King who died, but the big brothers and giants all looked towards the direction of the main table.

In just a moment, Chu Yan’s life and death was so settled.

If Chu Yan is wiped out, then the situation on the white jade field will have a big change.

“Emperor Changsheng, so much anger !?”

At this moment, Yang Longzun made his face smile and spoke softly.

An aura like a mountain breeze swept through, and the solemn murderous aura of the audience was instantly dispersed, disappearing without a trace.

Everyone was stunned, and they all looked up towards Yang Long Zun Shi.

“Yanglong, what do you mean !?”

Longevity Emperor Frowned, looking towards Yang Longzun Envoy, directly shouted.

Yang Long Zun Shi, but at that time, he steadily suppressed him, so he lost his realm, and cultivated for 1000 years, but he was beyond him.

Therefore, the longevity ambassador and Yanglong ambassador, it was the opponent of the last 1000 years.

Originally, the ambassador Hehuan said these things, and the envoy ambassador did not mean to speak, but now it is different.

As long as it was Yang Longzun’s envoy to do, his Elder Envoy could not stop it.

“Means nothing!”

Yang Longzun shook the head, with a look of 200 5, glanced at the Changsheng Zunshi and looked at the white jade.

“This Chu Yan has not yet been respected, it is the 9th Layer cultivation base of the human respect. The presence, even blind, can be seen. This time is called World’s First respect, there are almost no problems!”

“At this time, what do you mean by killing these 2 Dao Lineage !?”

“Won’t you think with your brain !? Killing Chu Yan, your 2 1 Dao Lineage victory, the world will say you are fair, or shameless !?”

These words, as light as light clouds, made the audience suddenly silence.

Even the longevity ambassador and the huahuan ambassador were started instantly.

It seems so reasonable!

If they started to kill Chu Yan at the beginning, saying that he violated the rules, that would be fine.

But now, Chu Yan has shown his strength, suppressing the audience with his own strength, and even all the Dagen Lineage’s genius and Vault of Heaven 2 sons are not his opponents.

At this time, if these 2 Dao Lineage gangsters shot and killed Chu Yan, what would the world say! ?

Do you have a guess? ?

After that, this World’s First Zun can’t do it! ?

Yes, does anyone dare to come? !

is it possible that, become their 2 Dao Lineage’s internal battle! ?

The most important thing is, 2 Dao Lineage’s face, don’t want it! ?

Even if they are envoys, they are just replacing the Venerable Lord to come to observe the ceremony. Just now, the Venerable Lords of Dao Lineage have all sent orders to ask for attention to this Chu Yan.

Killed him at this time, from all aspects, it seems that there are … problems.

“What’s the meaning of World’s First Battle? I don’t need to remind you anymore !?”

“The young generation of Divine Realm, the future Divine King, and even Supreme’s famous battle!”

“Familiarity is familiar! Everyone think about it!”

“I mean, Chu Yan is innocent!”

Long Yang Zun made this remark and said that it was reasonable, and some bigwigs present were nodded again and again.

In their view, if an ordinary cultivator, if he kills, he will kill him.

But now, Chu Yan is showing, but the attitude of peerless genius, that is the future Supreme powerhouse!

In the face of the whole world, killing such a cultivator, and still on the battlefield of World’s First Venerable, this is a bit bad.

“Long Yang, it makes sense! I agree!”

The quiet Hehuan ambassador has been quietly speaking.

This time, many of the big guys present also followed nodded and clearly endorsed Long Yang’s envoy.

“Yanglong, Hehuan, you …”

Chang Shengzun was so angry that his nose was crooked, staring at two people, clenching his teeth.

“Hmph! Yang Long, even if you talk about flowers today, you can’t change the fact that this child violates the rules. So, this child impossible to stay, must be killed!”

Seeing Yang Long and He Huan envoys in front of them, they all sing in contradiction to themselves, and the envoy Chang Sheng was suddenly angry.

“Take him a try! Between 2 and 1 Dao Lineage, how long has there not been a Dao Lineage battle !?” Yang Longzun said lightly without turning his head back.

This is, this sentence, but like the wrath of thunderbolt, made all the big men and giants in the entire main table, all complexion greatly changed.

What a joke! ?

Dao Lineage battle! ?

That was a mess in the world!

For a Chu Yan, to grab the war that swept the world, this …

A faint madman rushed out of Yang Longzun’s body, rushing towards all around all directions like a mad smoke.

The emergence of this aura obviously told everyone that what he said was not a joke.

“Yanglong, you …”

At this moment, the nose of the longevity emperor’s nose was completely distorted, and the whole face was green.

This kid is so arrogant!

Dare to fight with Dao Lineage, threatened! ?

All the big guys around, all are stunned, completely silly.

A Chu Yan, even if it is peerless genius, even made the three great envoys to such a degree! ?

King God and 10000 axe Heavenly Venerate waited at first, and called a wave of people who wanted to kill Chu Yan. They were all stupid. Simultaneously shua shua glared at Yang Long.

They could not have imagined that the Envoy of the Dragon Dragon had spent so much effort to maintain this Chu Yan.

Why is that! ?

“Yang Long, good! Very good!”

Envoy Changsheng took a few deep breaths and finally suppressed his anger.

“For today ’s event, I will go to the Venerable Lord, when the time comes, and there will be a saying!”

As soon as these words were spoken, the Divine King and the big brothers present all understood that this could only be the case.

Yang Longzun turned his head, glanced at the Changsheng Zunshi, and smiled gently.

Complaint! ?

Anyway, when the time comes, your Venerable Lord, if you know that Chu Yan is the heir of the female emperor, see if they dare to fart! ?

Just as an envoy to you, just like a small shrimp, just jump.

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