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For the careful consideration of Hei Yao Mozun, Chu Yan was also disinclined to pay attention to.

Just lead the way and give him a 30% benefit, which is what Chu Yan remembered as the human shield last time.

If you want to change someone, do n’t think about it!

“Monster Beast, gather!”

Chu Yan looked up towards all around and issued a Divine Consciousness command to all Monster Beasts.

roar! roar!

At the order, bursts of beast roar broke out, and a path of startled Celestial Demon. The mighty wind swept away.

In the next moment, within less than ten breaths, Heaven and Earth in the sky all around, a powerful Monster Beast appears one after another, moved towards Chu Yan and gathered here.

Densely packed completely covers the whole sky, the number of Monster Beast is not less than 1000, and all of them are cultivation bases above the realm.

“really strong !”

Chu Yan and Hei Yao Mozun, looking at this scene, Qi Qi was taken aback.

Especially Chu Yan, he knew very well that these all are the eyes of the altar, the Monster Beast that was left to the altar guardian of his own altar.

However, these Monster Beasts alone have reached the level of 1000 realms, which shows how precious this altar is.

“You … you are too much, I am Earth Venerable Realm, I can’t bring so many ah!”

Hei Yao Mozun is about to cry, completely didn’t expect, Chu Yan has such a strong group of men.

“En !?” Chu Yan startled.

“No! Go to that place, open the void channel … My current cultivation base, bring up to 20 heads!” Hei Yao Mozun explained quickly.

This is not that Black Yao Mozun is lazy. According to his heart, he really hopes to bring all these Monster Beasts.

There are 1000 Monster Beasts in Chu Yan, when the time comes can chase those 3 guys.

Those 3 bastards dare to chase themselves down!

“OK, start Void Path!” Chu Yan nodded.

With over 1000 Monster Beasts, it is almost an army of Monster Beasts. These forces are enough to sweep half of the sea of ​​gods.

It’s really not suitable to run around with it.

In the next moment, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness scanned the entire Monster Beast, selected the bloodline strongest, and the cultivation base reached 20 Monster Beasts of Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak.

All the others are included in Jade Talisman, all around.

Because of this 1000 Beast Monster Beast, Chu Yan also reacted, the precious of the altar of sacrifice, must be kept well.


Hei Yao Mozun waved his hands, obscure incantation in his mouth, the void in front of him began to twist, tearing apart a gap.

“Chu Yan, go away!”

When the void channel was opened, a large amount of magic breath poured in to the Black Demon Lord, impacting the crack and expanding it, turning his head and shouting at Chu Yan loudly.

“it is good!”

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan waved into the void crack with 20 powerful Monster Beasts.

After counting interest, Chu Yan entire group appeared in a completely strange space.

Looking up towards all around, I saw a grey airflow surging in the sky, as if 10000 tides were rushing, the giant lake hung upside down, and the lake surface was cascading waves.

The grey sky was flooded by the powerful aura, flowing continuously, and it didn’t stop for a moment.

Between the whole Heaven and Earth, there is Supreme aura like a wind, sweeping across.

This powerful Supreme aura suddenly made Chu Yan’s heart tighten.

Looking far away, 10,000 li away, a tall stone palace stands on top of a mountain, like a row of powerful giants.

Even the tall Monster Beast with 20 tall zhang around Chu Yan looked as small as a ant.

“Supreme inheritance is there. Wait a minute to be careful, the three bastards are also inside …”

Hei Yao Mo Zun seems to have strong complaints about 3 Deity King and reminds Chu Yan with hate.


Chu Yan thought about it, just nodded, did not directly say his relationship with 3 Deity King.

After all, this is Supreme inheritance!

3 Deity King covets this place, I am afraid it has been 100 years, the goal is Supreme inheritance.

But now, with the current interests, even if the relationship is good before, there is no way to explain what they will do.

Chu Yan is just hope, don’t become an enemy in the end.

After all, he has a good impression of 3 Deity King.

After a moment of pondering, after making up his mind, Chu Yan and his party began to fly towards the direction of stone palace.

However, while Chu Yan concentrate attention completely stared at all around while observing the environment, the 9-domain star map in his Sea of ​​Consciousness World quietly raised a wave of ripples, like a star lit up.

The stars are shining in the sky, with great joy.

It didn’t take long for Chu Yan to enter the stone palace, and the 20 Heavenly Venerable Realm Monster Beasts began to tremble.

In this stone palace, Supreme aura is getting richer and stronger.

Even Chu Yan was sinking, as if carrying a big mountain, walking was difficult.

His current cultivation base is clearly known as Earth Venerable Realm 3rd Layer, but in fact it only has 8th Layer of Human Realm. In the face of this free Supreme pressure, it is difficult to play even 5th Layer of Human Realm.

However, at this moment, a very gentle force suddenly turned away in Chu Yan within the body, let Chu Yan’s whole body pressure loosened, and no longer affected by Supreme aura.

“This is … the token given by Xuanhuang Venerable Lord !?”

Chu Yan startled, and immediately remembered that when the Venerable Lord took himself as a named discipline, he placed 3 tokens of his will in the token, saying that he could resolve 3 crises for him.

Supreme For Supreme, the coercion naturally disappears.

As a result, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed instantly.

Now, although my cultivation base is weak, but I have this token in my hand, and there are 20 Monster Beasts of Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak around me.

This kind of power can be put together, maybe you can get Supreme inheritance.

“I rely on, Chu Yan, look at it, sword tomb!”

Anyway, it was also Supreme’s Black Yao Mozun, and exclaimed suddenly.

“Jianshan !?”

Chu Yan froze, looked up.

I saw that on a huge square in front, it was occupied by tombs everywhere, just like a Chaotic Burial Mound.

However, above each grave, there is a sharp Spirit Sword suspended.

Some of these Spirit Swords are broken, and some are complete. Ranks range from most respectable to most respectable. There are also a few Heavenly Venerate devices, and even stronger Taoist devices have been found.

However, these Spirit Sword ranks do not represent anything. Each Spirit Sword has a very strong willpower, making their formable power far beyond the same rank.

A random Artifact Spirit sword may be comparable to the rank of the world’s ordinary master.

“En !? The 3 Spirit Sword …”

Chu Yan’s eyes passed by, and he suddenly stopped on the three graves of the enormous land.

The Spirit Sword suspended on these three tombs is full of divine runes above the sword body. The golden light flows like water, releasing a circle of Sword Intent and sweeping over all suspended long swords.

Obviously, these three swords, like a general, control all Spirit Sword here.

The king of swords, the world leader!

In front of these three Spirit Swords, the Spirit Swords of several weapon stages appear much dimmed.

“Haha, the sword tomb of Sword Mad Supreme is here!”

Black Yaomo respected his face with surprise and said loudly with a smile.

“This sword mad Supreme, it is said that there are 3 Life Source Sword Spirit, it should be these 3!”

Looking at the three stems of Sword of King, Hei Yao Mozun’s eyes were red.

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