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Road device!

Refers to Sword Spirit, with Daoguang.

The Life Source Taoist must be a powerhouse of at least God King Realm, Spirit Treasure nourished with immortal strength and blood essence, formidable power is extremely scary.

And as Supreme, Life Source Taoist is even more terrifying.

Even if the Master is damaged, the power of this class of Taoism is comparable to God King Realm.

“Mad Sword Supreme !?”

Chu Yan hearing this, his eyes flashed suddenly.

Listen to this name, this Supreme Cave Mansion is definitely left by a sword repair Supreme.

In this way, it is not just in line with yourself! ?


However, waiting for Chu Yan to be pleasantly surprised, the Black Demon Venerable around him was already scolded.

“The three bastards took away 3 Supreme Supremes!”

Pointing to ten or two empty tombs on one side, the black Yao Mozun’s face was almost squeezed out of blood

The next moment did not wait for Chu Yan to react. The Black Yao Demon turned over the hand seal, hit a path of magic breath, and moved towards 5 graves not far away.

“Chu Yan, we said that 3 70% of it is good, then it is heavenly materials earthly treasures! These Spirit Swords or something, just grab your own, whoever grabs the one who belongs! Hehe …”

Divine Consciousness, the black Yao Mozun, saw 5 groups of magic breath wrapped in 5 Spirit Sword, pulling it with all his strength, and almost laughed out loud.


Who is the true body, true body is the black Yao Mozun!


Supreme understand? ?

Experts that are countless times stronger than you!

Based on you brat, I also want to talk to true body 3 7! ?

In the eyes of looking towards Chu Yan, Chi Guoguo’s eyes are all masochistic.

Although the cultivation base of Hei Yao Mo Zun has not been restored, but his secret method of the whole body is intact. After all, it was Supreme before.

In this way of grabbing things, a little Earth Venerable Realm can compare with yourself! ?

“OK! It depends on the things! Please feel free to …”

Chu Yan glanced at Black Yao Mozun, nodded replied.

In fact, according to Chu Yan’s mind, he has Clear Sky Sword and Heavenly Sword, plus a Human Race Supreme Treasure Xuanyuan Sword, and other Spirit Swords are not needed.

“I don’t know, what is the difference between this device and my three swords !?”

Thinking of this, Chu Yan waved his hand and three rays of light behind him, soaring into the sky.

xiu! 咻 xiu!

Xuanyuan Sword, like a golden giant dragon, rises into the sky and makes roaring sounds, shaking the whole sky.

A powerful sword breath, like a tsunami of raging tides, rushing all directions, swept across the entire sword grave in an instant.

For Clear Sky Sword and Heavenly Sword, one left and one right guard Xuanyuan Sword 2 side, one black one white, 2 groups of word glow glow like stars sun and moon.

At this moment, in the whole Heaven and Earth, the original Supreme aura and sword tomb aura were all crushed by them.

Buzz …!

Buzz …!


It seems that I feel the Sword Intent of 3 Sword of King, resisting my Sword Intent, Xuanyuan Sword, Clear Sky Sword and Broken Heavenly Sword, all twisted together, the blade pointed straight to the 3 Sword of King, trembling violently.

Sharp battle, matchless in the world!

3 Sword Venerable, provoking the audience, the battle of the king, the sword is out of the sheath!

“Chu … Chu Yan, you are crazy!”

Seeing this scene of Hei Yao Mozun, the whole body of hair stood up in horror and shouted loudly.

“If you can’t do this, you will wake up all the Sword Spirit, when the time comes is a terrifying …”

Without waiting for him to finish talking, all 1000 sword tomb Spirit Swords in the audience shuddered violently, and endless Sword Intent broke out in unison.

Like a quiet beast group, suddenly angry, the group of monsters fluttering, Mad Sword attacking the sky!

Buzz …!

A Spirit Sword of the Taoist level, a 30-foot sword rainbow burst out, is impossible to bear, and the first one rushed out, Xuanyuan Sword fiercely moved towards the sky.

This sword stabs out, bringing out a red glow, as if to cut the sky into a sea of ​​blood.

This is a Dao sword used by Supreme powerhouse. Its formidable power is definitely not under a Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivator, and, without immortal strength infusion, it is entirely due to its own Sword Intent.

Swords and swords compete, it is Sword Intent!

Above the sky, the Golden Dragon roared and exploded. Among the golden light waves of the sky, Xuanyuan Sword was restored to its original state, and a large golden sword was displayed in the Vault of Heaven.

It seemed extremely disdainful for the daodao sword that rushed in, even the tip of the sword was not pointed, all around shaking, and continued to release the Sword Intent.

Only when the Dao sword was only ten steps away from it, it suddenly waved, cutting out a semi-circular sword light and chopping on the Dao sword.

Boom …!

There is no suspense at all. The Sword Intent of Xuanyuan Sword contains the huge will of the Vault of Heaven continent. Not only does the Sword Intent exceed the Dao Sword, but the power of the Vault of Heaven alone is not something that the sword body can bear.

Because, within Xuanyuan Sword, there is a piece of Human Race World!

Xuanyuan Sword itself is a world!

The entire Dao Sword was cut by Xuanyuan Sword, directly cracked and exploded into powder, and the blood light burst into the sky, rushing like a gust of wind.

Uh …!

Blood Red Dao sword seems to be frightened, after reorganization turned into a lightning, directly escaped to its original grave, Sword Intent all disappeared, shiver coldly.

This time, all the tomb swords in the audience were all irritated!

Have you figured it out! ?

Whose place is this! ?

How dare these three outer swords dare to provoke them here! ?

3 Sword of King, raised his head together, pointed the sword to the sky, Sword Intent broke.

The majestic sword power surged like a tsunami, rushed above the sky, turned into 3 beasts, and roared with open mouth.

Between Heaven and Earth, everything is devoured and broken up, only Sword Intent survives!

Xuanyuan Sword, Heavenly Sword and Clear Sky Sword were attacked by these three powerful swords, and they took a few steps backwards. When they raised their swords, they were completely angry.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Not waiting for the 3 Sword of King’s shot, headed by Xuanyuan Sword, with Clear Sky Sword and Heavenly Sword left and right, moved towards the bottom of the launched charge.

It seems that 3 dazzling lights hit the ground directly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

3 sword light burst out and hit the ground, exploding 3 waves of weather.

Countless tomb swords rose into the sky, like a wave of swords like Xuanyuan Sword. They collided together and launched a Heavenly Sword battle.

With 3 enemies of 1000, Xuanyuan Sword spins like a fly, sweeping the horizon, and the sword edge has passed, there is no enemy at all.

Any tomb sword that is in front of it will crack when wiped, fly if knocked, and shatter when cut …

Clear Sky Sword turned into starlight, shuttling through the void, where a straight line and a tomb sword shattered continuously.

Heavenly Sword is like a big mountain, and it is crazy to push the pressure of the Thai water, and it rises to the sky and slashes down.

Explode a circle of sword storms, each time you can smash at least ten tomb swords.

In less than breath breaths, 1000 tomb swords fled like a panicked herd.

On the ground, 3 Sword of King, against the 4 scattered tomb swords, rushed up and cut towards the Xuanyuan Sword 3 sword.

Next, 6 Spirit Swords were in the sky and a one-on-one Shocking Heaven Sword battle was launched.

“This this….”

Hei Yao Mo Zun is below, he can’t see his mouth shut, completely silly.

What’s the matter! ?

This is Supreme Sword Tomb, Supreme … ah!

With 1000 swords equipped with Supreme, you can’t match 3 swords of Earth Venerable Realm! ?

What kind of nonsense! ?

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