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Divine King saw Chu Yan’s movements, coupled with Hei Yao Mozun’s face, his face finally collapsed.

“Birth, there is so much nonsense!”

10000 Soul Divine King stepped out in one step, and the whole body was surging in an imposing manner.

“For the sake of his lead, you can change the chance, as long as you hand over that Jade Talisman, let him live!”

Boom … rumbling!

10000 Soul Divine King fell to the ground and raised his hand directly to fist. The violent fairy light exploded on the fist. The terrifying power and imposing manner exploded like a thunderbolt.

Despite getting along during this time, there was more or less this love between him and Chu Yan.

But in the face of Supreme inheritance, what is love? ?

Love is just a fart!

Even if it is red clothes Divine King who has been in friendship for over 10,000 years, it is not the same.

Not to mention the one in front of me, I only met the kid for a few months.

Chu Yan opposite, his face has changed now.

A pair of eyes, such as the ice light of the ice front cold sword, kept flashing.

A long time ago, I no longer believed in humanity and loyalty, but for 3 Deity King, getting along for a few months, it was such a result.

Do you still know enough about this World! ?

What kind of thing is the human heart! ?

Chu Yan raised his head slightly, looking up at Heaven and Earth, behind the tidal beast roar, heaven shaking earth shattering.

20 Venerable altar demon, while releasing monstrous monster qi, roaring the void.

They are the monsters of the Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak cultivation base, Monster Beast of the town altar, and followers of Chu Yan.

roar! roar! roar roar roar!

In an instant, all kinds of blood basins and big mouths, all kinds of thunderbolt lightning, ice thorn flames, and the tide spewed out, and there were beast claws like Divine Weapon, tearing Heaven and Earth.

A pair of bloody demon eyes, all killing intent and destruction, even in the face of two God King Realm, there is no hint of retreat at all.

“Chu Yan, do you think these 20 little demon can protect you !?”

10000 Soul Divine King’s face, full of disdain.

The 20 monsters of Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak may be able to block a Divine King, but … here are 2 Divine King!

“Chu Yan, stop struggling, alas …”

Duan Sheng Divine King’s eyes flashed a complex expression, watching Chu Yan opened the mouth and said.

“You can rest assured! Even if your Dao Foundation is destroyed, but it can be restored one day, I believe this!”

Supreme inheritance may be that great opportunity.

It can help Chu Yan restore the Dao Foundation’s chances. Chu Yan knows this, and Divine King knows it himself.

However, this is Supreme inheritance!

“What !? This kid Dao Foundation is gone !?”

Hei Yao Mozun’s face changed dramatically in an instant. ?

Such a big problem, a demon Zun himself, did not see a trace of it! ?

Could it be that your cultivation base is seriously damaged, even the eyes and Divine Consciousness have problems! ?

“Blood falls!”

Divine King hand seal turned over, in in the sky, draw a large stream of water, red like blood, condensed like a pearl, like a long river of starlight composed of blood beads.

This is not a powerful trick!

For him, Chu Yan’s within the body still has some secrets they don’t understand.

For example, the one that attracted the Supreme Cave Mansion natural phenomenon may even have more secrets.

Therefore, he never thought of killing Chu Yan, but it was not sentimental.

“Don’t be so ruthless!”

Hei Yao Mozun watched the long river of blood beads fall, and suddenly the complexion changed, body flashed, and hid behind the big demon group.

“Birth of life, 10000 souls, what you think is so beautiful!”

Chu Yan’s voice has been extremely cold, and the kind of Chu Yan that is enemies of Heaven and Earth is reproduced.

Buzz …!

At the next moment, a message suddenly appeared in Chu Yan’s hands, and the powerful and powerful aura spewed out of the token.

That’s … Xuanhuang Supreme Order!

Boom … rumbling!

The whole valley was shaking, and a lot of light came from the void, mountains, and land all around.

At the next breath, the void could not bear, bursting together, revealing 10,000 li starry sky, Vault of Heaven.

A tall and illusory silhouette came from nothingness, a pair of empty eyes, as if he had seen the sea and the sky, everything fell into his eyes.

It ’s just a sweep, but take all the situation in front of you and take a picture with your palm

“Supreme will body !?”

The faces of Divine King and Divine King changed at the same time, the aura flashed in his hand, and the Life Source Dao appeared, and appeared in front of him, fuse with body protection Gang Yuan, ready to resist.

Bang! Bang!

Falling into a hollow, the whole World is bursting.

The death and the attack of Divine King, the 10000 soul, were instantly erased. The two were groaned at the same time, their bodies flew backwards, hit the distant mountain walls, and rolled off the ground, embarrassed.

“haha ….”

Hei Yao Mozun laughed suddenly, and came out from behind the big demon, who was extremely proud of his laugh.

Did you see that? This is Supreme’s power. True body used to be, if not … you two have been cleaned up already.

However, Chu Yan, the kid, is deep enough.

Fortunately, I didn’t do it myself.

Just now, Hei Yao Mo Zun has been staring at Jade Talisman in Chu Yan’s hand, ready to grab and run.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the 3rd National People’s Congress, as long as you can grab the hand, open a void crack and run, there is definitely a chance.

“Birth of life, 10000 souls, read on the previous sentiment, give you a chance, let’s go!”

Chu Yan’s complexion, pupil light, was still cold.

“Hmph! Bah …”

Divine King coldly snorted, spit out a spit of blood, running immortal strength to suppress the qi and blood rolling within the body.

“Chu Yan, a will only, want us to retreat !?”

“8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, Xuanhuang Venerable Lord, how much benefit can it give you as a disciplinary of disciples !? 3 or 5?”

This sentence landed, and Chu Yan’s face was stern.

Divine King is Divine King, and it’s not very good.

“Do you want to try it !? Yes, let’s go with 2 people and see who died in the end!”

Chu Yan looked directly at the Divine King 2 who died, and said in a cold voice, his footsteps did not move.

At this time, there must not be any glitches, expression changes, eye fluctuations, aura floating, etc., which will let the other party see the weak spot.

This is 2 Divine King powerhouse!

What do you have! ?

The remaining 2 Supreme wills, 20 monsters behind! ?


Seeing Chu Yan’s expression, Two Great God Kings suddenly brows slightly wrinkle.

If it is 3 5 Supreme will, then the resistance will be resisted, always able to carry it, at worst hurt.

However, if there are more, then it is not a problem of injury.

In addition, the dodge dodger is a Supreme powerhouse. Although most of it is scrapped, how can they not know how to do it by Supreme’s means?

If on this basis, plus the 20 monsters, it is really possible for them to be lost here.

At this moment, there was silence in the whole valley.

One side is Two Great God Kings, and the other side is Chu Yan with 20 big demon, just confronted.

The atmosphere becomes a little strange …

“Or … I say 2 sentences !?” Hei Yao Mozun stood up and asked tentatively.

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