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The appearance of Hei Yao Mo Zun is just right.

Otherwise, it’s really awkward.

One side is the Two Great God Kings of absolute strength, and the other side is Chu Yan who has not many hands.

The appearance of Hei Yao Mo Zun just relieved the atmosphere.

“I don’t think it’s a way for you to consume so much, but if you do it, it will be 2 tigers fighting!”

“Even if I got Jade Talisman and entered Supreme inheritance, who can guarantee that there will be no murderous intention in it, and it will fall into it all at once !?”

Speaking of which, Hei Yao Demon shook his head and sighed with vengeance.

“Thinking back then, I just fell short … oh!”

This is not good!

You have a living example here, so that others can not feel the same! ?

A Supreme was abolished like this, then his Two Great God Kings, I am afraid that there is no slag left.

This really needs to be considered!

“What do you want to say !?”

The faces of Divine King and Divine King, 10000 souls, were black.

“I’m just suggesting that there is no need to fight out before seeing Supreme inheritance. It’s better to join forces together. Let’s talk about it first!”

“If there is Supreme inheritance, then it depends on the ability. Of course, if it is damaged by murderous intention, it is a bad life. Just as you eliminate the excess people, you do n’t have to fight for it again, you say, are you?

Hei Yao Mozun finished speaking, smiling all over, looking at Two Great God Kings with some hair in his heart.

What does it mean to be damaged by a murderous intention, so there is no need to argue? !

You look at us what the hell! ?

Meaning, it must be us who have lost! ?

“Hmph! Just do it!”

Regardless of whether you are happy or not, it seems that this is the only way at present.

Never mind, start playing now, and then really bet on Chu Yan, how many cards! ?

If you lose the bet! ?

It seems that the damage is in Supreme inheritance, the result is the same!

The most important point, Two Great God Kings left a thought.

It is also the Black Yao Mozun reminded them that if there is any killing or natural phenomenon in Supreme inheritance.

With Chu Yan in there, it might still be able to mobilize it, so that it is much safer.

“Birthday, you …”

10000 Soul Divine King tried to stop it, but soon his eyes flickered.

Obviously, Two Great God Kings are talking about Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“Chu Yan, what do you say!”

Turned around towards Chu Yan, Divine King asked.

At this time, Divine King’s eyes were restored as before, without the coldness and killing intent, just like what happened just now, nothing happened.

“In this case…”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, glanced at the black Yao Mozun, nodded said

“Do it first!”

He can guess the thought of Hei Yao Mozun, the thought of Two Great God Kings.

However, take a step by step, and now this plan is the best choice for yourself.

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, Two Great God Kings did not hesitate, lifted their feet to the crystal jade, and raised their hands to press on it.

Even if Chu Yan comprehend passed and got Jade Talisman, but there is no trust between the three. Any link, you must try it yourself to be at ease.

“Chu Yan, no need to thank! Who are we, who are we?”

Hei Yao Mozun shook to Chu Yan, raised his head and raised his chest, and with a look of brother, patted Chu Yan on the shoulder.

“I didn’t say thank you ah! It’s you, keep an eye on them!”

Chu Yan was speechless, turned around and found a place to start cultivation directly.

At present, if the enemy is able to recover more, then recover more. It is useless for others to think about things.

At this time, it was 3 days in a flash.

Two Divine Kings also got 2 pieces of Jade Talisman from spar in 3 days, which is the same cultivation recovery as Chu Yan.

The previous injuries, although not serious, are after all to be included in Supreme inheritance. Who knows if there is any danger, of course, it is necessary to keep the Peak state safest.

However, when Hei Yao Mozun glanced at Jade Talisman in the hands of two of them, his face suddenly turned red.

That was to laugh, hold back.

Because, Jade Talisman in the hands of the two of them is obviously smaller than Chu Yan’s, and the spiritual breath is much weaker.

Is it possible that Two Great God Kings is better than a younger kid?

Fortunately, no one else was there, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

“let’s start!”

Hei Yao Mozun saw Two Great God Kings’ complexion and quickly changed his mind.

“Refining Jade Talisman, let’s all go in and see, Supreme inheritance!”

With that said, without waiting for someone else to move first, he took a piece of Jade Talisman and turned on immortal strength.

This Jade Talisman was obviously not obtained here. It should have been Jade Talisman when Hei Yao Mozun came a long time ago.

Buzz …!

As he urged Jade Talisman, a mysterious force between Heaven and Earth emerged, and moved towards the Black Demon Venerable.

Chu Yan, Two Great God Kings followed the urge, the mysterious force also wrapped the body of 3 people and disappeared on the spot.

At the next breath, when the silhouette of the four people landed, they arrived in another World.

“this is….”

It’s too late to see the surrounding environment at all. The 9-domain star map in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness World actually started to work.

Moreover, the released star power gives Chu Yan a very happy feeling, even a little excited.

“9 field star chart …”

Chu Yan was a little puzzled. I just wanted Divine Consciousness to go into the body and go to see the 9-domain star map, but suddenly I heard a cry of exclamation.

“I depend …”


“this is…..”

Hei Yao Mo Zun and Two Great God Kings, both looked shocked, looked towards the distance.

Chu Yan looked up and looked in the eyes of the three people, which was also a complexion changed.

I saw that a fairy light floated on a river not far away, just like water vapor, floating on the river water, 7 colorful fairy lights, condensed but not scattered.

In that way, it is like crushing the rainbow in the sky and sprinkling it on the river.

In this scene, it was Two Great God Kings, which was also amazed.

Because, they can clearly see that among the seven colorful fairy lights, there are a lot of dragon shadows traveling among them, there is a feeling of natural phenomenon Heaven and Earth.

This is not something human can do. This is definitely a Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon.

“What river is this?”

Chu Yan took a deep breath, asked.

“This should be legendary, respect Heavenly Jade Dragon River!”

Black Yao Mozun’s eyes, shiny, with red light, clearly know the origin and background of the river.

“The heavenly spirit on this river … can directly make an ordinary person refining into … Heavenly Venerable Realm!”

This sentence landed on Chu Yan’s face, a sudden look of surprise appeared.

Heavenly Venerable Realm, although not as good as God King Realm!

However, from ordinary person cultivation to Heavenly Venerable Realm, what is that concept! ?

Not to mention the endless years, just the death death and still alive on this cultivation road is terrifying.

And now, in front of you, you can go directly to Heavenly Venerable Realm just by refining! ?

No honor, no Transcending Tribulation, this is too …

Simply is a direct ascension, a step of Heaven and Earth, so amazing! ?

This time, not only the Black Demon Lord, including the eyes of Two Great God Kings, instantly became blood red.

This has just come in. I have encountered such a great opportunity, who can’t be bothered! ?

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