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Supreme Cave Mansion ah!

Up to now, even if it is Two Great God Kings, it is also heartbeat acceleration, eyes red, thinking about how to swallow this Supreme Cave Mansion.

“9 field star chart …”

Chu Yan looked at Heavenly Jade Dragon River in the distance, brows slightly wrinkle.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the 9-domain star chart sent a strong signal, even turning itself into the river! ?


A violent gust of wind didn’t know where it came from, swept across, and blown away all the 7 colorful fairy lights on the river.

After that, you can clearly see that a huge tree plant is growing above the river.

Each leaf is crystal clear and near-transparent as if it is a jade leaf, and a light Immortal Intent holy light envelopes the tree, giving a solemn and sacred feeling.

“This … is this, Putianshu !?”

Black Yao Mozun was so shocked that his eyes were all round and shouted.

Putian tree!

Known as the mother of 10000 trees in the world, the top treasure of immortal source, only one plant can be found in the entire Divine Realm in a few hundred years.

“Yes … yes, it is Putianshu!”

The two Divine King heard the words of Hei Yao Mo Zun, they were stunned for a moment, and then all were ecstatic.

Although Chu Yan has not heard of Putianshu, but seeing the expressions of two Divine King and Hei Yao Mozun, of course he knows that this is a good thing.

He urged the pupil of Qilin, looked up, and suddenly made Chu Yan’s face change again.

“Yi!? This is …”

Under the shroud of the Holy Light, the true body of the big tree was clearly seen by Chu Yan.

In the middle of the trunk of the big tree, it’s empty.

A golden spirit coffin was erected in the middle of the tree trunk, as if it were a wrapped cradle.

That’s a woman!

It has a beautiful posture, such as the long hair of the waterfall hanging down, and the length of the feet.

On her left and right shoulders, there are 2 talisman attached, like a special spiritual object, suppressing her.

The handwriting on this talisman, as if breathing, light and dark, looks quite strange.

Weng! weng!

When Chu Yan’s eyes fell on talisman, two strong tremors struck.

Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness shook and quickly recovered Qilin’s pupil and Divine Consciousness exploration.

“Impossible, right? She is Supreme!”

Chu Yan, who was full of doubts in his heart, suddenly found his own taboo body when he thought about it, and he started to move.

Moreover, the crisis in my heart flashed.

“this is…”

A thunderclap flashed in Chu Yan’s heart, and clear comprehension flashed in his eyes.

“Antiquity !?”

His taboo body comes from Taboo Ridge, and his biggest enemy is Antiquity Taboo.

Only the Antiquity taboo belongs to those who can induce the taboo body to be in the alert state.

In other words, the 2 talisman is the Antiquity taboo! ?

This Mad Sword Supreme is not his end of life, but was banned by Antiquity with talisman here! ?

“That’s … Coupling of Supreme Sword Supreme!”

Black Yao Mo Zun had a big throat, saw the golden coffin in the trunk, and shouted directly.

However, compared to Chu Yan’s pupil technique, they can also see the golden coffin, and the situation inside cannot be seen at all.

“Very good! Really … Really …”

Divine King was very excited and said red light again and again.

“Chu Yan, die!”

10000 Soul Divine King turns his head and raises his hand is a golden light. The big hand turns into golden thunderbolt, pointing directly to Chu Yan

“No matter how much Supreme will you have, this time must die!”

Jin Lei was like an arrow, zi zi was bursting, and under the impulse of Fayin, thunder roared.

hu hu….

Suddenly, the wind rang loudly, the leaves in the distance rustled, and the whole tree was shaking.

In the golden coffin in the tree trunk, a faint, unheard sound made a few people’s faces suddenly change.

Because, that sound sounds like someone … waking up!

The entire Yulong River began to boil, and countless water Dragon Boxing appeared, pulling waves of a few feet high, blooming in unison.

“Lei Wei is 10000 heavy, kill evil and destroy demons!”

10000 The thunderbolt in Divine King’s hand was moved towards Chu Yan regardless of disregard.


In the distant Putian tree, 100 green lights flicker, such as a path of green divine arrow, coming directly.

This green arrow, like inescapable net, envelopes Chu Yan and Divine King, the soul of 10000.

Roar roar roar !

Following the 20 demon monsters of Chu Yan, they felt threatened and roared together, blasting out Celestial Demon skills.

The enchanting breath like a tide is turbulent.

However, to contend with the arrow formed by the jade leaves, the demon skills of the 20 great demon have no effect at all.

But for a few breaths, a path of wound continued to appear on the 20 demon big demon, and the demon blood 4 overflowed.


Chu Yan complexion changed.

How could he didn’t expect that 10000 soul Divine King was actually with that Putian tree?

Moreover, the strength of this putian tree, far surpasses the imagination, just this wave of leaf arrows, actually injured 20 demon.

If this is done with all one’s strength, I am afraid that even the Venerable Lord Xuanhuang can’t resist it?

“How to do!?”

In Chu Yan’s mind, a path of consciousness is flying.

Now they can’t compete with Two Great God Kings, they can only consider saving their lives first.

“haha …”

10000 Soul Divine King looked at Chu Yan with a big smile on his face.

As a dignified Divine King, I can’t pack a little Di Zun! ?

When he was in the valley, he wanted to do it directly, but Divine King told him that Chu Yan might be needed after entering.

Now that 10000 things are set, no action will be taken at this time. ?

Di Zun only, even if there are a few Supreme wills on his body, it can be turned upside down! ?

“Chu Yan, stop it yourself! When I shoot, you will know what is pain, read it when you are my first place peerless genius, and give you a chance …”

Divine King stood in the distance, frowns said

“It’s a fart …”

Not far away, Hei Yao Mozun roared directly without waiting for him to speak.

This roar, like the flat mine, made Chu Yan and 2 Divine King stunned at the same time.

what’s the situation! ?

Why is this waste so arrogant! ?

From beginning to end, Hei Yao Mo Zun is a very low-key kind, because the strength is lost, Two Great God Kings do not care much about him.

But now, how dare … roar! ?

What’s happening here! ?

If the ordinary person yelled, maybe Two Great God Kings didn’t care.

However, this Black Demon Venerable with Chu Yan, but before … Supreme!

Is there any other card he has! ?

“Hmph! You control Putianshu, you think you control everything !? Stupid, this time, you have a big disaster!”

The word fell to the ground, Black Yao Mozun suddenly turned his head, looked towards Putianshu.

With this glance, Hei Yao Mozun’s body disappeared instantly, and when he appeared again, he had reached the tree.

I saw him, his hands reprinted, a path of magic breath poured out, and three black magic knives appeared in front of him.


With a loud roar, the whole body’s magic breath skyrocketed, and the three magic knives were turned into three black thunderbolt.

When this blade goes down, the whole Putian tree shakes!

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