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In an instant, all the leaves that attacked the 20 monsters flew back like a low tide, blocking the golden coffin.

Countless immortal strength turned around, and evolved a huge fairy blade based on jade leaves.

A violent overbearing force poured out of the golden coffin, as if destroying Heaven and Earth.


The fairy knife set by Yuye, moved towards Two Great God Kings, violent slash.

This blade slashed, Two Great God Kings woke up instantly, took out the weapon in the hands of the retreat.

But the speed was still a little slower, he was cut in the chest by the knife, and his body flew back suddenly, and his mouth was sprayed with blood for 3 feet.


Two Great God Kings were stunned on the spot.

Before, the two of them teamed up with sneak attack red clothes Divine King, and the steal treasure was the core treasure that controlled this Putian tree.

But now, why not obedient! ?

“Say you are stupid, now understood !?”

Black Yao Mo respected his face with a smug smile, walked out from behind the tree, and looked at the two Divine King who vomited blood opposite.

“Then the core of bullshit treasure, simply is a game, deliberately attract people to touch the prohibition of this putian tree, as long as you attack the golden coffin with a knife, putian tree will naturally wake up completely.

“Now, you have become the Sword Supreme … the enemy!”

This sentence, Black Yao Mozun said extremely proud, looked towards 2 Divine King’s eyes, like a mouse watching a cat.

Keep laughing ah!

Not very proud just now! ?

Why don’t you continue to laugh now! ?

“How dare you …”

The face of Two Great God Kings was black and purple for a moment, staring at Black Yao Mozun.

How could they didn’t expect? The original good situation turned out to have such a variable.

“Oh, Hei Yao, it looks like you are terrible ah!” Chu Yan chuckled.

“Ha ha ha, that is of course, yuck! Who are you talking about, this Devil Venerable, but Divine Realm …”

Black Yao Mozun flustered and exasperated, yelling at Chu Yan.

Ka cha !

At this moment, the golden coffin made a send cold shivers down one’s spine, as if the wooden board was opened, very faint, but it clearly spread to everyone’s ears.

Chu Yan, 2 great gods Royal Capital is a complexion changed, all turned around and looked.

I saw that the golden coffin in the Putian tree’s trunk was even slit to reveal its peerless beauty.

The eyebrows were lightly trembled, the eyes were suddenly opened, and the rays of light were engraved throughout the audience.

There is no coercion, but the presence of Chu Yan, the 2 great gods 5, including the Black Demon Lord, are in ones heart trembled.

This … this crazy knife Supreme, alive! ?

“Time … so fast ah! Is it 1000 years !?”

Qingyue’s voice sounded, Mad Knife Supreme turned slowly but a bit of a stiff jade neck, looked towards the black Yao Mozun in front of the tree, nodded and said “Thank you!”

Such a small action, no ordinary greeting, but at this moment, it makes people feel scalp numb.

1000 years! ?

Thank you Hei Yao Mozun! ?

However, the face of Hei Yao Mozun was pale in an instant, and his whole body was shaking.

He looked at Zhang Ruyu’s alluring face in front of him, but he seemed frightened to see hell evil spirits.


This is a big trouble!

This Mad Sword Supreme really woke up!

Could it be said that the secret I discovered before was also a game! ?

“However, you are not so good!”

The voice of Supreme Knife Supreme is more and more human-like, as if a devil is trying to speak human language, from unclear words to sweet silver bells.

“Mess it all up here, can you afford it !?”

As soon as the words fell, the entire Putian tree, all the jade leaves, and branches all tremble violently, suddenly like an open umbrella, moved towards 4 directions, all directions spread.

Just in the blink of an eye, Heaven and Earth, including everyone, was shrouded in it.

“Fast… Run!”

Black Yao Mozun shouted loudly, turned around and flashed.

Chu Yan responded extremely quickly. He raised his hand and waved all 20 injured monsters back to the altar. He directly recorded Roaming Dragon world and rushed into the river in front of him.

Black Yao Mozun’s whole body was breathing like flames, blazing burning, all the recovered and accumulated little force, sucking outbreak.

Like a black meteor, it crashed into the river.

“En !?”

Sword Supreme looked at this scene, but it was graceful eyebrows slightly wrinkled, looking thoughtful.

The young man just now, kind of … is it a coincidence! ?

“Let’s go!”

Divine King also gave a roar, and was about to escape.

Up to now, life and death are just a matter of thought. What kind of Supreme inheritance treasure is not considered.

If you can escape alive, it will be a blessing.

Moreover, even if they cannot escape, they have to rush into the river, and then Chu Yan and they die together.

“Do you have to go !? Stay!”

The voice is still so quiet, just like pulling homely, chatting and pulling customers.

At this time, the golden coffin had been fully opened, and a jade foot with ice muscles protruding from the golden coffin and stepped into the void.

“End .. finished!”

The faces of 2 Divine Kings are black, and the whole body is cold.

On the other side, the bottom of the big river.

Chu Yan rushed into the river and found that the water of these 7 colorful rivers was hot like a lava in hell.

Even if it was Gang Yuan body protection, the intense heat passed through, making him seem to be burned.

No way, above there is a person 9 domain Supreme exists, Chu Yan can only gritted his teeth, swim to the bottom of the river.

However, the more Chu Yan swims harder, the more he discovers that the river is bottomless.

“Finished! Fucked, my demon Zun handsome like a jade tree, tall and mighty, haven’t gotten a wife yet, will you die in a ghost place !?”

Hei Yao Mozun said, full of sadness, almost crying.

Chu Yan turned his head to look at him, his face twitching, and he really wanted to kick him directly.

Others are Supreme, and you are Supreme too. If you look at others, then look at you, even if you do n’t have strength, it ’s so good-for-nothing.

Chu Yan, who was full of energy and swimming with all his strength, wanted to stay away from this Supreme, but found that among the bottom of the river, large rays of light rose.

It was a circular zone, exuding a strong golden light, a large white stream like chalcedony, swimming in the golden circle.

It seems like a lake at the bottom of the river.

In the middle of the white water stream, you can vaguely see a building-like hazy illusory shadow.

“This is … Cave Mansion !?”

Hei Yao Mozun screamed, all eyes filled with surprise.

“Qingyu Lake !? How could it be here !? Also … there is a Cave Mansion !?”

His voice was all trembling.

This Qingyu Lake, like the sky tree above, is a rare treasure among Divine Realm, and even Qingyu Lake is even more rare and precious.

It is said that some of the people in Divine Realm went to him specifically for 1000 years, but they didn’t even have any news.

If this is to let people outside know that it will not overturn the sky ah! ?

The point is, the most unexpected is who is so bold and dared to build such a big Cave Mansion under the knife of Supreme Knife! ?

“Ha ha ha, I’m ah! I’m ah!”

No matter what, anyway, the Black Yao Mozun reacted, suddenly ecstatic, laughing repeatedly, and turned into a water arrow moved towards Qingyu Lake.

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