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Chapter 3143

Everyone stopped there and dared not go further, even if they wanted to break their heads, there was no way.

Originally it was taking advantage of it. When the door opened, I followed along, but now it is discovered that there is no work left.

“Not good! The channel is closing!”

Hei Yao Mozun has been staring at the fog channel, turning his head towards towards Yan Yan with a grudge.

“Hmph! With this book … Aiya, why are you kicking me !?” Langyi said a few words, and was kicked by Hei Yaozun.

What is this product, can he not know! ?

At this time, the map gun was also fired, and that was the pig brain.


Chu Yan looked up and observed, a word exit, all eyes were killing intent.

The situation is clear and spear is clear, and now to enter this fairy heavenly blessed land, only the hardest way.

The road must never be broken!

If you enter it and you can’t find the Buddha’s Heart Fruit and Immortal Soul Tree, you still need to return the same way.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

The sword came out like thunder, and it was decided that there was no hesitation, and the immortal strength broke out in an instant. Raising his hand was to cut several Divine Kings with one sword.

This blade glow is like a thunderbolt, Heaven and Earth burst.

“Someone shot !?”

The other practitioners in the audience saw the scene and changed their colors.

Just like the several Divine Kings in front of the Mist Channel, they were all stunned.

An Earth Venerable Realm, like they shot! ?

Chu Yan, who tried his best, didn’t know that, in fact, Green Lotus had already begun to play a role.

In the midst of it, as if everything in this San Tian City, all Antiquity ruins and Secret Realm, there is a trace of ripples.

It’s just that the ripple is very weak, so weak that no one can notice it.

“What a courage! Courting death!”

The Divine King of the Overlord instantaneously angered, and after reacting, a roar exploded behind the large illusory shadow.

a Fayin condenses, raising his hand is punched out.

“Chu … Chu Yan!”

Divine King of Immortal Ascension Sect recognized Chu Yan immediately, and was stunned.

In World’s First respect, Chu Yan’s peerless was amazing and impressed him.

“What !? Chu Yan !? The Chu Yan where the Dao Foundation was destroyed !?” Divine King of the Patriarch suddenly started, his fist stagnation.

This is true of the other Divine King and powerhouse.

Chu Yan’s name has long swept Divine Realm.

No one thought that this abandoned World’s First statue would appear here.

Not even thinking, he dares to shoot Divine King! ?

“Ha ha ha, good! Very good!”

Divine King of Immortal Ascension Sect just froze for a while, then reacted and suddenly smiled.

“Exactly, some accounts should be liquidated!”

In a word, a lot of immortal strength gushed out of his body, turned into a giant palm seal, dropping from the sky and shot to Chu Yan.

This palm came out, and all the voids within 10 li of Fangyuan collapsed.

Even the word glow that Chu Yan had just slashed out with all his strength just now shattered into nothingness.

“Unlimited life, Chu Yan, right ?? Then pay it off!”

The priests of Pfazong raised their hands and flicked the dust, and behind them came a large wave of light.

a The a law of a is like the illusory shadow, which continues to appear like a battle, and glares at Chu Yan together.

2 Dao Lineage and Chu Yan have a great hatred. Although Chu Yan joined the 8 Yuxuan Desolate Sect, the Dao Foundation was also destroyed, but it did not affect them to find Chu Yan.

The point is, this is Chu Yan’s initiative, and looking back, even if the Venerable Lord asks, they are not afraid.

“Really strong! God King Realm really is not comparable to Heavenly Venerate!”

Chu Yan long hair flying upwards, imposing manner like a rainbow.

At this time, the pressure from all directions in four directions, like mountains, continued to suppress him.

Moreover, this pressure continues to increase over time.

Even if he now asks about the method of integration, it is simply impossible to withstand the collaboration of two Divine Kings.

In an instant, Chu Yan took out the Venerable Lord token that he had already prepared.


The powerful Venerable Lord will rush into Heaven and Earth.

In an instant, 10000 rays of light illuminate, Heaven and Earth transform into a sea of ​​stars, and a towering silhouette stands between the stars, just like the co-owner of Heaven and Earth.

A pair of star-like pupil light glanced down, and 10000 methods died out.

“Respect … Venerable Lord will !?”

Divine King, shot by 2 players, instantly complexion greatly changed. At that time, the body protection printing method was quickly run to block all the upper and lower body.

Nebula swells, Heaven and Earth trembles, Venerable Lord will come …

bang! rumble!

Countless horror thunders exploded at all around, turning the sight into a thunderbolt fire sea.

All around The mist was shattered and shattered, all turned into nothingness, and even the original mist passage was instantly blown open by a gap five times larger.

And the will of the Venerable Lord, without any slight decline, has not been enhanced, but turned into a Star Sea tide, slamming into the Divine King in front of him.

Those powerhouses below God King Realm have no ability to resist. The Star Sea tide passes by and flew together.

Xiu xiu xiu !

A few people who had received the Chu Yao Divine Consciousness sound transmission from the Black Yao Demon King, turned into lightning and rushed to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan’s body shone like light, and shrouded several people, rushing towards the gap that had been enlarged several times, and disappeared instantly.


Divine King of Immortal Ascension Sect jumped angrily and shouted in his throat.

“Xuanhuang Venerable Lord, even a waste, such a treasure !?”

Venerable Lord will!

This is the Venerable Lord’s will of Divine Realm 2 1 Dao Lineage!

Among the Divine Realm, ten 2 Dao Lineage is respected, there are only ten 2 Venerable Lords!

Every Venerable Lord is almost a Peak among the 9 domain Supreme. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the strongest 2 people in this Divine Realm.

This gap is different from Heaven and Earth.

Above Divine King, there is Supreme, and the powerhouse in Supreme is 9 domain Supreme.

And the strongest of 9 domain Supreme can become Venerable Lord!

Venerable Lord will, even if it is the core disciple in the 2 1 Dao Lineage, how many people have it! ?

The differentiated Venerable Lord’s will has an effect on the true body’s strength.

“Unlimited life, I will chase, you quickly seal this gap!”

Divine King of Pfazong glanced at the gap that had been enlarged several times, and quickly turned to rush inside.

Several other Divine King startled, and at the same time turned their heads to look at the huge and large gap, and the corners of their eyes twitched.

“No! This child is extremely powerful and has the Venerable Lord’s will. Let’s go together to make a total of 10000!” Divine King of the Overlord quickly said.

“Here, just send a few people to guard!”

In a word, several Divine King turned around and rushed into the gap of the fog channel, disappeared.

All the practitioners present were stunned when they saw this scene.

what’s the situation! ?

That Chu Yan, why is it so strong! ?

A person broke through the gap in the passage guarded by several Divine King! ?

That Venerable Lord’s will is too easy to deal with Divine King, if this is used to deal with them, wouldn’t it be like shooting a fly, one die every time! ?

It seems that this Chu Yan cannot afford to offend.

Despite the help of the hole cards, Chu Yan breakthrough passed, but none of the people present had a hole card! ?

However, only one person can rush past.

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