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Chapter 3144

9th layer floor, 9th layer peak.

The 9th layer peak, which is still operating as usual, seems not to be affected much.

As a Chamber of Commerce, it is not difficult to block the news.

Even if someone sees it, as long as they give a little benefit and give a discount, those VIPs who have their own status will not spread the news.

After all, there are not many guests in the 9th layer peak.

Therefore, Tianying Supreme Divine Consciousness swept for a long time, and found that there was nothing, and Divine Soul gradually relaxed.

At this moment, he was looking at the bottle of spirit wine in front of him, his eyes shining.

This is a bottle of immortal spirit wine that has just been traded. It is a good wine brewed by the legendary Liberation Chancellor of Taikoo Aqua.

After the aquarium was lost, this immortal spirit wine became extremely precious, not to mention the top grade of immortal spirit wine.

“Sir! Tianying Sir, it’s a major event!”

As soon as a glass of wine was picked up, the voice outside the door screamed before he even reached his mouth.

“What’s the matter?”

Tianying Supreme looked up, but found that Hu Ying rushed in, his face full of anxiety.

If this is among the forces of ordinary Sect, without summoning, trespassing into the Supreme Residence, it is a mortal crime.

But the 9th layer building is the Chamber of Commerce force, but there is no such rule, naturally it is to deal with things quickly and conveniently.

Tianying Supreme as the guardian of the 9th layer peak, after all, it controls the entire 9th layer building on the surface.

But now, are you free to drink wine? ?

“Sir! The main event of Saint Heaven is out, Blood Soul Stream, 100 Spirit Immortal Pavilion mutations are happening, I suspect there is a treasure or inheritance to be born! And …”

Hu Ying made a big talk in one breath, and there were more than a dozen places reported.

But without exception, all are names in the holy heaven.

Among them, there are a few places, even the top records that have been recorded in historical materials, but have not been found.

“En !? It’s weird that they are all in Holy Heaven !?”

Tianying Supreme brows slightly wrinkle, some do not understand.

This Holy Heaven is a chaotic place, this is the burning of the door of Gao Xiang, even at the same time, natural phenomena occur frequently! ?

“Go, send it to check it out first, and then, don’t be so rash and not a major event in the future …”

Hu Ying, who was the founder of Chu Yan’s designs, was promoted by Tianying Supreme and became Steward Elder directly.

From entertaining Deacon to Steward Elder, it is rising 3 levels!

But this rises quickly, the foundation is weaker, and he needs to be adjusted by himself.

But he didn’t finish his words, but Jade Talisman around him rang.

brows slightly wrinkle, turned around looking towards Jade Talisman, quickly urged Divine Consciousness, and looked up “Tianhua Road, moving prison fort … found mutation!”

Each and everyone’s subsequent names are all Antiquity ruins.

This time, even Tianying Supreme, his face changed.

All of them are in the holy heaven, which is probably an amazing change.

Otherwise, impossible found so many mutations in the holy heaven, this is unreasonable.

“Subpoena, send Divine King Squad, immediately …”

Buzz …! weng weng weng!

In his hand, Jade Talisman hadn’t had time to put it down, and a continuous voice came, and at the same time, there was Hu Ying’s Jade Talisman.

“Sir…. 10000 Chonghai, Extreme Heavenly Kingdom, Blood State Corpse Palace, 10000 Dream City, all… .. born!”

What are these ruins! ?

That is all the existence of Ranking List inside the 9th layer building.

Although it is not known whether historical materials and rumors are true, if they are true, the resources and treasure in these few ruins are enough to make the entire Divine Realm sensational.

Tianying Supreme’s complexion completely changed, his eyes flashed with fine eyes.

More than a dozen ruins, 3 top Antiquity ruins, all born!

If it is said that this was born naturally, the Supreme Tianying Supreme would not believe that there was definitely a major event that caused these relics to be born together.

But what are the things that can spur them! ?

There is no doubt at all. Compared with the birth of these dozens of relics, the reason that can provoke them is probably more important.

“I have understood, go ahead! I will report it immediately!”

The matter is beyond the scope of Tianying Supreme. For example, he turned in the upper floor of the 9th layer building.

However, at this moment, Jade Talisman in the hands of the two rang again.

Hu Ying’s conditioned reflex quickly checked, while Tianying Supreme stared at him.

“What’s the matter again?”

Tianying Supreme looked at Hu Ying’s face and had a bad hunch in her heart.

What exactly happened here! ?

Endless! ?

“Sir, just received the news, Chu Yan appeared in the place where the Immortal Soul Tree and the Buddha’s Heart Fruit are located, and there is an immortal blessed land!” Hu Ying raised his head and replied.

“Oh !? This kid is really good luck …”

Just said a word, Tianying Supreme’s face suddenly plummeted.

“What’s the matter, once finished!” Seeing Hu Ying’s face twisted like constipation, Tianying Supreme knew that there might be something else.

“Large … Sir, 9 states near Holy Heaven, also happened … mutation!”

As soon as these words came out, Tianying Supreme froze on the spot

On the other side, Sheng Tian Yu, in the heavenless blessed land of Saint Tian City.

Chu Yan 4 people flew in a large haze of mist, and various colored rays of light flickered, as if flying in Immortal Realm.

The rich and extremely spiritual breath wraps their bodies and has a feeling of swimming in the Linghai.

Every piece of space here is a cultivation treasure.

Different from the confusing of the 9th layer building interior, this is the pure and breathless, original kind.

The spiritual breath of the 9th layer building interior is rich, but after all, it uses various rare treasures and spirit arrays to force it to roll from all around or other places.

In this way, the sources are mixed, and of course the spiritual breath is also mixed.

But this place is the natural breath of Heaven and Earth that has condensed naturally for 10,000,000 years.

Including Chu Yan, he would not be polite at all, while flying, madly devouring these spirits.

The spiritual breath into the body, almost without refining, is directly transformed into True Qi and integrated into bloodline and Qi Sea.

The immense benefits of this kind of heaven and earth are instantly reflected.

However, at this time, Chu Yan’s few people, not at all a trace of relaxation and joy, all with dignified and nervous faces.

Because, behind them, a ray of obscure killing intent, such as a maggot.

Of course it was those Divine Kings who came after them, as long as they slowed down, or stopped for a moment, those Divine Kings would kill them.

“Hmph! Are these garbage courting death !? Chasing true body !?”

Lang Yi glanced back, disdainful.

“Let me go and destroy them!”

As soon as he turned around, Lang Yi was really ready to go, but he was caught by Hei Yao Mozun.

Chu Yan’s faces were twitching, and he wanted to throw him here.

“If Hei Yao doesn’t want to die, hurry up and draw the hole card. My Venerable Lord will only have one last click. It will not be used until the last minute!”

Chu Yan looked towards Hei Yao Mozun, and said.

“Haha, rest assured, leave it to me!”

As soon as he raised his hand, Black Demon Lord took out a black skull and took out two blood crystals, and pressed it into the eyes of the black skull.

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