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Chapter 3152

In an instant, the entire sky was shrouded in white glow of sword glow.

Saian ’s eyes were even shining with this light, and he could not open his eyes, but he could vaguely see that his fire cloud knife was cut to pieces by this sword, and he saw more clearly that the sword edge cut into himself within the body, flashed by.

Boom … Rumble!

The air wave exploded, 4 Fang Yunyong.

Not long ago, the appearance of invincible Fire God appeared in front of everyone, and at this time, the imposing manner was completely lost, falling from the sky like a rotten flesh, smashing a mass of blood flowers, and was hit hard.

“How can this be!?”

Burning the scumbags such as Divine King, several other geniuses, and all the cultivators, all opened their mouths completely, completely silly.

Even the black Yao Mozun and the others are stunned, with a look of disbelief.

A sword! ?

With just one sword, you defeated Saian! ?

This is a collection of 4 super genius, and the use of the super saiyan of the Bazu card, it is so defeated! ?

“I … I burned the sky, didn’t expect, didn’t expect …”

Saian himself was even more shocked, struggling to get up from the ground, his body covered with blood.

He stared at Chu Yan in a daze, his eyes trembling, his body tight.

After a long time, after a long sigh, all Essence, Qi, and Spirit languished in an instant, turning over and throwing a piece of Jade Talisman.

“I lost! Chu Yan, you won!”

Among the Jade Talisman thrown out, it is naturally the 9 dragon glass lamp as the bargaining chip of Life and Death Battle.

The other four geniuses, although their faces were low and unwilling, were also taking out Jade Talisman and throwing them to Chu Yan.

The people of Ancient Race have existed longer than the forces of ordinary Sect, and they value the reputation very much. Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be done.

However, in the eyes of the five geniuses, a touch of humiliation emerged.

They haven’t tasted this kind of taste for a long time, and suddenly they can’t accept it.

All five of them are core disciple of Ancient Race and Great Influence. When did they lose so miserably! ?

This feeling really makes them difficult to digest.

“Chu Yan …!”

Sai’an stood there, watching Chu Yan’s gaze, gradually changing, whispering softly

“Thanks for this time!”

This sentence opened, everyone in the audience was stunned.

The other four geniuses were also startled. After they glanced at Saian, their eyes changed.

Several people stepped out and walked to Saian, even bowing to Chu Yan.


Chu Yan looked at the five geniuses in front of him, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, bowing his hands in return.

Sure enough, this is the real genius.

In this battle, Chu Yan benefited and got 5 treasures, but if it really benefits, it is definitely Sai’an 5.

Of course, the premise is that they really understand the meaning of this battle.

Perhaps, from then on, their Martial Dao road will be completely changed.

“Hmph! Pretend!”

Black Yao Mo respected his face with disdain, looked at Ancient Race 5 genius genius, and looked disgusted.

This is what these so-called righteous practitioners do. If they lose, they will lose, and they will pretend to be an atmosphere! ?

Unlike their demonic path, if you lose, you will only think of revenge, and next time you must kill your opponent.

How simple and straightforward! ?

This is Martial Dao World, weak are prey to the strong, the winner is king!

Not only did Hei Yao Mozun think so, most of the cultivators present were like him, and some did not understand the behavior of the five Saian.

“Look, Saint Tian City!”

“Here it is! How come there are so many people in front of the city gate !? What are you doing ah !?”

At this moment, above the horizon, a path of silhouette appeared, and while moving towards here, the sound of doubt sounded.

“I depend, so fast! A group of trash!”

Hei Yao Mozun turned his head to look at it, and immediately opened his mouth and scolded, provoking the courage of the side just preparing to speak, almost holding back the internal injury.

Relying on you, robbed me of my lines! ?


Chu Yan glanced around without any hesitation. With a big hand, he rolled up several people and rushed into the city gate Transmission Array.

Soon after, Chu Yan returned to the misty passage.

But behind them, a followed by a silhouette of a, followed closely, all imposing manner like a rainbow.

Chu Yan turned his head to look around, but it was the burning of Divine King with a group of people, chasing over.

These people are all Divine King!

Moreover, behind them, a large number of cultivators flowed through the clouds, most of them were Ancient Race cultivators.


Among the crowd, three Divine King silhouettes drew Chu Yan’s attention.

Among these 3 people, the first place is full of fortitude, brows tightly frowns, incomprehensible, and the body has powerful Thunder Element power all around.

These Thunder Element powers are not silent, but are constantly bursting, and even the void is full of endless thunder and lightning powers.

If this happens, it can instantly destroy one side of the void, making people chill.

The other one is a woman with a beautiful figure but extremely cold, looking towards all around people’s eyes, it seems that she can’t enter her dharma eyes. She is from the Yue clan.

The faint blue moon Spirit Seal on the forehead, like breathing, disappears from time to time.

The last one looks better than the previous woman, but in terms of dress, it is obviously a man.

His temperament is like a lone star and a bright moon, deep like the sea, and still ink like water, but anyone who sees him for the first time will not produce any sense of contempt.

“Three Divine Kings, one is better than one!” Chu Yan whispered.

“Good! That Peak Divine King, named Xie Lei, is the famous Divine King of the overlord. The woman, named Jiyue, is the Divine King powerhouse of the Moon, and the last one, You Xian!”

“Divine King Divine King, Divine King, and Immortal God …”

Even Chu Yan has heard of these three names, enough to see the power of these three names.

Suddenly, another wave of people flew from a distance.

These people are divided into 2 camps, one of them wears red robe, and the other wears green robe, which looks very weird.

“Haha, long time no see….”

Burning the Divine King, who is communicating with Divine King around him, seeing these people, he smiled and greeted him, very polite.

Chu Yan also looked down.

Because, of these newly arrived people, there is a person he knew, it was … Hu Ying!

The reception of the 9th layer building is called, and the entire 9th layer building is called, and I want to kill my 9th layer building Deacon.

Of course, Chu Yan does not know now that this Hu Ying Deacon has been promoted to Elder on the 9th layer floor, and the rank and status have undergone Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes.

The reason for this is that he discovered Chu Yan and immediately shot, so he got the opportunity to be promoted exceptionally.

Of course, Hu Ying also saw Chu Yan, but just glanced at it, then turned away, as if he didn’t know him.

After all, Hu Ying is still very upset about the huge wealth he paid Chu Yan for the 9th layer building.

“The 9th layer building, the people of Dawang Island! No wonder the speed is so fast!”

Black Yao Mo Zun glanced at those people, his face full of anger.

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