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Chapter 3153

Holy Heaven is a chaotic place. The Sect forces of ordinary will generally not set up here. Only the Chamber of Commerce forces such as 9th layer building and Dawang Island will open institutions here.

After all, the cultivators who come here to practice need supplementary resources, but that is business, of course, not to be missed.

And now, mutations occur in the Holy Land and 9 states, and they will come to see it naturally.

The 9th layer building is prepared in advance, and directly dispatches capable personnel.

With the support of Chamber of Commerce, the powerhouses of the Great Influence have naturally come over much faster.

“Great King Island !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes looked towards the green robe crowd.

This force can only be added to the Powerhouse above Heavenly Venerable Realm.

Although there are obviously fewer people in Dawang Island than in the 9th layer building, the overall imposing manner has overwhelmed the end of the 9th layer building.

Among them, a young man wearing a black-edged green robe attracted the attention of Chu Yan.

This young man has purple hair, dashing eyebrows, a handsome face, and a restrained look. The cultivation base has reached Earth Venerable Realm 8th Layer. Dao Realm has also reached Small Accomplishment Realm, which is obviously a genius.

The point is, this young aura has a very strong magic breath.

This kind of magic breath is more vigorous and ancient than the magic breath of Mo Wu Di Zun and Hei Yao Mo Zun.

“You are Chu Yan !?”

The young man seemed to realize that Chu Yan was staring at himself, turned his head to look at Chu Yan, said with open mouth

“I heard that you just recast the Dao Foundation !? Congratulations!”

After stepping out a few steps, he already walked in front of Chu Yan. Although he was polite in his speech, there was obviously a trace of arrogance.

Many of the big brothers and cultivators present turned around and looked towards 2 people, the expression slightly changed.

Of those who just arrived here, although they arrived late, most of them received detailed messages, all staring at Chu Yan.

Restored the Dao Foundation, defeated 5 ancient races including Sai An and genius …

All these intelligences seem to indicate that this former World’s First statue seems to have recovered its strength.

“In the next section Ichiro, the core Deacon of the King Island. Waiting to enter the White Jade Hall, 10000000 Don’t let me down!”

This sentence hit the ground, Duan Yilang looked at Chu Yan from head to toe, as if looking at a piece of goods.

The attitude in the tone and expression, even Mo Wu Di Zun could not hold Lang Yi.

Don’t let him down! ?

What a disappointment! ?

Of course, it was a fight. Obviously, this paragraph Yi Lang heard about Chu Yan’s previous affairs and was ready to start his fight with Chu Yan in the white jade palace.

This pun is punitive, on the one hand, it is a kind of warning, and it is also a radical method.

“The core Deacon of the Great King Island !?”

“So young, it’s the core Deacon !? This is Dawang Island!”

“Yeah, I heard that the people of Dawang Island are all above Heavenly Venerable Realm. I don’t think his cultivation base can reach Heavenly Venerable Realm ah!? What happened !?”

“What the hell do you know, don’t talk, the king’s island cannot afford to offend!”


The cultivators all around are paying attention to the situation here. Naturally, when they heard Duan Yilang’s words, they all whispered.

Earth Venerable Realm 8th Layer, the core Deacon, this person’s identity is probably not simple.

“Why are you so fast, snatching me in front, let Jean, Chu Yan, right, fortunately, fortunately!”

Waiting for the end of paragraph Yi Lang’s words, and a voice rang, a tall, fat man squeezed to the front, looking at Chu Yan with a smile on his face.

“this is….”

The practitioners present, including Divine King of Pfazong, were all complexion changed.

He came! ?

“You are …” Chu Yan startled.

“Haha, I’m impulsive underneath, I am dusty, you can call me Xiaochenchen!”


Chu Yan rushed up against blood and almost vomited.

Xiaochen Temple! ?

You are afraid that there is 300 pounds in this product! ?

What a special dust! ? Still small …! ?

Hei Yao Mozun and Lang Yi looked at them, their faces were green, and they opened their mouths like a ghost.

They are different from Chu Yan in that they claim to be a surprise to this bald head, but they know this person.

Chenfan Master, reincarnation monk!

Reincarnation, not referring to the fleshy body damage like the black Yao Mozun, but to the body and soul destroyed.

Even more differently, after the black shining deity is damaged, you need to have body possession fleshy body, or recast the fleshy body to recultivate.

But this kind of reincarnation Master is reborn.

This is always an unsolved secret in Divine Realm, and no one knows how the heavenly defying secret skill like Pfazong is performed.

This seems to be beyond the scope of cultivation technique and cultivation.

The most important thing is that this kind of reincarnation Master, they carry part of the memory of the previous life and …. cultivation base card and the like.

“It turned out to be him! Peerless genius, dusty!”

Many big men present at the scene recognized this little dust, all of them looked surprised.

“Peerless genius!”

Hearing these 4 words, Chu Yan looked towards the face of this fatty, and instantly changed.

Peerless genius, that’s the existence on top of the genius. In the whole Divine Realm, the real core of the Great Sect is also the core disciple in the core.

The point is, this is the first peerless genius Chu Yan has seen.

I used to hear that even when I was called peerless genius, there was no concept at all.

But now, another peerless genius stood alive in front of him, this … Interesting.

“hehe …”

Lang Yi just froze for a moment, and then bursts of laughter.

His smile, all around looked towards his gaze, simultaneously shua shua changed.

“Chenfan !? Xiaochenchen, just listen to the name and know that it’s rubbish …”

Speaking of which, everyone in the audience sucked in a breath of cold air and drowned the last word directly.

But even if it is blind, you can know what he is going to say.

“But now when I see the Master true body, it really is … handsome like a jade tree, tall and mighty, like the brightest star in the Star Sea, the most handsome Master in the vast Vault of Heaven! Please accept me worship!”

This bow down suddenly made everyone in the audience, including Chu Yan, open their mouths together.

I depend, are you blind! ?

What I heard just now! ?

These words are spoken from the mouth of Lang Yi! ?

Is his brain broken! ?

Countless stares at Lang Yi with surprised eyes, as if looking at a monster, or the kind of peerless monster.

“Uh … what did I just say !?”

Lang Yi looked at everyone’s eyes, and even asked in amazement.

Not right ah!

I said those words just now! ?

What does this say … is it too special? ?

When did I upgrade! ?

“Ha ha ha, this little Fellow Daoist, really is the hero Divine Vision, the hero sees the same, Heroes come out from the Youth, hero …. Just like that, mix with me later, give you a legal name, just Call it Xiaoyiyi! How about it, not bad !? “

No matter what Chu Yan thinks and what Langyi thinks, anyway Master Chen Fan is refreshing, patting Langyi’s shoulder and laughing with great joy.

This time, Lang Yi was even more embarrassed, his face full of surprise, staring at Fan Chen as if he had seen a ghost.

“I’m not right!”

Chu Yan looked at Lang Yi’s reaction and finally understood what it was.

“This guy seems to be cultivation Divine Soul!”

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