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Chapter 3154

It is enough for people to dare to underestimate the means of changing the character 180 degrees in this map gun.

Peerless genius is really extraordinary.

“Dust Fan, come back!”

Divine King of Pfazong, complexion slightly changed, shouted at fatty.

Hearing the opening of the main sect Divine King, all the disciples and genius looked towards fatty of Pfazong ’s eyes changed.

It was a kind of gaze of teeth, and everyone seemed to want to go up and nibble this fatty.

This fatty, isn’t it peerless genius! ?

Why are you so unattractive? ?

“That … brother, so many people are here, can you not call me dusty !?”

fatty turned his head towards towards main sect Divine King and said with a sullen face.

This sentence fell to the ground, all the people present were complexion changed, and Divine King of Pfazong was even twitching.

“Are you tickling again !? What do you call me !?”

Divine King says impossible is a disciplinary identity, and peerless genius is certainly a disciplinary status. Between these two people, at least it is also a relationship with Martial Uncle’s nephew! ?

But this opening actually matched brother! ?

“Brother ah!” Fatty didn’t realize anything and turned to look towards Divine King with a straight face.

“good very good!”


The next moment, a silhouette flashed, Divine King’s big hand was like lightning, stretched out in front of fatty, and held it into claws. Fiercely grabbed fatty directly.

pēng pēng pēng Bang!

A fat beating made everyone present look dumbfounded.

That fatty method is not simple, even struggling to escape from Divine King, was chased along the way like ghosts and howl like wolves

Everyone present, seeing this scene, all face twitched.

This is peerless genius! ?

Moreover, the Pfazon has always been highly respected, the people of the Daofa and the heaven and the sky, these two people, a Pfanizong Divine King, a Pfanizong’s peerless genius, how do you look … not very like! ?

“Fuck! Dead fat black me !?”

Langyi was now fully awake and roared angrily.

“I have a trace of dead fat in Divine Soul! This guy has a problem!”

This sentence landed, Chu Yan turned to look at it suddenly

“Stamp of Divine Soul !?”

There is even this method! ?

Although Lang Yi is now only a cultivation base for human respect, the Divine Soul is the most difficult to be traumatized and attacked.

And this fatty method can be quietly left in other people’s Divine Soul, leaving a mark! ?

This hand is a bit powerful.

“Come on, is this a bad thing for you !? Just follow the fat guy, at least you won’t be kicked out of Sect in the future!”

Black Yao Mozun’s face was persuaded seriously.

Even the mouth of this product can’t bear it.

If this fatty really has this method, maybe it is really the only way for Lang Yi.

After all, with such a time bomb around, who knows when to cause big trouble.

Ordinary cultivators don’t care, Divine King also said that if you provoke Supreme or something in the future, you can be wiped out by raising your hand, and there is no chance to complain.

Who is not afraid of this! ?

“Yi !? What you say makes sense, too!”

Lang Yi pinched his chin, a thoughtful expression on his face.

In fact, if others are afraid of him, why not be afraid of himself.

Just like before, he was kicked out of Flying Immortal Sect, that was 2 1 Dao Lineage, the cultivator did not want to join.

It is impossible to be expelled and say no regrets.

But I seem to be unable to control my mouth, and sometimes I want to slap myself.

Now, when I suddenly encounter this fatty, it seems that God closed the door for you, closed the window by hand, and then opened a dog hole.

“However, it feels very pleasant!”

At the exit of this sentence, Black Yao Mo Zun almost spurted no blood.

Cool! ?

You just look at yourself and do n’t consider how others feel! ?

Is this really okay! ?

“Cough cough, everyone, now that everyone is here, let’s get started! Open this door!”

Burning virtual Divine King really can’t see it anymore, turning to other Divine King opened the mouth and said.

Another Divine King of Pfazong quickly opened his mouth to stop Huobao 2’s uncle and nephew.

“Hmph!” Divine King, who beat the people, glanced at fatty, and swept his hand to the gate of the temple.

“My god, my flowery face!” Fatty pulled out a mirror and cried.

“Get it started!”

A group of Divine King faced the white jade hall gate, and other cultivators also gathered.

Chu Yan 4 people are not too close, 10000 steps away.

This white jade palace is the formation eye of the whole heavenly blessed land.

If there is a danger, let these Divine Kings be at the front.

Besides, if there is no danger, they will not call so many people.

If it is just to open the white jade hall door, I believe they have a few Divine Kings, and they can do the same with the card.

bang! Bang Bang!

The violent force exploded, and dozens of Divine King attacks all blasted on the gate of the white jade, shaking the ground.

The entire white jade palace, connected to the mountain range below, was trembling.

Less than ten breaths, the white jade hall door was opened.

“Okay! Open!”

All Divine King and cultivators had their faces together.

Chu Yan’s eyes were fixed on the white jade hall door.

The pupil of the 5-color Qilin is running and wants to see through the hall door, but he can only see a large surge of wind.

All the Divine King stood there, and none of them rushed in directly, all of them looked very careful.

A few moments later, the raging wind of the temple door stopped, and several Divine Kings went to the broken temple door together, hitting a path of immortal strength.

These immortal strength temptations, after piercing into the broken temple door, are like mud cows like the sea, and there is no aura.

Waiting for nearly breath breaths again, the Divine Kings glanced at each other, nodded together

“Go, go in!”

Burning the Divine King takes the lead, a group of Divine King follow closely from behind, and rushed towards the gate of the white jade together.

However, before they stepped into the hall door, the mountain range under their feet began to tremble.

A large amount of gang wind rushed between Heaven and Earth, and wu wu sounded as if rainstorm was coming.


Chu Yan’s heart moved and looked up towards white jade.


A thunder burst sounded, and half of the sky collapsed. Like a head peerless Ominous Beast woke up from Constant Antiquity’s deep sleep, breaking through the Vault of Heaven, and was about to be born.

More than 20 Divine King Qiqi complexion changed, looked up towards the sky.

A very strong aura, shrouded from the sky, swept the audience like a tide.

The cultivators present were attacked by this wave, and those who were suddenly figure trembled, cultivation base, etc. even paled.

A few people respect the powerhouse, but it is the corner of the mouth flow blood, covering their chest with their hands, obviously has suffered internal injuries.

This door hasn’t even entered, but was hit hard.

Chu Yan and others, under the cover of Chu Yan body protection gang yuan, were only figure trembled, not at all, which was too much affected, and even Lang Yi was safe.

Seeing those who changed their faces, and even the wounded cultivator, Lang Yi’s eyes shined, and he was ready to open his mouth.

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