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Before a word was finished, Chu Yan and others saw the void all around began to collapse.

All kinds of void fragments flake from the all around space and hit the ground, and the scene inside changes completely.

The original tide of bones disappeared, and even Chu Yan 4 disappeared with space fragments.

“Yi!? What about people !?”

“Why are those boys missing !?”

“Chu Yan escaped !? Why did you escape, didn’t see ah!”

“Hurry up, don’t let them escape!”

“I’m leaning, I didn’t see it, how can I chase it?”


The Vatican Divine King, Divine King, the Divine King, the Immortal God, the Immortal God, and other Deity Kings, as well as the cultivators of various forces, while turning their heads to check at 4 places while fighting, they could not find Chu Yan. shadow.

“Is it …”

Divine King’s tightly-browed brows suddenly jumped in Pfazong, a fine flash flashed in his eyes, and he quickly squeezed the hand seal to shoot out a large beam of light, slamming all around into the void.

Next moment, Old Daoist’s complexion changed completely.

“Damn! This is an illusion! Fanfan took them away!”

As soon as this remark came out, Divine King and the practitioners were surprised.

Not dare to hesitate, the old Daoist of Pfazong quickly explained the situation to everyone, making everyone’s face more shocked.

Divine Soul fantasy! ?

The fatalism of that Franco-Pazong can be cracked, even in the illusion that their god Royal Capital didn’t notice! ?

“Hmph! Pfazong!”

Fanxu Divine King stared at the bull nose Old Daoist, his face angry.

That face and gaze were obvious, clearly wanting to accuse Pfazong of intending to collude with the enemy.

Moreover, not only the Divine King Divine King, the other Divine King and the practitioners all stared at the Pfazong, all of them looked ugly.

Collusion is second, the key is that Chu Yan and several people went deep in the inner hall, how many treasures and chances to take away! ?

In this case, these people are killed and alive here, but the enemy is already on the way to treasure.

How can they accept it! ?

Since Pfazon’s fatty can discover and decipher this illusion, why not help himself and his enemies! ?

“Don’t get me wrong, everyone!”

Old Daoist, the bull nose of Pfazong, found all around cold eyes, complexion slightly changed, and quickly arched his hands to explain.

“My sect and Chu Yan are also hostile! Fan Chen is a person of my sect, and of course he is also hostile to Chu Yan. It’s just that the way of doing things is strange, and I can’t order him!”

Saying that, Old Daoist is full of bitterness.

What’s more, this discipline is too difficult to bring!

“No need to say more! Open this illusion first and then say!” Hu Ying and Duan Yilang quickly opened the mouth and said.

“it is good!”

The old nose of the old nose did not dare to talk nonsense, quickly urged the French seal, and began to break the illusion of Divine Soul all around.

On the other side, deep inside the white jade palace, in the first great hall.

The spiritual breath in the whole great hall is rolling like the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, which is astonishingly magnificent.

And the scene of the kind of boneless crawling before was completely invisible here.

This is a place like Antiquity Great Desolate, with Constant Antiquity’s old aura everywhere.

Chu Yan’s eyes swept through the great hall, and was suddenly shocked by the sight in front of him.

Although this great hall has been defeated for a long time, the magnificent scene is still shocking.


“I rely!”

Suddenly, Black Yao Mozun and Fan Chen broke into a sentence at the same time.

Chu Yan’s eyes also showed a shock.

I saw that in the partial hall on the side of the great hall, there stood even 100 warriors with armor piercing all over the body.

On the ground in front of them, a big black sword was inserted, neat and tidy arranged, giving a clear sense of depression.

Among them, the big sword standing in front of the warrior leader in front, Immortal Intent surging, is obviously a Dao sword out of the ordinary!

And behind the guard’s hall door, you can clearly see the secret books, Spirit Armament, treasure and medicine pill bottles scattered all over the floor.

On each treasure, there is a strong sense of morality!

It’s all Taobao!

The point is, Chu Yan has watched them 4 times, this all around all kinds of ruined great hall, there are more than 1000 rooms.

And now this one is just one of them.

If there are so many devices in every palace, what a horrible amount.

This is simply a treasure trove.

“Then … what is there?”

Mo Wudi raised his finger to a door, his face full of surprise.

Chu Yan and the others turned their heads together and saw that there was a round gate behind the palace.

The door was slightly closed, leaving a gap of half a person wide. Looking through the door gap, nothing could be seen in the black hole.

But on the 4 walls above the gate, the densely packed ones are all Divine Seal, which gives a powerful sense of pressure.

Obviously, this is the gateway to the core of the cluster of palaces.

And generally speaking, the real treasures are all collected in the core place.

“Hurry, take the Taobao here first, and then go to the core place!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun was completely excited and roared loudly.


“It makes sense!”

Fan Chen and Lang Yi echoed with the voice, all with excited faces.

It is estimated that those outside will have to fight against Mirage for a while. The time is enough.

After all, the number of Taoist instruments in this all around run-down great hall is staggering and cannot be missed. Especially the Taoist instruments here are at least Antiquity Taoist instruments.

If you can meet one or two pieces that have a special effect, you will be rich.

“You go! I’ll take a look!”

Chu Yan was not interested in these treasures, and body flashed rushed to the ruined palace all around.

Buddha’s heart fruit, fairy soul tree is the main goal of this time.

Treasure At present, the Black Yao Mozun they are too lazy to manage Chu Yan, and immediately split up, rushing towards the ruined side hall.

However, when they had not rushed in, the armor piercing warriors who stood like statues were red light masterpieces with eyes, and the armor piercing film on their bodies made the sound of ka ka.

armor piercing Warriors, awakening!

The powerful fairy light and murderous aura surged all around in an instant, and even the void began to twist.

Although they have been mentally prepared for a long time, these armor piercing warriors may be the power to protect the great hall, but when they wake up, the cultivation base of each and everyone actually reaches Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer.

“Dog Day … ahh …”

In a mournful scream, the densely packed explosion sound rang from the side hall, which was mixed with a dull blow.

Chu Yan glanced and found that although the four were chased and jumped up and down, it was a bit miserable, but none seemed to be in danger.

I continued to search for 2 Immortal Medicines in a great hall, very fast.

However, after the time of hundred breaths passed, Chu Yan returned to the same place, his face low.

Among these run-down great halls, there is no Immortal Grass spirit medicine at all, let alone Buddha’s heart fruit and fairy tree.

“It seems that it must be in the core!”

Chu Yan turned his head, brows slightly wrinkle looked towards the round gate, and saw the Spirit Mark around the gate shining brightly.

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