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Chapter 3159

Just as Chu Yan stared at the round gate, howling came from the side hall over there.

“Chu Yan, your uncle, don’t come to help … I am grass, come and help ah!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun disvelvelled hair, a body of blood rushed out of the palace, his face as white as paper, eyes full of grief.

“Hmph! It’s because you don’t let the true body shoot, you have blocked me just now! Hey little Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer, dare to arrogant in front of true body!”

Lang Yi rushed out, panting like a cow, turning his head to watch the black Yao Mozun scolded.

Black Yao Mo’s face twitched, and his eyes were full of expressions he wanted to die.

“Leave! Leave it alone, let’s go in!”

Chu Yan disinclined to pay attention to them, lifted their feet towards the round gate.

“Into … into the core !?”

Hei Yao Mozun, Lang Yi, and Fan Chen are complexion changed, and their eyes flickered.

Outside these palaces, they almost killed their old lives, and ran to the core land. Isn’t it a death? ?

You know, these armor piercing fighters are only Heavenly Venerable Realm 5th Layer cultivation base, and the core place is likely to have God King Level.

“Hmph! Why don’t you believe it? You can’t do it in vain!”

Black Yao Mo Zun gritted his teeth and flushed.

Others heard these words, but they were all sullen.


You can’t beat these outside. If you don’t rush in, you will never come in for a day trip! ?

Moreover, as a cultivator, it is impossible to know that danger and chance are always proportional.

Now the Taoist treasures in these partial palaces are so dangerous. I am afraid that the treasures in the core place are extremely precious.

Always try and try, if there is an opportunity! ?


Chu Yan rushed to the round gate, a light shout.

Standing in front of this round gate, you can clearly sense an extremely powerful coercion of aura, and even the gate in front of you becomes a Demon Realm Gate of Hell, which makes people feel terrified.

Hei Yao Mo Zun and Lang Yi, standing for the reason of weak cultivation base, stood in front of the door, their legs and knees were shaking, almost kneeling directly.

“Wait … wait a minute!”

His eyes stared straight at the black demon statue on the door, his eyes dull.

“This … these Spirit Marks, I seem to have seen them, and I can’t remember …”

After the black Yaomo respects life, the memory is scattered, not at all completely restores all the memories of the real Mozun boss.

“Hei Yao, are you afraid to die and dare not go in! Hmph! Trash!”

Hearing this sentence, Hei Yao Mo Zun jumped directly like a cat with a stomped tail

“What !? Kid you are courting death, this Devil Venerable was called Supreme invincible, I would be scared !?”

“You are afraid of death!”

“This Devil Venerable wiped you out!”

Chu Yan watched these two people grabbing each other’s collars, and as soon as they wanted to do it, they instantly looked speechless.

Okay, it’s also a cultivator, and it’s really enough to look like a rogue.

shook the head, Chu Yan lifted his foot directly into the round gate.

No matter what the Black Yao Mozun remembers, this gate is always going to enter, and it makes no difference to enter early and enter late.

Seeing that Chu Yan had entered, the others quickly raised their heels.

The moment I stepped into the gate, it was just a black light flashing, as if passing through a layer of water curtain.

Waiting for Chu Yan to lighten their body, when their feet landed, they arrived at a new place.

“here is….”

Chu Yan 5 looked up, his face full of surprise.

I saw that this is an incomparable gigantic valley. The cliffs all around lead directly to the sky, deep into the sea of ​​clouds, and the top of the mountain cannot be seen at all.

And the Immortal Intent of the all around spirit is actually more than several times richer than before in the great hall.

Moreover, the Immortal Grass spirit medicine grows everywhere in the valley, even if the ordinary weed trees are comparable to an ordinary spirit medicine outside.

It is equivalent to say that all the plants in the whole valley here started with the lowest price of spirit medicine.

“I rely on! What a whole valley is treasure !?”

The black Yao Mo respected his face with shock and could n’t even see his eyes. He glanced at 4 places and suddenly …

“Fuck, look there, it’s immortal spirit medicine!”

This cry out in surprise suddenly caused Chu Yan to look around.

I saw that it was a small grass with 5 red leaves of finger thickness. On each tip of the red leaf, there was a drop of jade pith, on the verge of collapse, it would not fall to the ground.

The immortal intent released on this tiny red leaf Immortal Grass leaves other spirit medicine all around to avoid, all the leaves of the grass trees grow in the opposite direction.

This scene looks as if this red leaf grass is the king of spirit medicine, and no grass dares to blaspheme its spiritual power.

Fairy spirit medicine, fairy tree!

Behind the ten zhang behind this red leaf grass, there is a small tree with a height of one person. Above each leaf, there is an illusory shadow floating.

A crown of densely packed leaves, a large phantom shadow is shaking, looks very strange.

And its trunk is as small as a finger, and it is impossible to imagine how such a small trunk can support such a large canopy.

Above the trunk, there is no bark, it is completely Amethyst Stones quality, in which a small stream flows, giving a human-like meridian feeling.

And in its all around, the void is completely solid, unable to swim, and completely sealed.

This little tree is exactly what Chu Yan has been looking for a long time …. Fairy Soul Tree!

According to the legendary record, the person who obtained this tree can achieve Supreme Immortal Path and reach the immortal realm.

“Find … found!”

At this moment, even Chu Yan was excited, and his body was tense instantly.

Sure enough, this fairy tree grew up in the core of the white jade palace, and now appeared alive in front of them.

“No, look at that …”

Langyi stared at Xianhuncun with a pair of eyes, and suddenly opened the mouth and said,

“On the ground under the tree, those Spirit Marks look exactly like the Spirit Marks before the round gate all around, exactly the same ah!”

The words landed, Chu Yan they quickly looked down.

I saw that on the ground all around the fairy tree, a lot of Spirit Mark was engraved, but it was only covered by a lot of spiritual rest. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t find it at all.

“It’s wrong, so is that strain! Yi! There are also … How can it seem to have ah! Chu Yan, look at it!”

Mo Wu Di Zun looked more closely, and quickly scanned all around the spirit medicine, and even found Spirit Mark on the ground.


Chu Yan, Black Yao Mozun and the others swept together, all startled.

When several people looked up at each other, they could find the look of shock in the other person’s eyes.

If you don’t have the Spirit Marks on the previous round gate, then discovering these Spirit Marks here might not surprise them so much.

But now, the situation has become strange.

There are no tideless bones and no armor piercing fighters. Then 80% of these Spirit Marks are guardian prohibitions.

“These things are not easy to take! I remind you that these are not illusions! Just touch them and the Spirit Mark ban will break out!”

Fanchen carefully took two steps backwards and fell to the position behind Chu Yan several of them.

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