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This loud noise made Chu Yan’s faces change in unison.

Because, while the Heavenly Furnace flew back, the opposite murderous was also Deng Deng’s step back 7-8 steps, and then he barely stood firm.

Ask Heavenly Furnace, it turned out the murderous thing! ?


Fan Chen and Hei Yao Mo Zun were all stunned.

Chu Yan this furnace cauldron, so strong! ?

“Asshole! Even use this king as a shield !?”

Just when several people were stunned, he asked how Tianlu flew back and gave a roar.

At the same time, the extremely powerful aura suddenly rushed out of the Ascension Furnace, and the tall silhouette appeared, which was actually that Demon Beast in the Ascension Furnace.

“This is … that thing !?” Lang Yi looked at the Demon Beast illusory shadow, his face stunned.

In the Ancient Battlefield, I asked Demon Beast in the Heavenly Furnace, but it was extremely powerful. He just said a few words to the other side, almost shot by the subject.

“Is it Hades !?”

Among the few people, Fan Chen was complexion greatly changed, his eyes shivering at the Demon Beast silhouette.

“What !? What are you talking about !? The King of Antiquity Demon Beast !? How is this possible !?”

Black Yao Mo respected, the whole face instantly turned purple, staring at Fan Chen’s complexion, as if to eat people.

Of course, his terrifying existence, of course, he knew.

In the Antiquity era, among the demonic path orcs, one of the 9 Beast Kings … Ghost King! ?

This product is not dead! ?

Just like myself, abandon fleshy body and hide the beast soul in this furnace cauldron! ?

However, in this King Keshi Antiquity Demon Beast 9, the existence of ranked 3rd was also damaged! ?

Just when several people were shocked, the murderous creature not far away was also roaring again and again, and seemed to be completely irritated when asked.

Roar roar roar !

Heaven shaking earth shattering, the whole valley was shaking.

“I rely on! Want to live, quickly urge the Heavenly Furnace! Hurry!” Ghost King turned his head, his eyes widened instantly, turned his head and yelled at Chu Yan.

At this moment, several people of Chu Yan reacted in an instant, and shua shua rushed forward, pouring immortal strength into the heavenly furnace insanely.

Buzz ~ Buzz ~!

5 immortal strength magic breath, all poured into Wentian Furnace, the whole body trembling violently, issued a path of dazzling golden light.

As the golden light passed by, the terrible coercion was like a tide that swept all four directions.

The Nether King, who was possessed above the Heavenly Furnace, also had a golden light masterpiece, and the might burst out instantly, and the roar shook the sky.


With a loud roar, the entire illusory shadow of Pluto solidified in an instant, and Tom stepped out of furnace cauldron. His huge arms were like 10000 years of dead wood, and fiercely slammed toward the opposite.

peng sound A loud noise, the murderous creature was directly blasted by the Nether King, crashed into the distant mountain wall, and exploded the sky and broken rocks.

And the Hades succeeded in one blow, without a trace of stagnation, and another punch slammed into the pattern of aura in the far corner.

“Hmph! Little French seal, also arrogant in front of this king!”

Above the pattern, the aura trembles, Ghost King grinned, showing his mouth full of fangs, and his face is all proud.

“Good…really strong!”

Chu Yan’s Divine Soul shocked it.

He never thought of it, and asked the Hades in the Sky Furnace to be so strong.

No wonder the price given in the 9th layer building was the same as Xuanyuan Sword. I am afraid it was not because I asked Tianlu itself, I must know the existence of Nether King.

“Ha ha ha, let me just say, Chu Yan is the big Child of Destiny, how could there be no cards!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun watched the crisis resolve, suddenly laughing, facing Chu Yan as a flattery wild shot.

It seems that before calling Chu Yan a natural disaster, it has nothing to do with him.

However, he didn’t even wait for the flattery exit of his second sentence, and suddenly his face fiercely changed.

“My grass!”

A stern word broke out, and on the ground pattern not far away, the aura suddenly stabilized and broke out again.

A stronger force than before, surged in the sky.

weng! weng weng weng!

With the turbulence of this aura, all around on the ground, one pattern after another, kept stopping.

It turned out that the other Spirit Mark bans were also able to wake up!

All of a sudden, the faces of Chu Yan’s faces changed in unison, and all were grey.

Just a murderous creature, it was so horrible. Now the big movie Spirit Mark is all awake. If there is an outbreak together, then …


Even Chu Yan, unable to bear burst out a swearing, staring at Nether King.

The Phantom King who was just smug in his face, his face twitched, and his face was purple, completely didn’t expect this is the result.

“It’s just a mistake! Anyway, this murderous thing can’t be beaten at all, hurry and escape!”

This sentence fell to the ground, Chu Yan and they just reacted, where they can still scold the ghost king to have no shame, all running movement art, soaring into the sky.

At this time, inside the white jade hall on the other side.

“Swimming…. Tour Immortal God, hurry up … Come and see, this …”

Hu Ying watched a Spirit Mark light up, and immediately knew that the major event was not good.

The voice just sounded, not only a group of people like Immortal God, the Vatican Divine King all around, but all rushed over.


You Immortal God just looked at it, and suddenly there was laughter on his face.

“Tiandu Soul Funeral was touched a, don’t panic!”

Speaking of which, he turned to look towards the other Divine King, the laughter on his face was more intense

“If there is no accident, it should be Chu Yan who touched it, hehe!”

This sentence fell to the ground, and immediately let Fanxu Divine King start them together.

Chu Yan touched Tiandu Soul Funeral, then …

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, this is not the old man to kill you, this is your own courting death!”

Fanxu Divine King’s face was full of laughter, and his heart was very happy.

An Earth Venerable Realm touched the Heavenly Poison Soul Funeral that can kill even 9 domains of Supreme. Even if it is only a formidable power, absolute death is fixed.

He would never believe that after the Tiandu Soul Funeral was touched, Chu Yan they would still be alive.

“You King Immortal God, is this … really no problem for us !?”

With a worried look on Hu Ying’s face, he turned and glanced at the round door. “I always have a feeling of uneasiness in my heart!”

Don’t wait for the Immortal God king to answer, Duan Yilang hurriedly said “hmph, Hu Ying, it seems that after the 9th layer floor promotes you to Elder, not at all increase your guts !?”

Hearing this, Hu Ying was immediately angry and his face was purple.

However, as a member of Chamber of Commerce, Elder generally does not want to grudge with others, and tries his best to be tolerant.

Especially Hu Ying had just been promoted to Elder, and he was even more careful.

“Hu Elder don’t need to worry, Fan Xu also said before that it touches a at most, which has little effect on us! You are really a little too careful!”

The words of You Immortal God have the same meaning as Duan Yilang. I always feel that this Hu should deal with that Chu Yan too much.

Not only the two of them, but also the other Divine King all around have the same expression.

At this moment, all of a sudden, the Spirit Mark on the round gate was highlighted a again.

Hu Ying’s eyes suddenly twitched, and the uneasiness in his heart instantly increased several times.

“This Chu Yan is dead! It touched 20%!”

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