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“Even if he has the Venerable Lord’s will, a 20% ban is enough to kill him!”

“Good! There is no hope! Life is completely cut off!”

“Wait to die!”


A group of Divine King and the cultivators all smiled and seemed to have seen Chu Yan’s body.

Ka cha !

However, without waiting for their laughter to fall to the ground, Spirit Mark on the round wooden door exploded again.

Another 2 Spirit Marks were shining, and even 2 cracks appeared on the round wooden board.

In an instant, Divine King and the others, all complexion changed.

what’s the situation! ?

How did it become 4 at once! ?

“You immortal dao friend, this …”

Duan Yilang’s complexion changed, and suddenly turned his head to look at Hu Ying of the browser tightly frowns, and a bad hunch rose in his heart.

“Impossible! Impossible!”

You Immortal God’s complexion seems to have some confusion, very strange.

“This is Heavenly Poison Soul Funeral. With Chu Yan’s strength, it’s impossible to trigger 4 Layer at all, impossible!”

It seems that in order to persuade something, You Immortal God kept shaking his head.

However, the Divine Kings present saw his expression, but they were slightly wrinkle.

At this moment, no one thought that the light flashed again on the round wooden door.

Ka ka!

A path of cracks exploded, Spirit Mark kept flashing, as if a path of thunder, sounded in everyone’s mind.

A large group of Divine Kings such as Immortal God, Brahma Vulture 5, Divine King, Divine King, and Jiuyue Divine, instantly stood on the spot and could n’t believe it.

There is no need to explain to the Immortal God king, everyone can see that this is a natural phenomenon in which all the poisonous soul funerals are triggered.

shua! shua shua shua!

Not waiting for the Divine King to react at all, a few afterimages suddenly burst out of the round wooden door.

“Chu Yan !?”

At a glance, Divine King Divine King instantly started.

Because, when he saw the living Chu Yan, he came out of the round wooden door! ?

“En !?”

As soon as Chu Yan rushed out, they saw a group of Divine King gathered at the exit, all complexion suddenly changed.

“Won’t these big guys stay here all the time !?”

In an instant, the people on both sides stared at each other, the space instantly solidified, and there was silence.

“What do you … stop doing! Run, they will chase it! Yi!? What are these people doing?

Asked in the furnace, the Nether King saw a big group of Divine King standing all around, and immediately wondered.

However, the sight of the next breath of Pluto suddenly exploded.

“Quick! Chu Yan, good opportunity, aura coverage!”

A roar of Divine Consciousness sound transmission only sounded in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, instantly making Chu Yan’s eyes bright.

“They are Divine King cultivation base, and Heaven Poison Soul Funeral will beat them first!”

This sentence sounded, Chu Yan instantly determined.

This is really a good opportunity, how can it be wasted! ?


Without a trace of hesitation, Chu Yan’s aura broke out all over the body, rushing to all directions like a tide.

This wave of aura is naturally without attack power, like a spider web, invisible and qualityless shot at a large crowd all around.

Because there is no offensive, Divine Kings, as cultivators, are accustomed to having all kinds of Divine Consciousness aura every day, and simply did n’t expect Chu Yan to do anything.

In an instant, Chu Yan’s aura is like a spring, covering all Divine Kings.

“It is!”

Chu Yan several people at the same time with a happy face.

These Divine Kings have not entered the valley, even if the murderous creatures rushed out, they could not have run away.

However, that situation is definitely an indiscriminate attack.

But now, after Chu Yan covers his aura on them, the murder will come out again, and …


Chu Yan and the others looked at each other, didn’t want to think about it, and turned to the sky.

This process, from the appearance of Chu Yan to the escape, did not even half the time.

The Fanxu Divine King several people were shocked that Chu Yan had not died in the round wooden door. When Chu Yan appeared, he suddenly released the substance Divine Consciousness to sweep them.

Under these two doubts, even if it was a group of Divine King, they were all started together, and the reaction was not overwhelming at all.

With such a stunned effort, several people in Chu Yan ran away instantly.

“He … what are they doing !? This aura stays, wants to come back again !?”

The Vatican Divine King, the Grade Five of Thor, is completely ignorant of the operation of Chu Yan.

This simply doesn’t make sense.

Either you run away, or you fight, you leave a bunch of aura and run, a few meanings! ?

Is it because we are afraid that we can’t find you, leaving aura deliberately to let us chase! ?

Then, play peekaboo! ?

Isn’t this free time! ? or is, what is the purpose of this Chu Yan! ?

Sometimes things tend to be like this. The more you do it, the more the other person’s heart grows.

Even a few Divine King wanted to chase, but hesitated.

“You said …”

As soon as Fanxu Divine King spoke, he heard a huge roar in the circular wooden door behind him.

Next moment, when all Divine King turned to look towards the round wooden door, I saw a path of huge silhouette, which was rushing out of the broken gate.

“Not good !”

Seeing this huge silhouette of each and everyone rushed out, a group of Divine King face instantly changes.

The extremely terrible murderous aura came like a wave, and there were 100 great halls nearby. It was attacked by this aura and trembled instantly.

The armor piercing fighters who were fighting with the cultivators saw this one-venomous creature rushed out of the round wooden door, and threw the broken Spirit Armament directly, and knelt down.

Even if the cultivators of all around attacked and bombarded them, they did not dare to lift their heads.

“Dead! All … dead!”

Dozens of murderous creatures swept their eyes, and finally landed on a group of Divine King, red light masterpiece among the fierce eyes.

In an instant, ten murderous creatures broke out, and a group of Divine King moved towards an attack.

Countless sharp claws, such as a path of black or red thunder, dropping from the sky, and even the sky must be split, fiercely cut to a group of Divine King.


Fanxu Divine King and a group of gangsters all have their pupils shrunk, their scalp numb, and the dead air in their hearts is surging like a tide, and they are wildly using Divine Strength to resist these attacks.

In an instant, a violent battle broke out in the white jade palace.

“Ha ha ha, really succeeded!”

Above the sky clouds in the distance, the eyes of Hei Yaozun’s smiling eyes were slit, watching the battle below, shouting with great excitement.

At this time, I finally watched those Divine Kings, which were particularly eye-catching.

Moreover, for the strength of these Divine King, it is really admirable, I really want to praise them a few words.

More than 20 Divine Kings, even with ten murderous creatures, are playing hot waves.

“Hehe, Interesting!”

Fan Chen was standing in the cloud, her body hidden, her face smiling like a bun.

“Yi! Chu Yan, there are a lot of Heavenly Venerable Realm over there, don’t waste it …”

Raising his hand, there are a lot of already dumbfounded Heavenly Venerable Realm cultivators in the palace. The smile on their faces is particularly sinister.

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