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Chapter 3165

Chu Yan looked at Fan Chen and shook his head with a big face.

This mortal does not seem to be a good person, this heart is full of worms.

But this idea is not bad!

Although Chu Yan himself likes to fight fairly with others, this situation is not fair in itself.

With his current cultivation base, it is the lowest rank in this white jade palace.

Moreover, these people have never thought of it, to have a fair fight with him, as long as he did not escape, not to mention those Heavenly Venerable Realm, I am afraid that Divine King will all fight against themselves.

With who, what is the reason, with these people, fist is the only reason.

“That’s right ah!”

Black Yao Mozun’s eyes lighted up in an instant, and he quickly waved the magic breath and shone down like a black cloud.

Chu Yan and the others are also simultaneously moving hands, waving their aura to the crowd below.

“You … what are you doing !?”

The cultivators of Great Influence, after experiencing the things just now, now naturally understand what Chu Yan is doing, and their complexion greatly changed.

Before, they searched for Chu Yan in 4 places, and they wished to find the aura of Chu Yan.

At that time, even a little aura left by Chu Yan could make them excited like dogs for a long time.

But now, Chu Yan they take the initiative to offer aura, these people are complexion greatly changed, terrified.

In particular, a group of practitioners of Pfazong saw that there were mortals on the sky, all with purple faces, and they vomit blood when they saw it.

Chu Yan, even if they are, you are the same Sect, how can you pit them! ?

“You guys, hurry up!”

The Vatican Divine King, Grade Five, the fierce thunder god, and the ten murderous creatures cried out loudly, and a movement of attack continued to explode under the movement art.

The other Divine King heard it, showed it all, and began to gather together.

Although they have more than 20 Divine Kings here, these ten murderous creatures, especially the one headed by them, are powerful and scary.

“Small ceiling chaos!”

“Feng Ji Nine Heavens Formation!”

“Great mortal array!”

In an instant, innumerable divine light surging, in midair instantly exploded 3 huge waves, forming 3 Great Array, covering all directions.

Three Great Array formidable power are extremely powerful, instantly stopping ten murderous creatures, the battle is more intense.

Fanxu Divine King and other Divine King, cooperated with Array, played a magical skill and began to take the initiative.

These ten other things, evolved from the Heavenly Poison Soul Funeral, they are extremely powerful, but unfortunately without any spirit wisdom, they can only fight like wild beast.

“Unfortunately ah! The strength of the Heavenly Poison Soul Funeral is still weaker!”

Hei Yao Mozun looked at the battle below, with a sad look on his face.

Originally according to his perfect expectations, these murderous creatures and the Divine Kings burped together at the end.

“Array !? Qilin’s pupil, broken!”

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed in 5 different colors, 2 groups of bright flames instantly burned, and under the powerful pupil technique, 3 Great Arrays were instantly peeped through.

“These ten places!”

In a way of extreme coercion, the ten points of weakness in three formations were poured into the minds of the ten murderous creatures.

“Chu Yan, great!”

Hei Yao Mozun, Fan Chen and several others looked at Chu Yan with their thumbs up and smirking.

Moreover, it seems that they are afraid of the murderous creatures with developed four limbs, and they can’t understand it. Several of them have shot again and again and directly attacked the weaknesses of the three Great Arrays, attracting the attention of those murderous creatures.

Several attacks, blasting into the tide of attacking hiding the sky and covering the earth, are like water droplets in the sea, and will not attract anyone’s attention at all.

However, the fighting instinct of the ten murderous creatures was God King Level. When they found that the fluctuations of the several attacks were obviously different, the subconsciously moved towards the other side.

“Not good! Chu Yan hurts me!”

Fanxu Divine King and a group of Divine King saw the ten murderous creatures turn at the same time. The place of the attack caused the three Great Arrays to shake continuously, and the complexion greatly changed.

bang bang Bang!

A path of attack continued to explode, cracks began to appear on the three Great Arrays, and the might fell sharply.

“Asshole …”

Brahma Vulcan 5 saw the situation reversed, and his nose was full of smoke.

There was a suffocation in my heart, uncomfortable, but no way.

Plus this time, today in the white jade palace, it was actually pitted twice by the little Earth Venerable Realm Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, I will kill you!”

Fanxu Divine King The whole person’s complexion is black, and the ao ao is angry.

With a wave of his hand, he directly took out a purple banner, and the wind swept across the hunting hunt, exuding an amazing might.

Not only him, including Divine King, the Immortal God, and other Divine King, all took out Taobao.

Most of these Taobaos were harvested in the partial temple just now.

Those cultivators of various ancient race forces, see Divine King shot, they all took out the cards, hoping to take this opportunity to regain the situation.

“Daobao !?” Chu Yan eyes slightly narrowed.

next moment, a spiritual light flashed in his sea.

“In this case, you can try it!”

Chu Yan pondered for a moment, and after recalculating, he made up his mind.

The immortal strength of the whole body broke out, the golden light flashed in his hand, Xuanyuan Sword came out of the sheath, and the body War God code released the hegemonic war power.

“Chu Yan, what are you doing !?”

Fanchen and Black Yaozun felt wrong and turned to look.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Chu Yan’s body stormed and fell to the head of Divine King Divine King in an instant. Before the latter’s stunned face reacted, he raised his hand and cut it with a sword.

This sword, no light, no flash, but howling like a thunderbolt, fiercely split on the purple banner.


The violent cloud-like air surged open, and the gangster was like a tide.

The purple banner of Taoism, in the hands of Divine King, what a might!

Even if it is Heavenly Venerable Realm Peak powerhouse, it would be as difficult as heavenly ascension if you want it to vibrate in the slightest.

However, Chu Yan’s Xuanyuan Sword was cut off, and the Golden Dragon roared. With just a sword, this purple banner made a crackling sound.

The entire Taoist apparatus was immediately covered with cracks, and it was about to collapse.

“Good boy, kind! This is your own courting death!”

The Vatican Divine King is not angry but rejoicing. With a big wave of his hand, countless Divine Strength gushes out, turning into a fist, fiercely blasting towards Chu Yan.

Divine King hits in one shot and comes out!

Chu Yan seemed to be prepared for a long time, and the Roaming Dragon’s heavens flickered to the direction behind the ten murderous creatures.


Fanxu Divine King this fist, directly lost, his face stunned, his eyes wide.

He didn’t expect at all, Chu Yan acted so neatly, and when the glow of the word fell, people had already run away.

The most important thing is that the ten murderous creatures were as blind to Chu Yan as they could not see his existence.

What’s happening here! ?

Why do these murderous creatures only attack them, not Chu Yan! ?

You know, these people are all covered by Chu Yan’s aura before they will be attacked by the murderous creatures.

But now, Chu Yan true body appears behind them, but they turn a blind eye! ?

At this time, not only the Divine King Divan King was surprised, but all other Divine Kings who noticed this scene were all surprised.

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Not waiting for the Divine King to react, Chu Yan was in a rush of electricity, and stormed again, raising his hand and slashing at another Divine King weapon!

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