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Liu Piaopiao’s entire small face was pulled down.

This little life is too bitter!

She was conquered before she even went out.

Since she was born, she was imprisoned. Now that she has just returned to freedom, she has been taken back, which means that she has lost half of her freedom.

Dignified a terrifying god, this is too bad! ?

“You don’t worry, I won’t use force! From now on, it is our cooperation!”

“Cooperation !?” Liu Piaopiao’s big eyes flickered.

“Good! You follow me, safety can be guaranteed, and at the same time I will help you grow stronger!” Chu Yan nodded said.

In fact, from beginning to end, he was scaring this little girl.

Although Chu Yan knew that Liu Piao Piao’s appearance was just a guise, but he really wanted him to move his hands against Liu Piao Piao, and he really would not.

“Really !?” Little girl’s eyes lighted up.

“Of course!” Chu Yan nodded.

At this point, Chu Yan can really guarantee that not only will he subdue himself, even if he is his friend or the like, Chu Yan will never be stingy.

Most importantly, Chu Yan will never treat them as current people.

“Okay! Okay! Stop chatting and hurry up and accept these Taobao!”

The black shining deity standing on the side, completely unable to bear, directly reminded

For the lost essence, his heart was still bleeding, and he had been staring at the pile of Taobao just now, anxiously like a cat scratching.

Not only the Black Yao Demon Venerable, including the fierce Hades, Lang Yi, Mo Wu, etc., all looked at Chu Yan with a pitiful look.

“Okay! I try!”

Chu Yan glanced over and saw these sad eyes, not nonsense, moved towards Daobao’s side.

Buzz …!

A powerful magic breath rushed out, sweeping out like a shock wave, suppressing many Taobaos.

At this time, Chu Yan didn’t have such a good temper, and directly overbearing his will to crush, would not be polite to them at all.

After all, the purpose of this time is to conquer these Taobao, and naturally needs to use the same method as Liu Piaopiao.

Otherwise, give them a good look, maybe they will kick their noses on their faces.

Just like before, Liu Piaopiao deliberately lied to them.

As the magic breath passes, might is like tide!

In an instant, Antiquity ancestor statue, 7 Star altar, Tianlu map, 4 Demon King stone statue, all released aura, colliding with Chu Yan’s magic breath.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The subtle air burst exploded, and the masses of aura collided with Chu Yan’s magic breath.

These Taobao knew for themselves that there was a ban on them.

And in front of this human, after the fusion of the essence, they can help them to unlock these restrictions.

However, these ancient Taobao are not ordinary existence, and spirit wisdom is not weak.

“Listen, I have refining the devil’s heart. From now on, as long as you want, I can help you …”

Chu Yan’s eyes instantly turned into blood red, and the whole body was a surging demonic breath, looking down like a Heaven and Earth demon lord on all Daobao, opening shouted.


However, Antiquity’s ancestor stone statues, sky maps, Ben Demon King, etc., are constantly releasing powerful wills and colliding with Chu Yan’s magic breath.

Although they didn’t answer Chu Yan’s words clearly, this behavior was easy for Chu Yan and Hei Yaozun to understand.

Never acknowledge allegiance!

Just like before, Liu Piaopiao had the same attitude when he heard Chu Yan wanting to conquer her.

Even stronger than Liu Piaopiao’s attitude.

“I depend! Are we bad !? You just look down upon us !?”

Hei Yao Mozun’s entire face was black, and he was spitting blood in his heart.

If you look at Chu Yan, the strongest essence will be sent to you directly.

And now, they want to conquer these Taobaos, and even Chu Yan’s essence is used. Under the pressure of force, these Taobaos are all killed.

How unwilling to be with them! ?

The most important thing is, if they are really unwilling, then this trip …

The fierce Hades, Mo Wu, and Lang Yi who stood on the side were also depressed and disappointed.

Chu Yan is brows tightly frowns, looking directly at these Taobao.

This is a bit troublesome!

Not at all.

Moreover, such unison will not be discussed in advance! ?

Don’t give up this treasure! ?

It is a pity that these Taobaos are top grade, and even one is comparable to ten ordinary Taobaos.

Such a treasure, missed! ?

“You are so stupid!”

While Liu Piaopiao flew around in the air, he looked at Chu Yan with disgust.

“En !?” Chu Yan looked up, fiercely glared, and Liu Piao flinched his neck in fright.

“I mean, these Taobaos have recognized the Lord before. The more powerful Spirit Treasure, the harder it is to recognising Master again!”

“So, you should put them all away and slowly grind them!”


Hearing Demon Venerable and Fan Chen heard this, and suddenly eyes shined.


This is simply a treasure hunt, and I was thinking of direct conquest, but I forgot this method.

These Taobao are different from ordinary Taobao. In addition to the higher rank, there is another point that they are all banned.

In this way, it is only necessary to grind them ceaselessly, they simply cannot resist, they can only suffer obediently and honestly.

One day, they will not be able to stand, and will wear away their will and resistance.

“Good way! Although a little slower, but feasible!” The fierce Hades quickly nodded.

“Ha ha ha, let me just say it! My heavenly monument, Antiquity ancestor stone statue, 4 Beast King statue, I will slowly grind it!”

Black Yao Mo Zun laughed like a flower, ready to come forward to collect.

However, without waiting for him to take 2 steps, he felt a very cold aura coming behind him, almost freezing him into ice.

“Xiaohei, you try …”

The fierce Hades grinned and looked at him like that, even raising his hand to make a gesture of asking.

However, even Chu Yan can see that this is simply asking him to … die!

Receive 3 pieces of Taobao in one go, have you asked others? ?

Didn’t you see that before the fierce Pluto move, the whole cultivator was repelled, including a large group of Heavenly Venerable Realm.

And his eyes, simply did not leave those few antiquity ancestor stone statues.

How scared is your black Yao Mozun? Do n’t die, just grab something from others! ?

“This … I mean, I’ll get it for you all the time, really, errands will do everything for me!”

Hei Yao Mozun dare to talk to the fierce Hades Gang on the spot.

So next, several people began to discuss how to distribute Taobao.

In the end, the Pluto took 2 Antiquity ancestor stone statues, the Black Demon Lord took 4 Antiquity Demon King statues, Langyi asked for the sky map, and Fanchen collected the 7 Star Altar.

And Mowu directly chose the Sky Tablet.

Chu Yan has no opinions on their distribution and will not participate in their distribution.

Although these people don’t seem to be reliable, Chu Yan will never let them down.

“Have you finished the division !? What about the group of people outside?”

Liu Piao Piao flew to the entrance of the hall, pointing out loudly outside.

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