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After Liu Piaopiao reminded, Chu Yan they just reacted.

Almost forgot these people.

There are a bunch of Divine Kings waiting outside. How to charge ahead is still a question.

After Saian and Hu Ying had escaped before, they would surely inform the Divine King about the situation in the 7 Star altar.

Divine Kings, who had fought with the Boneless Tide, heard Chu Yan they had collected the treasure.

And his own bunch of Divine King, Chu Yan was pitted here to kill the murderous creature and dry bone, but also Chu Yan cut off the Taobao, it is strange not to try hard with Chu Yan.

“Hmph! Little girl, don’t you know, true body is here, a small group of Divine King ants only, see me so that they will be wiped out …”

Lang Yi looked outside with disdain.

That expression looked so that Chu Yan and Hei Yao Mozun standing beside him could not help kicking him out.

“Chu Yan, this is a bit tricky!”

Hei Yao Mo Zun disinclined to pay attention to sincerely, turned his head towards towards Chu Yan.

“Inferior, this god is blessed first, we directly charge ahead, there are still some opportunities!”

As the saying goes, you can run a monk, not a temple.

Chu Yan and Liu Piaopiao have said before that if they want to take this godly blessed place, then naturally they have to find a way to drive out all these Divine Kings.

This is a group of Divine King, not wild boars.

It is already very troublesome for Hei Yao Mozun to escape with these Taobao alone.

If you have to find a way to keep this heaven and earth, it is almost impossible.

“hmph! ”

Upon hearing Hei Yao Mozun’s words, Liu Piaopiao’s suddenly cheeks bulged.

I even wanted to leave her and run away! ?

“Floating, but what’s the way !?” Chu Yan asked.

Liu Piaopiao is the earth here, Chu Yan doesn’t believe that she will have no choice.

“Of course there is a way! You have just integrated the marrow, and this blessed ban can be used! As long as it is urged, these Divine Kings can’t resist except escape!”

Speaking of which, Liu Piaopiao thought about it, looked up at Chu Yan, and added

“When the time comes, I can use some means to leave the gods blessed and leave here, to ensure that they can’t catch up!”

This sentence fell to the ground, the presence of the world, the fierce Hades and the Black Demon Venerable and the others, suddenly looked stunned.

This blessed world can still run! ?

Mobile! ?

This Liu Piao Piao, and this ability, can take away the whole heaven and earth! ?

You must know that the birth of the god and heaven is based on Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, and this Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is of course related to the natural environment.

You moved it away and forcibly changed its environment, is it still a blessing! ?

That doesn’t mean ruining it! ?

Chu Yan will never ask for an abandoned god heaven! ?

Moreover, God Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi without the support of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, how long can your earth spirit live! ?

A group of people looked at Liu Piaopiao like a fool.

As the earth spirit, what the hell method came up! ?

“Pay attention to your eyes! How can you understand the means of the spirit!”

Liu Piaopiao was very uncomfortable by these people’s eyes and warned directly.


Hei Yao Mo Zun glanced at each other, suddenly eyes shined.

“Chu Yan, if this is true, then this heavenly blessing is definitely the existence of heaven defying!”

A movable heaven and earth, its value must be at least 100 times greater.

Because it can move, it means that it can go all the way to devour the Heaven and Earth breath elsewhere.

For example, the position of someone else ’s Heavenly Paradise used to suck directly and then ran away.

That’s cool Heaven!

The most important thing is what God fears the most! ?

Of course, thieves are worried!

Like the previous Mad Sword Supreme’s Cave Mansion, after being discovered by 3 Deity King, he thought about it for so long, and finally found Chu Yan, just broke open and broke into it.

But now, if this heavenly blessing can be moved, the problem like Mad Sword Supreme Cave Mansion does not exist at all.

When it was found, I ran!

Went there next time? sorry, you look for it slowly.

“Very good! If this is true, Chu Yan, you will send it!” Royal Capital’s eyes glow.

“Okay! Piao Piao, let’s go!”

Chu Yan is also full of anticipation and wants to quickly verify it.

On the other side, in the white jade palace, in the inner hall.

A battle is coming to an end, the Vatican Divine King, Immortal God and the others, the battle with ten murderous creatures in the sky is almost over.

A Great Array composed of 30 Divine Kings, formidable power is boundless.

Under the joint bombing, a venerable creature was continuously damaged until it was damaged.

Now, the only thing still alive is the murderous creature led by that.

“What do you say !? Tell me again!”

Divine King and the others, who were in battle, were stunned when they heard Hu Ying, Duan Yilang and Saian’s announcement.

Talk about it!

These kinds of Taobao are legendary. How can they appear in one place at the same time! ?

“Really! I swear, and they can testify!”

Several people quickly explained.

“En! Uh huh! Really!”

More than 100 cultivators are all nodded.

“Everyone! It can’t be delayed anymore, we solved it quickly, let’s grab something!”

Fanxu Divine King and You Immortal God yelled directly at the sky and said to the other Divine King.

This is a legendary Taobao!

Even if it is any Taobao, it may cause a battle of Divine Realm forces.

Now, even if it appeared in the same place, if good luck was all in one pot, it was sent.

How can such a good thing be taken away by Chu Yan!


However, just when all the Divine King was excited, a powerful aura suddenly surged.


Fanxu Divine King and the others looked up together, looking towards the sky.

I saw a large cloud of blood-colored gang cloud, surging, one silhouette after another appeared from the cloud.

The monstrous murderous aura rushed from the bloody gang cloud and swept the entire cluster of palaces in an instant.

Even a group of Divine King, Divine Soul shuddered under this aura.

“This … This is what the Soul of Blood Kills Great Array!”

“My grass, there are 10000 ray extinguishing soul Great Array!”

“Heaven Sealing Great Array!”

“Fuck, escape ah!”

“Damn it, are you crazy !? How could 3 great forbidden technique Great Array burst out at the same time !?”

“Run ah!”


A group of Divine King, like crazy, turned around, a lot of Divine Strength poured out, shrouded each clansman, turned into a large streamer, and rushed towards the exit.


Fanxu Divine King and You Immortal God looked at the sky dullly, almost bleeding in their hearts.

Ten murders were finally killed, so the 3 Great Array Great Array is here again.

This is not a fuss! ?

The point is, I just heard about the disappearance of several Legendary Daobao, and I just missed it! ?

However, in the face of the three major bans on Killing Formation, they had no choice but to turn around and leave.

If this is a little bit later, they, Divine King, will have no slag left.

In a blink of an eye, everyone in the white jade palace, including all Divine Kings, ran away, and all rushed to the misty passage, looking at the heaven and heaven in front of them.

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