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cannot afford to offend ah!

This time is really not afford to offend!

Fan Chen dares to offend the same sect, after all, as long as he gets the benefits himself, or find out the secret of Chu Yan, return to Sect to explain, Master and same sect not only will not blame, but also praise him.

And the big brothers of the gods, after all, are already damaged people, only exist in the legend, even if they are offended, they are not afraid.

But now, this emperor Xuantian is different.

Now, even if Empress Xuantian killed him with a sword, his Sect Master and the big brothers understood, I am afraid that no one would dare to find Empress Xuantian.

Please, who is Emperor Xuantian, but most recently, people who carry Supreme to kill Supreme.

Moreover, among the Supreme she killed, there are several 9-domain Supreme.

This kind of terrifying existence, the big brothers of other Sect forces, can’t hide and win, they will break your wrists with the Emperor Xuantian for a little ordinary fatty for you! ?


“Do you want to spy on his secret !?” Empress Xuantian glanced at Fan Chen, almost scaring fatty shock on the spot.

I rely on ah!

I know that behind the big brother Chu Yan, you are the big brother.

I already knew that this was the case. Do n’t use Divine Soul Dafa, even if it ’s a temptation, Fanchen will not.

More importantly, Fan Chen’s fat to Chu Yan is definitely holding his thighs, and will not loose his death.

“I … I … no, I …”

Fan Chen scared and his teeth were soft, the whole person will not speak.

“Relax, I won’t kill you! Stand on the Heavenly Might oath!” Empress Xuantian said casually.

“Stand up! Stand up! Stand up immediately!”

Fan Chen ’s eyes are bright, so he quickly swears on the spot without saying anything.

Although Imperial Capital Imperial Capital didn’t say what oath to make him, Fanchen was so smart, she sold herself to Chu Yan directly.

It ’s the kind of selling one ’s own money and counting the money.

On the one side, Black Yao Mozun, Xialu Wang, Lang Yi, etc., all shrunk their necks, just like ducks in the nest.

However, when the Empress Xuantian glanced over, a group of people took the speed of the oath, fast as lightning.

After all these people were done, the Empress Xuantian turned to look towards Chu Yan, and raised her hand a streamer into the Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“How did you come!?”

Chu Yan looked at Empress Xuantian, her face stunned.

Once he knew that Emperor Xuantian was busy killing people everywhere. 2 Last time, Emperor Xuantian told him that this piece of Dead Sea Territory, she could not enter it.

She even has time to run to herself! ?

“Just a will Avatar!” Emperor Xuantian coldly said.


Chu Yan nodded, after the breakthrough to Supreme, it is no longer Divine Consciousness Avatar, it is directly the will, it is really convenient.

“You … are you all right?”

Chu Yan turned around and looked at Hei Yao Mozun several people, as if he saw a group of frightened lambs, shrunk in the corner, all with a pitiful look on his face, asking with concern.


“Very good, very … very good!”

“Oh, okay, okay!”

A group of big brothers, all twitching with a smile on their faces, faced Chu Yan for a while with nodded waists.

They now, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes have completely changed.

“That Chu Yan, I … really just asked casually, I really didn’t want to do anything!”

Fan Chen looked at Emperor Xuantian in the corner of her eyes and quickly explained to Chu Yan.

Now, Fan Fanchen has discovered that this Chu Yan’s weight may have reached his own Sect mention on equal terms level.

If Chu Yan is angry, he cuts off with a sword, will he hide or not! ?

So, quickly explain to please Chu Yan first.

After all, Chu Yan impossible didn’t know the Divine Soul method he used.

“Oh! Really !?” Chu Yan eyes slightly narrowed.

“You come with me!”

Empress Xuantian looked at Chu Yan and said directly.

In a word, Emperor Xuantian had risen into the sky and flew out of the white jade palace.

“Fatty, wait for me!”

Chu Yan glared at Fanchen and turned to chase Empress Xuantian.

The entire white jade palace, flying all the way on the 10,000 zhang skyline.

Although it is extremely fast, it is still within the scope of Sea Territory.

Chu Yan rushed out of the heaven and blessed the earth, and at a glance, he found all around in the sky, filled with a strong ancient Spirit Qi.

“this is….”

Chu Yan’s whole body is aura surging, running Qilin’s pupil, sweeping all around.

Only, in the sky in the distance, a lot of fairy lights surging and colliding with each other, as if killing.

“This time, a large-scale mutation occurred in the Holy City and 9 states, did you do it?”

Emperor Xuantian asked while flying.

“The Holy City domain has something to do with me, but the 9-state domain is not clear to me!” Chu Yan thought for a moment.

“Putting it that way, someone is staring at you !?”

Emperor Xuantian’s gaze instantly became contemplative.

“Stare at me !?” Chu Yan startled.

“It’s nothing! It’s just in the Forbidden Land of Pantian, maybe it will change, and it will attract some Supreme to go.” Emperor Xuantian said.

“Pantian Forbidden Land !? That’s not where Fiendgod is located !?”

Hearing the words of Emperor Xuantian, Chu Yan suddenly started.

If it was before, even Heaven and Earth turning upside down has nothing to do with yourself.

But now, I’m going to get the Fiendgod fruit. This time has changed, attracting a lot of Supreme, which will definitely affect my actions.

2 people walk side by side, crossing the void all the way.

It didn’t take long to walk to a huge blue lake and stopped.

A white dress stood by a blue lake like a gemstone, and stood in peace and tranquility.

Without moving or speaking, he stood so quietly as if he wanted to blend in between Heaven and Earth.

Chu Yan fell to the lake, looking sideways at the calm Empress Xuan Tian, ​​and did not speak.

“Pretty is so pretty, Liu Piaopiao that girl, a little vision!”

This is the rare place where Chu Yan is so close, looking at Emperor Xuantian seriously …

The loneliness, coldness, and glamourous beauty, in this lake and mountain scenery, make people’s hearts melt.

“Did she have a sweetheart !? I don’t know who it is !?”

Chu Yan was thinking about the Emperor Xuantian in her heart, and was slightly addicted.

Until now, his time to know Emperor Xuantian was not short, but it seemed that he was fighting and killing.

“Chu Yan!”

“Ah !?”

“Last grilled fish … want to eat!”

This sentence fell into place, and Chu Yan was stunned.

Grilled fish! ?

What a joke! ?

You a 9 domain Supreme, let me grill your fish! ?

Although last time, Chu Yan helped her roast in Ten Directions Star Domain, it has been a long time.

“I haven’t eaten food in a long time, a bit … greedy!”

Turning his head to look at Chu Yan, he quickly drew back his gaze, and Empress Xuantian’s face turned slightly red.


This time, Chu Yan was really a little flustered.

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