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Chu Yan was stupid. Between the two, it was cold for an instant.

“Chu Yan, do you remember !? You agreed to do 3 things for me!”

The Emperor Xuantian spoke, and there was no normally coldness in her voice.

“Remember!” Chu Yan nodded.

Although this promise has been made for a long time, Chu Yan has promised others things and will never forget them.

Moreover, according to the temperament of Chu Yan, as long as his cultivation base has improved and is capable, when the time comes even if the Empress Xuan Tian does not mention it, she will actively ask.

However, my cultivation base is in breakthrough, but the speed of the Emperor Xuantian breakthrough seems not much slower than myself.

Therefore, Chu Yan has not mentioned this matter yet, didn’t expect the Empress Xuantian took the initiative to mention it today.

Whatever it is!

Empress Xuantian helped her so many times, and even saved her life several times.

As long as she proposes, even if it is difficult, she will spare no effort.

“Just remember, then the first thing is …”

Emperor Xuantian complexion slightly changed, turned to stare at Chu Yan, and then said.

“Help me grill fish!”


As soon as this sentence hit the ground, Chu Yan’s face was black at the time.

what the hell! ?

3 promises that you use to grill fish! ?

Is my promise worthless! ?


Chu Yan took a deep breath and looked at Empress Xuantian seriously.

“Although I am only Earth Venerable Realm, I will soon reach Heavenly Venerable Realm, God King Realm of ordinary, one-on-one, I can also fight!

“Oh !?” Empress Xuantian looked towards Chu Yan somewhat puzzled.

“I want to say that as long as I can do anything, I will do my best. Even if I can’t do it now, when my cultivation base improves, I will not forget the 3 promises to you!”

“So, one promise, the words used here …”

Chu Yan said here, stopped and looked at Empress Xuantian seriously, and Empress Xuantian was also looking at him.

4 The eyes are opposite, and it is cold again.

Immediately afterwards, a glare of anger flashed in the eyes of Empress Xuan Tian.

“You mean, promise me something, don’t want to do it !?”

Without any concession, Emperor Xuantian’s face turned slightly red, and that expression was more serious than Chu Yan.

“Hu … okay! I will go now!”

Chu Yan exhaled for a long time, lifted his feet towards the lake, and said at the same time

“3 promises, 2 more!”

Just walking above the lake and looking at the fish under the water, Chu Yan suddenly started.

Wrong ah!

Will Avatar, how to eat! ?

Of course, Supreme Divine Ability is extraordinary, and strong action uses the power of Supreme to turn food into aura and integrate it into will Avatar, which is also another kind of eating.

But for the sake of a grilled fish, use the power of Supreme, this …

After all, any Supreme Will Avatar is constantly consuming Avatar’s power.

“It seems that she really wants to eat a grilled fish. The previous time, the taste was successful!” Chu Yan smiled lightly, somehow mocking the head.

Do you have the innate talent to dry the kitchen?

“Dignified World’s First Supreme’s Empress Sir, loves grilled fish !? Is this a weakness !?”

Chu Yan stared at the fish under the lake and wanted to choose a few fat ones, while imagining in his heart, if the weakness of Emperor Xuantian was exposed.

Will there be a large number of cultivators, give her a pile of grilled fish every day!

By then, will there be mountains of grilled fish in Xuan Heavenly Palace! ?

That scene must be good!

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Chu Yan turned his head to look at the direction of the lake, only to find that Empress Xuantian was staring and staring at herself.

In his eyes, there was a trace of expectation!

It’s like a little girl waiting for someone to buy her sugar.

This scene made Chu Yan slightly confused, and suddenly found that the former Emperor Xuantian might be a block of ice, then now, it should be a real, flesh and blood person.

“Senior, you find that you are not only beautiful, but also … cute!”

Chu Yan smiled and said to Empress Xuantian.

“Oh! Are you teasing me !?” Empress Xuantian tilted her head, her eyes full of curiosity.

“Tune … play !?”

Hearing the words of Empress Xuan Tian, ​​Chu Yan figure trembled, aura was scattered and almost fell directly into the lake.

Trick her! ?

Do you have this courage? ?

Not afraid of being cut by her! ? Are you afraid of being frozen into ice sculpture by her? ?

Moreover, if the people of Divine Realm know that there is a boy of Earth Venerable Realm, who plays with Empress Xuantian, it is estimated that the entire Divine Realm continent must be fried!

The Empress Xuantian by the lake, biting her silver teeth, still had a kind of hate in her eyes, staring at Chu Yan all the time.

This makes Chu Yan more and more panicked …

Can’t afford to offend !

Quickly catch fish!

The water column of oh la la soared into the sky, with a few big, fat fish, rushed out of the water …


9th layer floor, 9th peak.

In the depths of the palace, Hu Ying bowed his head and bowed to the big brother above what was happening in the white jade palace.

“Good boy, a little bit of Great Destiny!”

Tianying Supreme listened to Hu Ying’s report, his face was dark, and his face was black like the pot.

“Sir, then next …” Hu Ying arched his hands and asked Tianying Supreme in deep thought

“Next, Chu Yan will definitely go to Forbidden Land in Pantian to find the Fiendgod fruit. How do we shoot?”

Hearing Hu Ying ’s question, Tianying Supreme is frowned.

“Go and contact the people of Dawang Island, provide them with this information, and then join forces!”

This sentence landed, Hu Ying started, asked with a stunned face

“Sir, this is completely unnecessary, we can do it ourselves …”

A Chu Yan only, even if it has some luck and strength, but with their 9th layer floor strength, it is really difficult to deal with him, what difficulty! ?

“Don’t forget, there is Empress Xuantian around Chu Yan!”

If Tianying Supreme interrupted Hu Ying, hook the head and said

“At any time, it is right to be careful! And, our purpose is only to catch him …”

“If you are not careful, let that Chu Yan be damaged! What do you think, what will happen to our 9th layer building !?”

Hearing this, Hu Ying barely thought about it and blurted out.

“We are afraid of the 9th layer building …”

However, halfway through the words, Hu Ying face instantly changes.

That was Emperor Xuantian, not the Supreme. Even if I did n’t mention her before, and the speed of his breakthrough and cultivation, just during this time, there were dozens of Supreme in kill.

The most important thing is that Empress Xuantian is still growing up. She is so desperately looking for Supreme to fight, just want to continue breakthrough on Life and Death Battle.

At this speed, her future …

“There is news from Building Lord, Pantian Forbidden Land, I am afraid there will be a big change!”

“These news, Dawang Island and other forces, should have been received, even if they are not notified, I am afraid they will meet Chu Yan.” Tianying Supreme said.

“Ah !? Pantian Forbidden Land appears in big changes !?”

Hu Yingchang froze.

what’s the situation! ?

First the Holy City domain, then the 9 state domain, and now the Forbidden Land Pantian has another big mutation.

But a little dead Sea Territory, how can one after another constantly appear mutation! ?

What is it for? ?

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