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The mutation of the Dead Sea Territory, what will be brought about, Hu Ying, who is the Elder of the 9th layer building, how could not know.

It will be a big storm sweeping Divine Realm Supreme military force!

“Okay, no need to talk, go!” Tianying Supreme waved.

On the other side, the sea and sky, Immortal Ascension Sect!

The violent air waves, surging like a tide, a huge cave filled with countless knife marks.

There was also a strong gasp in the cave.

咻 1

An old man wearing a cloth robe appeared at the entrance of the stone cave. Divine Consciousness swept through the cave, and suddenly his face was different.

“No night, this time is a teacher, it is not really to make you suffer here, you can go at any time if you want to go!”

“Yes! Brother … disciple understand!”

2 After the sentence, there was no more sound in the hole.

“You are …”

The old man shook the head with a robe, with a sigh on his face, and said, “Chu Yan is going to Sea Territory!”

“Dead Sea Territory !?”

The voice in the cave became tight, and it quickly fell silent again.

“Now he has nothing to do with me!” Echo in the hole


old man laughed, and then said, “He Dao Foundation recast, cultivation base advancement, has reached Earth Venerable Realm Peak.”

“Good! very good!”

Suddenly, the sound of surprise came from the cave.

“Master! I’m going to die Sea Territory!”

“Go! But there is a peerless genius, isn’t it in our clan !? I don’t understand, why did you join this willow bar !?”

shook the head, the old man silhouette disappeared on the spot, and a silhouette in the cave stepped out.


At this time, 7 domains, Xianding Gold Sect.

In the Cloud Palace above the fairy top, a lazy half of the blue foreigner lay on the jade bed, waving at the ink, expressing the meaning of the landscape.

“En !? Is this lacking !?”

The young man on the jade bed gently put down the bamboo in his hand, reached out to the side of the gold plate, took out an Immortal Grass, and threw it into his mouth.

In an instant, a purple fairy flower bloomed above his head.

Just like 9 Purple Gold lotus, as time goes by, a piece of lotus leaf keeps falling.

When all the petals of the nine petals fall, the illusory shadow of the 9 Purple Gold lotus disappears, and the youth on the jade bed looks much better.

“This body …”

shook the head, a speechless young man who just wanted to take the pen again, and suddenly, Jade Talisman shuddered.

Youth brows slightly wrinkle, Divine Consciousness sweeps into Jade Talisman, the complexion greatly changed in an instant.

“Good Chu Yan, missed last time, didn’t expect recast the Dao Foundation!”

“Then this time, you must be well separated from you!”


10,000 zhang above the sky, white jade palace.

“Xuantian, the Evil Spirit, is getting more and more abnormal! It’s very similar to Chu Yan’s! A cultivation base abnormal, one is getting more and more beautiful, you say this is annoying !?”

The Black Yao Mo respected the heart’s discomfort, and was there whispering.

This time is different from the past, now he, even if he gave him the courage to dare, he did not dare to challenge the Empress Xuantian.

Not daring to face her, saying half a word, you can only whisper in your heart.

“I understand this time, what great destiny from Chu Yan! Hmph!”

Speaking of Great Destiny, Chu Yan was told by the people of Divine Realm that the various gods were like gods.

Some said he was a natural disaster, some said he was Great Destiny, some said he was destined …

These things are just like the gods and immortals in the mortal world. In Martial Artist World, they are all illusory.

Whether it is natural disaster, luck, or fate, no one can see and touch.

Even if it is the “Innate Fulu body” of Tianxuan Earth Palace, I am afraid it is a gimmick.

It’s just the Young Palace Lord who is the head of the 2 Dao Lineage. No one dares to say that.

However, this Chu Yan does not have any identity background. After this cultivation, it has only been a long time since Divine Realm arrived.

This is to say that there is no impact in the midst of death. The death of Hei Yao Supreme is also impossible to believe.

In fact, Hei Yao Mozun is just envious of jealousy.

Thinking of myself, I do n’t even have fleshy body anymore, and I need to start a little more cultivation. I sigh that this person is better than others and want to die ah!

“I feel like I might be Chu Yan, a brother who has been separated for many years!”

Fan Chen suddenly opened his mouth, and all of them suddenly turned their heads and looked at them together.

Well stuff! ?

I’m a brother with Chu Yan! ?

Still missing for many years! ?

You are at least 1000 years old. Chu Yan is less than 100 years old, okay! ?

“Well, it should be right. Starting today, Chu Yan is my brother!”

Fan Chen’s twitching gaze cast on all around was completely ignored, and the nodded that he couldn’t live there seemed to have made an important decision.


Hei Yao Mozun didn’t even think about it, opened his mouth and sprayed his face with saliva.

Want a face! ?

Can you make a face!

You are a monk, shouldn’t all 4 be empty! ?

At least, the face must not be so thick! ?

Fatty understood Chu Yan is the successor of the gods, and seeing that Emperor Xuantian had an unusual relationship with Chu Yan, now she is holding her thigh directly and is not ready to let go.

“Fan … Fanchen, what you said is wrong!”

Hei Yao Mozun looked straight, looked towards Fan Chen, and said.

“Oh !?” Fan Chen started.

“Actually, I also feel that Chu Yan is my dear brother for many years!”

This sentence landed, Lang Yi, Xia Hao and Mo Wu, almost fell, fell together.

I am ah!

You are better than that, to have no shame, okay! ?

Anyway, they are only a few hundred years old, but you are a thousand years …

Liu Piaopiao looked at this group of people, and countless shining rays of light appeared in his big eyes, with doubts, clear comprehension, thoughts …

On the other side, by the lake.

On the fish on the bonfire, oily hair rose, zi zi rang, and the rich fragrance spread out.

“Almost, okay … I’ll go!”

Chu Yan had just raised two grilled fish. He didn’t finish a sentence, and he saw his hands were empty. The original grilled fish disappeared instantly.

Looking up again, Emperor Bing Maiden Xue on the opposite side also disappeared.

This speed …

Chu Yan stood up, speechless, and smiled bitterly to hook the head.

This Emperor Xuantian was really strange and disappeared even more strangely.

is it possible that it’s really possible to order! ?

As soon as the fish was roasted, it disappeared in an instant, leaving nothing at all.

Immediately after that, Chu Yan rose to the sky and returned to the white jade palace.

Go back to the white jade palace, see the black Yao Dezun them, still sitting there to refining their Taobao, just like before they left.

However, after a sweep, Chu Yan always felt a little weird there.

What are these people’s eyes! ?

Let Chu Yan instantly think of his Big Brother Chu Zhan!

Chu Yan’s mouth twitched twice, disinclined to pay attention to these people, returned to his small courtyard, and began to cultivate cross-legged.

In the Code of War, cultivation is extremely slow.

It can be said that among all cultivation techniques of Chu Yan cultivation, it is the most difficult to improve.

Therefore, Chu Yan will be immersed in cultivation only with a little time.

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