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Time passed, and four days passed in a flash.

During these 4 days, natural phenomena have occurred more and more in Forbidden Land.

The big influences and cultivators of Great Influence all smelled the scent, and sent their men to leave.

Hei Yao Mozun and the others, in the white jade palace, day and night with those Dao Bao dying, their eyes are green.

However, the effort finally paid off.

Several of them, Taobao, have begun to react with them occasionally.

This small change caused a group of big men to jump up and down in the white jade palace, causing Liu Piaopiao to have various white eyes.

What’s more, Langyi seems to be favored by the Sky Map, and the small ones give some benefits.

As a result, I immediately moved from human respect to breakthrough to Earth Venerable Realm.

The benefit is not only the meaning, but Mowu also received some benefits, from continuous breakthrough of Earth Venerable Realm 1st Layer to Earth Venerable Realm 3rd Layer.

“Chu Yan, it’s almost time!”

Liu Piaopiao was fine, he had been controlling the flight of the white jade palace, and suddenly he reminded.

The East Sea Territory is located in the northern part of the 9 state, closest to Forbidden Land in Pantian.

Chu Yan heard Liu Piaopiao’s sound transmission, slowly from the eyes opened in the cultivation, and got up to the White Jade Palace.

Hei Yao Mo Zun and the others, had been waiting for him there long ago, a group of people watched Liu Piao Piao, the white jade palace stopped, and fell to a very hidden place below.

Afterwards, several people joined hands to continue to perform the secret technique to wrap the 3 Layer outside the 3 Layer in the white jade palace before leaving together.

The place where Fiendgod is located is the information obtained from the previous 9th layer building.

Therefore, Chu Yan knows the 9th layer building, and should be able to guess his movements.

After going through the white jade palace, the people in the 9th layer building may come together with other forces.

After all, the white jade palace is a blessed place, even if it is shrunk many times by Liu Piaopiao, but the area is more than a mountain range.

Such a big and blessed place, devouring all around Spirit Qi, is easy to be discovered.

In addition, Liu Piaopiao is still not very adapted to the outside environment of Spirit Qi, so Chu Yan asked her to stay here first, so she could do activities in the vicinity.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan and the others moved towards a piece of fairy sea flying away.

East Sea Territory is full of sea, and various Antiquity remains are mostly hidden under the water, making it extremely difficult to find.

Therefore, when the Eastern Sea Territory is normal, the number of cultivators who come to try is much less than other domains.

Soon, after a few hours of flight, Chu Yan and the others finally reached the location shown on the map.

I saw that in the front is a mountain range above a giant Great Island.

Above this mountain range, there are no forest trees, but a plant with a whole body of slime. From a distance, it looks like a giant octopus, which is planted in the soil.

All kinds of tentacles are dancing around everywhere, like swinging the willow against the wind, and like attracting flowers.

However, Chu Yan knew this plant, which is a rare spirit plant called demon flower.

And now, the densely packed scene in front of me, I can’t see the scene at the end, so Chu Yan they are all scalp numb.

“Fiendgod fruit, seems to be in the depths of this demon’s sea of ​​flowers …”

“These demon flowers are extremely dangerous. Be careful!”

“This time, I owe everyone a favor!”

Chu Yan looked at this scene, turned his head towards towards everyone, and bowed his hand in courtesy.

“What !? What do you say !? Owing a favor !?”

didn’t expect The word fell to the ground, but it attracted Black Yao Mozun and the others, all staring at him with an angry face.

“Uh …” Chu Yan startedled, suddenly a little ignorant.

Did you make a mistake there? ?

Why are these people angry? ?

“Chu Yan, what you said hurt our hearts …”

Fan Chen’s face full of fat, twitching constantly, and his face full of resentment, as if Chu Yan really did something angry to him, the kind he would cry in the next breath.

“What is our relationship !? Pro brother, you know !?”

“You even told us that you owe who?”

“That’s right, brother’s business is my business. My business is also my brother’s business. Then who is here!”

“Yeah, don’t say this little danger, even if it’s going up the knife mountain, going down the oil pan, brother, I won’t frown!”


Hei Yao Mozun and Fan Chen, you and I said, Chu Yan said that he felt that he had done something irrational.

what’s the situation! ?

These 2 goods, how changed, sex! ?

Chu Yan looked stunned, and swept the eyes of 2 people. Thanks again, he got up and walked to Huahai.

The demon flower, which is extremely rare outside the East Sea Territory, is not at all valuable.

It’s just that it has a special aura on it that can affect people’s minds.

Affected by it, some practitioners will be horrified, some will be stupid, and some will be crazy.

This directly erodes Divine Soul and will.

Moreover, the deeper you go, the more severe this erosion becomes.

Along the way, the time soon passed an hour.

Chu Yan and the others’ speed is not slow, and soon reached the deep range, the number and volume of demon flowers increased significantly.

Some old and broken buildings appear from time to time in the depths of the sea of ​​flowers.

Hei Yao Mozun and Fan Chen, they didn’t miss every building, they rushed in to investigate.

It’s just that simply didn’t have any gains. People who have been there before are cleaner than their faces.

“Yi!? There is a Divine Soul array here! Stop it!”

Suddenly, Fanchen complexion changed, warning

At the next breath, without waiting for everyone to react, both of his hands condensed the seal of Dao, which had been shot.

“Yo, good ah! This Divine Soul array is so strong that even the Royal Capital can be trapped! But it seems to be broken …”

Fan Chen researched while constantly explaining.

“I’m not right!”

Immediately thereafter, Fan Chen broke frowned, his face dignified a bit.

“This Divine Soul array seems to have been laid just a few hours ago …”

With this sentence, Chu Yan and the others’ face instantly changed.

Putting it that way, someone came a few hours ago! ?

Moreover, at least the powerhouse above God King Realm, otherwise this Divine Soul Great Array can trap Divine King powerhouse, and it is damaged, obviously it is man-made destruction.

“It shouldn’t be for Fiendgod fruit!” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

The next moment, waiting for the law to draw the range, several people bypassed Divine Soul Great Array and continued to fly forward.

Going further, the number of demon flowers is decreasing.

There are more and more broken buildings and palaces.

Chu Yan, Fan Chen, Black Yao Mozun 3 people, obviously feel all around in the sky, there is one after another powerful aura remains.

Among these auras, there are various existences, not only cultivators, but also some things that are not understood.

After all, here is the depth of the sea of ​​demon flowers, which is much more dangerous.

Although the cultivation bases of several of them are not weak, I am afraid it will be uncomfortable to really touch any danger.

“Yi!? Sealing Demon Blood Prison Formation !? This … is also broken !?”

Hei Yao Mozun seems to have discovered it, and also made a startled sound.

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